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About Diaonic

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Diaonic

    US 2147 Admin Ban

    Message me your player name and or guid and I'll look into it.
  2. Diaonic

    Pending Update: Build

    The hackers are definitely an issue. On my server though we have a second issue, you can pretty much follow the coast line or go north toward Zelenogorsk and find tent cities everywhere with every hacked weapon, tools. We don't even stop at heli crash sites anymore. It's really sad, I miss the days of grabbing a winny and heading into battle. You can't do that when everyone has AS50s. +1 for complete wipe.
  3. Diaonic

    US 2147 - STR8UP Clan

    We would of left David's body but he had some weapons he shouldn't have. TWS, Satchel charges ect... We left yours because it looked legit. See you out there.
  4. Diaonic

    US 2147 - STR8UP Clan

    McLovin - we almost wrote you guys off as a pig last night on Dobry, when I took a second look though one of you guys were rolling around constantly.... Anywho minutes after I killed you someone stole our truck and this happened. Good times last night.
  5. Diaonic

    US 2147 - STR8UP Clan

    The only way I've found to fix this: Try to login to a server running version You will get stuck on "Loading..." Ctrl - alt - delete and end the arma 2 game. Load up your client again and connect to US 2147. It should spawn you at one of the coast locations with all your gear. Basically what's trying to happen is, when you try to connect to an older version of the game with a newer client it's not recognizing your player location as being valid. When you login to our server it doesn't know where this invalid location is so it dumps you into one of the fresh spawn locations. Btw we should of annouced we switched the server to "normal" mode last night. We found no one is playing Vetern anymore and we just want players on our server. As a clan we hate name plates and really everything that is "normal". In the end though, whats the point of having a server if you don't have players? -Diaonic
  6. Diaonic

    Players - Server Population

    We've had hackers on occasion but we have a team of admins who deal with it pretty quickly when it does happen. Our regular players email us when it's happening so we can verify the incident and deal with it accordingly. This is sad DayZ is losing it's player base because of the standalone. A small patch that would fix: Graphics Glitch Tent / Vehicle saving Bandit Mask bug / lose your backpack I would be pretty content with playing this until standalone comes out. Hopefully Rocket and company can recognize this before it's too late.
  7. Are people not playing veteren anymore or is the population of the community dwindling? Our server use to be packed every night, I would have to kick people idling in the lobby to free up slots for players. We're lucky to get 15 regular players a night now, we're running and the latest arma 2 beta. This is mind boggling, it's like it happened over night. -Diaonic Server: US 2147
  8. Diaonic

    US 2147 - STR8UP Clan

    I was on the motor bike passing through and someone was firing at me from Balota. I came back through about 15 minutes later and I couldn't find anyone in Balota or Cherno.
  9. Diaonic

    US 2147 - STR8UP Clan

    My only addition to what JB has already done is. Use the admin contact. I list my personal email address on the server whenever you connect to play, it's also on the first post of this thread. If you feel you've been wronged, send me an email explaining what happened. I'll look through the logs, identify what happened and if your request matches my findings we'll unban you. I can honestly say we don't: Ban for killing us Ban for stealing a vehicles Ban for raiding a camp ( we actually don't make camps) We don't restart the server when one of us dies. We do ban for: Spawning vehicles Spawning weapon crates teleporting crashing helicopters all around the map. God mode Anything else that's suspect. Our server is not set to auto kick anyone with a 150+ ping. If the server is close to an unplayable state we will restart it. For instance about a week ago a hacker had flown like 15 helicopters into the ground, the entire map was a fire ball. This is not a pure enviroment and we don't want that shit on our server. We notify our users 10 minutes before a restart so they can get to a safe place. With that being said here's another funny clip from last night.. Cheers, Diaonic
  10. Diaonic

    US 2147 - STR8UP Clan

    I had you guys pinned down pretty good, then I was trying to come out of crouching and hit my vault key and jumped off the top of the radio tower.... Luckily i got prigidorky spawn and got back to my body fast. Good times
  11. Diaonic

    US 2147 - STR8UP Clan

    That was JB and I, I was the sniper on the radio tower. Good fights man :)
  12. Diaonic

    US 2147 - STR8UP Clan

    That was me chatting with you :) Shoot on sight thing atleast when I'm working with the guys is about threat progression. If the someone appears to be a threat or could be a threat for the mission or target we're after, we shoot and ask questions later. If your body looks legit and not a hacker kit. We'll typically leave it intact and we might even message you and tell you to come get your body.
  13. Diaonic

    US 2147 - STR8UP Clan

    Just bumping this. We've noticed that a lot of hackers are using proxy servers. We've modified our battle eye config to kick anyone with a 150+ ping. I know this will get rid of some legit players, but we're trying to create a pure environment. Anyone using a Brazilian proxy server to try to play / hack on our server will be auto kicked.
  14. Diaonic

    US 2147 - STR8UP Clan

    Is that....troll I smell?
  15. Come play on US 2147, check out our thread in the server general forums. We're always looking for honest competitive players. - S^ Diaonic