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Free Gear. At least 3 Vehicles, Enjoy.

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Server: US 1284.

Camp location, Malinovka (SE of Polana / NW Of Dolina)

They had At least 3 vehicles. A UH1H, UAZ, and URAL. From the looks of it my motorcycle, and someone elses Bike will be there too.

As as we found the camp, the admin "Banned us for Cheating/Hacking"


We found their camp, so they banned us from their server...

Well, enjoy.

Heres out Ban Appeal:


And somone else this occurred to about an hour or so after us:


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When a Admin get to much power they always kick people for killing them/stealing their stuff e.g Battlefield 3 server admins kick you for killing them. -.- ( makes me sick )

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Since most likely nothing will come of our posts to the moderators.

I figured the least I could do, is provide others with opportunity to get their spoils.

Who knows. They've had about 12 hours to pickup camp and move it...

This is why you shouldn't get attached to your gear or vehicles...

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I was kicked off a server for killing an admin, and his friend. They were landing a heliccopter and I killed both of them. As i was running to the chopper they kicked everyone off the server and locked the server till they got the chopper back. I made a thread about it a while back with a screenshot. Nothing was done to them. They should've had their server blacklisted. I have my own server and I respect the players. If they kill me fairly and loot my tents or vehicles fairly, I dont get mad.

They need to blacklist servers that do that shit.

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I have encountered many admins like this and even admins that hack/cheat (US 1040 anyone?). But you are right most admins use their positions for self benefit and it ruins gameplay.

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2240? What time zone?

My friend and I are just trying to find a new server to go to, our old one must have gotten turned off/didnt pay the bill.

So we've been server hopping trying to find a new "home"

We just stumbled upon 1284, since it was mid-pop, <30 ping, and current version.

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another pitfall avoided by preferring not to seek PvP....

Still super weak if admins are doing this.

Why are you playing if you don't want legitimate competition?

You only get better be learning from your defeats and playing people better than yourself.

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2240? What time zone?

My friend and I are just trying to find a new server to go to, our old one must have gotten turned off/didnt pay the bill.

So we've been server hopping trying to find a new "home"

We just stumbled upon 1284, since it was mid-pop, <30 ping, and current version.

My server is based in the eastern time zone, however I cater to the night players of this game. Beings i mostly work during the day, it only leaves my nights available for game play. My server time is set to +12 GMT. It gets light on my server around 2pm or 3pm eastern time and gets dark around 5am or 6am eastern.

You are more than welcome to come play.

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My server is based in the eastern time zone, however I cater to the night players of this game. Beings i mostly work during the day, it only leaves my nights available for game play. My server time is set to +12 GMT. It gets light on my server around 2pm or 3pm eastern time and gets dark around 5am or 6am eastern.

You are more than welcome to come play.

See you tonight. Glad to see honest admins responding to threads. I give the benefit of the doubt to most people. Just obnoxious that Jose who are supposed to be moderating the server are often the worst offenders of abuse.

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Got myself a mk48 and a FN FAL from the ural

Edited by WooTs

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Well Done WooT!

People keep on looting!

WE would of been nice, taken a gun/ammo/basic med supplies.

And A single vehicle...

Im hoping now, this camp gets ransacked and run over for being an abusive admin.

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I wonder once they see people there how many more will get banned. The lack of response from their side is shockingly quiet. Granted they have better things to do ie. Work or school. Looking forward to seeing their proof and defense as to why they feel the need to ban people looting their camps. And as of 3pm Est my ban has not been lifted by any of the admins of this server. Tempted to know if all of the vehicles were still there ? WooT or anyone care to confirm ? Also curious if a motorcycle is by the Ural or in camp since that is what harette and I took to get there.

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I have encountered many admins like this and even admins that hack/cheat (US 1040 anyone?). But you are right most admins use their positions for self benefit and it ruins gameplay.

"Most" Admins DO NOT use their positions for self benefit. Compared to the number of servers in circulation and the number of admin abuse threads, very few do. A lot of admin abuse threads are also incorrect and falsely accuse admins of abuse when the problem is a known bug, they have no idea what they are talking about, they have been kicked/banned with evidence and are butthurt, they are noobs but don't know it and confuse script kiddies with admins.

How many times has your "gameplay" been ruined by a script kiddie, alt+f4ggot, and/or ghoster compared to admins?

If you come across an abusive admin, report them, and then find another server to play on. Sucks, but that is life.

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Nothing left........Crawled for 15 min to sneak up there, Weak.

Good to know. Just goes to show they know they've been put on blast and all they were concerned with was their gear. Bet the next poor group of people to find it will be banned for cheating as well. Thanks for your feedback ! A can of beans for your crawl good sir.

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2240? What time zone?

My friend and I are just trying to find a new server to go to, our old one must have gotten turned off/didnt pay the bill.

So we've been server hopping trying to find a new "home"

We just stumbled upon 1284, since it was mid-pop, <30 ping, and current version.

Come play on US 2147, check out our thread in the server general forums. We're always looking for honest competitive players.

- S^ Diaonic

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Oh hey 1284s servers down, would you look at that. Went offline at 2012-08-23 19:42. so 3:42 EST if I can do -4gmt correctly in my head.

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