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Heli Crash FAQ

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Here I will attempt to locate most info and answers to questions you guys may have about heli crashes.

Q: When it says "Helicopter crashes are completely random" is there absolutely NO restrictions as to where it can spawn?

A: Naturally, there are a few restrictions, below is an image, inside the red square is the ONLY places it can spawn, it can NOT spawn outside of this square. One of the most important things when searching for crash sites is to never look in the forest, you may have heard it before but I will tell you again, it will ONLY spawn in open fields.

NOTE: The red square is a bit too small (I did it in a hurry in paint). It extends about 500-700m further north. (a little past Krasnostav)


Q: How many crash sites can there be per server?

A: 1-6.

Q: What loot can I get?

A: The loot from Heli crashes are top-tier loot, usually British. Weapons like AS50, L85A2, FN-FAL etc. are some of the loot you can find here.

Q: How much loot is there per crash site?

A: There are 6 _possible_ loot spawns, this does not mean that there MUST be 6 different loot spawns. The loot can often spawn bugged under the ground or it can be in tall grass, it is recommended to sway your crosshair back and forth to make sure there is nothing more. Also remember to check under the tail, as there can often be loot there.

(Note: It is recommended to kill and loot the "pilot zombies" (easily recognizable because they wear a large black helmet) as these can drop NV Goggles.

Q: How dangerous is it to approach a crash site?

A: Many people will tell you that this is more dangerous than running across NW Airfield holding a flare and caps in while screaming, it's not. If you are paranoid, then lay down about 200m away, take a few minutes to scout the field and look for snipers. In the end, the most dangerous thing will be the zombies, which, lets face it, isn't a real problem.

(Personal experience: Usually I only meet another survivor at a crash site in about 1/50 crash sites, better grab the loot and run off)

Q: What is the best "route" to take when looking for crash sites?

A: OQ5ZR.jpg

Note that there is a circle around Kabanino, just run the circle and then continue on the larger circle.

Note2: Following this route you will not find ALL the crashes on the server, but you are more than likely to find atleast one.

Q: Is there any places you would recommend to check?

A: North and south and Stary/Novy Sobor are GREAT, talking like 1km in each direction. (Thats 1000m, Americans...). I have often found 2-3 Crash sites in one go, only by doing a circle around these two towns. (Beware of snipers around Stary Sobor)

Q: What's the easiest way to do this?

A: Naturally, a helicopter goes fast. If you got one, just get two buddies in, drive around, when you see a crash site, one guy jumps out in a parachute, loots the whole thing then the heli returns for extracting. Sadly, most people don't have helicopters available at all times. (I know right? Buff the spawn chance by atleast a thousand times, Rocket!). If that's the case, I would advise you NOT to grab your Ural/UAZ/Tractor and go hunting, personally I prefer a bike. Not a motorcycle, but a bicycle. Why? It's silent, its quick offroad and its hard to see, compared to that blue huge Ural you are driving at the sniper hill in Stary Sobor.

Q: Is there any point in following Heli crash maps from google?

A: No. These maps are outdated as they are from before the crashes became random, as they are now.

Q: Can trash loot naturally spawn, or is that a sign of another player?

A: Trash loot can naturally spawn, but of course, someone can have dumped it there to make room for the AS50 they just got.

Q: Is there any point in camping a crash site for loot respawn?

A: No. The loot that spawns stays there infintely, or untill the crash site disappears. Once you have looted it, it's best to bolt before someone else stops by.

Q: How do I best approach a helicopter crash site?

A: If you are alone, the best idea is to scout it for a bit. (Never scout it for too long, or else someone else might come, and they might have backup). When the area is clear, use a silent weapon (in other words, dont use your AS50) to clear the zombies. Run in grab the loot, get back into the woods. If you are, however in a group, approach the crash site from different sites, the best idea is to always have atleast one spotter/scout who stays at a range of about 500m, looking for other survivors/bandits, this player does not aid in killing zombies as that would reveal him. If you arrive in a vehicle, stop for a second to unload your "looters" while the driver drives off, drive in a circle and arrive back at the crash site in about a minute. (By then the looters should be done, if not, kill them for slacking.)

Q: You are awesome! Can I play with you, pretty please?!

A: No. I play with a squad with a total of 5 people, we do not accept any more members.

If you got some info I have left out, feel free to post it and I will add it to the OP.

Edited by Dalelol
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Heres a couple that come to mind OP. Nice post BTW.

Can Helicopter loot be Cycled?

Sometimes i see trash loot on a chopper crash. Is trash loot in the chopper loot table or is that a sign another player has been there?

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Trash loot can naturally spawn there, but of course, someone can have stopped by and dropped it there.

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Crash sites can spawn just NE of Krasnostav.

No parachutes from the dayz chopper

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Trash loot can naturally spawn there, but of course, someone can have stopped by and dropped it there.

Tiny cans? Trash cans? Lol maybe...

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Crash sites can spawn just NE of Krasnostav.

No parachutes from the dayz chopper

Yes, I realise now that the square I marked up in paint might not be entirely accurate and might extend as much as 500-700m further north.

As for parachutes, I am fairly certain that the HUEY (UH1H) that is infact the "DayZ Chopper" has parachutes, so my point still stands.

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Yes, I realise now that the square I marked up in paint might not be entirely accurate and might extend as much as 500-700m further north.

As for parachutes, I am fairly certain that the HUEY (UH1H) that is infact the "DayZ Chopper" has parachutes, so my point still stands.

Needs to move more east as well. I have seen Chopper spawns just outside the south end of Berezino, and to the east of Factory down by Polana. Also there are 4 spots in a circle around Dubrovka where i see spawns quite often.

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Needs to move more east as well. I have seen Chopper spawns just outside the south end of Berezino, and to the east of Factory down by Polana. Also there are 4 spots in a circle around Dubrovka where i see spawns quite often.

Are you sure that these spawns were after the crash site spawns got reworked? I myself have never seen any of those spawns you talk about, mostly because I am never in that area, the closest I have been has been one spawn fairly close to Berezino. (If not right inside the red line, not much more than a hundred meters away)

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Good post.

I'd say killing the zombies is risky. They respawn quicker than wildfire and most people don't have silenced weapons, so chance of aggro and detection from other players is highly likely. And when the zombies do respawn, it tends to be right back on top of you if you're already at the HCS

Edited by Hobnobskid

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Are you sure that these spawns were after the crash site spawns got reworked? I myself have never seen any of those spawns you talk about, mostly because I am never in that area, the closest I have been has been one spawn fairly close to Berezino. (If not right inside the red line, not much more than a hundred meters away)

The one south of Berezino about 2 weeks ago. The one East of factory was a couple of months back (haven't seen on there since), I have seen them just west of Factory as recent as 5 days ago though, got killed looting one there. That one was 250 meters east of the eastern edge of the peak of Dubina hill. That said, aside from those near Factory and Berezino, every other spawn i have seen is well within the border you drew.

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I'll just leave this here *SPOILERS*


Hi! I can tell you clearly did not read OP, it's generally a good idea to get a basic grasp of what it contains as it usually has some decent information.

If it's too long for you, I'll shorten it down for you: These maps are outdated, these are pre-NewHeliSpawns. Next time you should take a look at the patch notes, pretty clearly stating that the spawns are now random in any open field (inside the red square on my map).

Don't worry kiddo, I am used to meeting autistic people with the attention-span of a squirrel on the internet, and reading a "wall of text" can often be hard, which is why I made it prettier with some pictures for you, you are welcome!

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Are you sure that these spawns were after the crash site spawns got reworked? I myself have never seen any of those spawns you talk about, mostly because I am never in that area, the closest I have been has been one spawn fairly close to Berezino. (If not right inside the red line, not much more than a hundred meters away)

I've seen them spawn just NE of the most northern dear stand in Berezino. Ver

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Good post.

I'd say killing the zombies is risky. They respawn quicker than wildfire and most people don't have silenced weapons, so chance of aggro and detection from other players is highly likely. And when the zombies do respawn, it tends to be right back on top of you if you're already at the HCS

Yes, this is correct. If you want to be as silent as possible you can always do what I have done numerous times (actually did it like 4 hours ago after respawning). Run in, pull all the zombies, take them with you about 75-100 meters, shake them off, run back and loot. Naturally, this is risky behavour if there are people scouting it. But as previously stated; rarely anyone camping it. And I do agree, the respawn time is a hassle, you really don't have much more than approx two minutes to loot it, which is why, if you know where to look. You should be done in a minute, or less.

The one south of Berezino about 2 weeks ago. The one East of factory was a couple of months back (haven't seen on there since), I have seen them just west of Factory as recent as 5 days ago though, got killed looting one there. That one was 250 meters east of the eastern edge of the peak of Dubina hill. That said, aside from those near Factory and Berezino, every other spawn i have seen is well within the border you drew.

The patch bringing in the new spawns for crash sites was implemented about two months ago, so you might have caught it right before that patch went out. (About 06.18.2012, don't butcher me if the date is wrong, its an aproximate. No problem for converting it into the silly "month-first-american-standard" for you people, as it seems a majority of players are american.)

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I've seen them spawn just NE of the most northern dear stand in Berezino. Ver

Personally I have not seen spawns that far east the last two months (the patch where the crash sites got reworked), so untill someone is able to provide a screenshot and/or I find one there myself, I will not bother opening paint again and having to re-do the whole map :( It's a real hassle, you guys! I gotta stretch that thing...

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Hi Dalelol you could change the post to state that this is not where ALL of the helicopters will spawn but the route you have shown will ALWAYS find at least one helicopter.

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Hi Dalelol you could change the post to state that this is not where ALL of the helicopters will spawn but the route you have shown will ALWAYS find at least one helicopter.

Done, hopefully people read it aswell :)

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after you understand trigger, scripts and co. you understand the helicopter crash mechanism in dayz. (tip: after server restart you can find it easy with a nvgoggle)

If only there was a common language so everyone would understand.. Oh wait.. Isnt that english?

Edited by Nesta

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after you understand trigger, scripts and co. you understand the helicopter crash mechanism in dayz. (tip: after server restart you can find it easy with a nvgoggle)

Sounds interesting, sadly it's in german so I will have to improvise what each word means, but seeing as english (and norwegian for that matter, as I am Norwegian) are both Germanic languages I shouldnt be too far off. Thanks for the link, the truth is im just going to get google to translate it for me.

Just so I get a little boost in the start, I am suppose to download the "Helikopter.rar" and then all the info is in the pdf, right? Right.

Edit2: To be honest, it seems like these are really just tutorials to make good Aram2 videos, and the "Helikopter.rar" just gave me a .pdf about, what seems to be a tutorial on how to make helicopters fly "autopilot" in Arma2... Neither of which really helps in a guide for Helicopter Crash Sites...

Edited by Dalelol

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Dalelol, im not saying you are wrong, but. I have been following the same map as was given previously: http://southcoastbeanwars.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Crashed-Heli-Map-v7.jpg and ive been getting one crash site/day since i started.

I do think you are right that this map is outdated, which it says, but i dont think the spawn areas have changed much.

For ex:

Last night my search was around Gorka and Polana. If you check the map i gave you then you see a crash site just north (100-200m) from Polana. That is the exact spot i found my chopper last night. Only two camo clothing though :(

Night before that, I came from NWE and went through Grisinho. The crash site on the map, 350m southeast of grisinho is where i found my AS50.

Seen three choppers on west airfield, one on the southern side (exactly where my map shows), and on the north side its been two. Found the one (from my map) on the runway infront of northern barracks, and i found the one to the east of the northern barracks.

Im not saying you are wrong, im just saying that i do not think that the spawn areas are much different then from the southcoastbeanwars map.... Right?

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Sounds interesting, sadly it's in german so I will have to improvise what each word means, but seeing as english (and norwegian for that matter, as I am Norwegian) are both Germanic languages I shouldnt be too far off. Thanks for the link, the truth is im just going to get google to translate it for me.

Just so I get a little boost in the start, I am suppose to download the "Helikopter.rar" and then all the info is in the pdf, right? Right.

Edit2: To be honest, it seems like these are really just tutorials to make good Aram2 videos, and the "Helikopter.rar" just gave me a .pdf about, what seems to be a tutorial on how to make helicopters fly "autopilot" in Arma2... Neither of which really helps in a guide for Helicopter Crash Sites...

This made me laugh. Alot.

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Dalelol, im not saying you are wrong, but. I have been following the same map as was given previously: http://southcoastbea...Heli-Map-v7.jpg and ive been getting one crash site/day since i started.

I do think you are right that this map is outdated, which it says, but i dont think the spawn areas have changed much.

For ex:

Last night my search was around Gorka and Polana. If you check the map i gave you then you see a crash site just north (100-200m) from Polana. That is the exact spot i found my chopper last night. Only two camo clothing though :(

Night before that, I came from NWE and went through Grisinho. The crash site on the map, 350m southeast of grisinho is where i found my AS50.

Seen three choppers on west airfield, one on the southern side (exactly where my map shows), and on the north side its been two. Found the one (from my map) on the runway infront of northern barracks, and i found the one to the east of the northern barracks.

Im not saying you are wrong, im just saying that i do not think that the spawn areas are much different then from the southcoastbeanwars map.... Right?

Not accusing you of saying I am wrong (Hey, the info I have posted is based mainly on my own experiences and some from my squad). And in retrospect I can agree that the red square is "wrong" (In the sense that some people claim to have found heli crashes outside of here, I myself included).

And yes, I can agree, you may very well use that map and make your own route (I would actually recommend making your own route, if this thread gets popular, then yes, some sad sacks will probably camp the route.)

If you take a look at the southbeach map and the DayzDB map that I used, there are marked Heli crashes in pretty much every open field, so yes. This map may be "correct" in the end, if you follow this map and visit all these spots, you are bound to find atleast 50% of the crashes on the server... But in the end, I wanted to "encourage" more exploring, all the spots marked on the southbeach map CAN have crashes, but there can also be crashes outside of these spawns. And you are in no way more likely to find a heli crash at a place cluttered with crash markers on that map, then to just visit a large, open field.

Anyways guys, I'm off for the night (2:30 AM here). Keep throwing questions at me and I will answer them in about 10 hours.

Edit: Also, if someone is able to prove me wrong, I take it with a smile, it just means I learned something I did not know :)

Edited by Dalelol

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