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[GoC] Guardians of Chernarus Recruiting

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Ingame name: Cowan108/Thirdnut108/Cowan

Steam Name: cowan108

Age: 15

Mic: Yes.

Preferred role: Assault or Sniper, whatever is needed at the time.

Timezone: EST (GMT -5)

How often do you play a day and at what times: Seeing as I'm in school, I'll usually only be on on the weekends. When i play on the weekends I can promise I will be on a lot.

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Ingame name: Stephen

Steam Name: sneakyuk

Age:16 (17 in a month)

Mic: I do have a mic, yes.

Preferred role: A sniper, although since there is 5 of them I do not mind being a spotter

Timezone: GMT+1

How often do you play a day and at what times: I play every day usually, sometimes I don't though. I don't usually have specific times as to when I play, but can usually play when people want me to.

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Ingame name:Frost

Steam Name:DjKaumi23


Mic:Yes, and TS

Preferred role:Assault


How often do you play a day and at what times:Normally once a day for a few hours, and around midnight my time.

Just got wiped by a hacker that took down the whole server, T-T so no gear to bring to the table. sorry.

Edited by ScareletteFrost

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  On 8/24/2012 at 7:46 AM, ScareletteFrost said:

Just got wiped by a hacker that took down the whole server, T-T so no gear to bring to the table. sorry.

That seriously sucks, I feel bad for you, man :(

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Ingame name: Richard_Turpin

Steam Name: Richard_Turpin

Age: 20

Mic: Yes

Preferred role: Spotter/Assault. I am currently geared towards a spotter role.

Timezone: GMT+1

How often do you play a day and at what times: Varies wildly, usually mid-afternoon until late 2 hours+. I can be available for almost any organised meet-ups if given advanced warning.

I've been looking for an organised group for a while, getting fed up with the lone-wolf life in DayZ.

Edited by Richard_Turpin

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This seems like an excellent clan, it's basically my ideal team setup. I would be honored to join!

Ingame name: Eddie Blackjack

Steam Name: Papa Goat

Age: 22

Mic: Yes

Preferred role: Heavy Sniper/Anti-Vehicle (Grenade launchers, .50 cal rifles, things that go boom) I would be fine with spotting though.

Timezone: EST

How often do you play a day and at what times: 7-10 PM on weekdays (due to job), usually free all day on weekends.

Quick question about teamspeak, can you send me the download link? I can only manage to find the server download haha :huh:

Will give beans to whoever helps me out with that.

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I've sent the request through steam, just waiting for your reply.

*EDIT* To make things easier I've changed my steam profile name to match my in game name for DayZ.

Edited by Asai

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  On 8/25/2012 at 1:22 AM, captainwaffles said:

I challenge goc

How so?

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I've sent friend requests on Steam to everyone listed I believe, just waiting on replies from some more.

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Ingame name: Thenic141

Steam Name: krustydaclown

Age: 17

Mic: Yes

Preferred role: 1. Sniper

Timezone: GMT +1

How often do you play a day and at what times: About everyday and from 4pm to 10pm

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Applications are still closed, editing player list and finally accepting everyone who applied before the applications were closed on Steam. Been having some really fun times except for last night.

Hacker cloned himself 12 times, instaspawned right next to me and instantly opened fire upon spawning at one of our guys just downing him before he managed to abort.

Next, a hacker was using a high powered sniper rifle with explosive rounds and killed one of us, we aborted, relogged to go avenge our guy and he destroyed 1 of our broken atv's and must have instarepaired the other one and drove off with it :(

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Ingame Name: XxMercerxX

Steam Name: gamer2234616

Age: 16

Mic: Yes

Preferred Role: Sniper/Assault

Timezone: Central

(BTW If you'd like. Check out my YouTube videos, just about all of it is DayZ PvP)


Edited by xXxSlyWolfxXx

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Added a few more people on steam to compensate for the people i kicked that sent in apps but never added me on steam or just haven't been on in general. Looking for a really active group.

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Ingame name: McCully

Steam Name: Ahndi94 (http://steamcommunity.com/id/andrewmccully)

Age: 18

Mic: Yerp (yes)

Preferred role: Any really, although I'm not kitted out for sniping or support.

Timezone: GMT (Scotland)

How often do you play a day and at what times: I can play whenever I want at the moment.

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In-game name: Hirocan(mostly)/Matthew(sometimes)

Steam Name: King Hirocan

Age: 17(18 next month)

Mic: Yea(But need a new one)

Preferred role: Sniper(mostly)/Assault

Timezone: GTM-5

How often do you play a day and at what times: Between 1:00p.m.- 3:30a.m.

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Ingame name: MattTheSurvivor

Steam Name:Bluefrosty123



Preferred role:Spotter


How often do you play a day and at what times: Alot 5pm-4am

Note: Upon sending in this request, add me on steam and send me a message so i can get to know you and decide whether i'm going to let you in

Edited by Matt The Survivor

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Ingame name: Slankydudl

Steam Name: Slankydudl

Age: 16

Mic: yes

Preferred role: Sniper or assault

Timezone: gmt - 12

How often do you play a day and at what times: weekdays after schools when i can and weekends when i can... depends on whats going on irl.

Note: Upon sending in this request, add me on steam and send me a message so i can get to know you and decide whether i'm going to let you in

Edited by Slankydudl

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So today 3 of us were killed by a sniper, and later on we found an s3 civ. driving around elektro, i tailed it on a bike to cherno and was ambushed at the firhouse by 3 guys. 2 of us then ambushed the truck as it was heading back to elektro, we stole the truck and as i was running towards cherno again while getting tailed by like 6 zombies, a guy named shane was riding a bike along the road.

I looked at him and let him go, i then turned around to make sure he wasn't going to get off and shoot me in the back, he didn't but i made the quick decision. I stopped, right clicked to aim down the scope of my m107, frantically looked for shane in my sights while i was being bludgeoned by zombies, and BANG, took the shot. Shane was killed appeared.

He had an m249saw and a few other things, i had 1 bandit kill.

Shane, i'm sorry =[ i feel terrible.

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Also, we're still looking for people to join us. If I haven't added you it's because you aren't at least 16, haven't added me on steam, or i have reason to believe you would not be a good fit here/i/we don't like you.

People under the age of 16 may join only if they have a recommendation from a current member

Edited by Littleassassin2

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Alright, so due to school starting, people are going to be off a lot more so i am looking to increase our member count to make up for the people who can't be on a lot. You can now start applying again.

Remember, if i haven't added you to my friends list on steam, it's because a) you never added me b)we don't think you'd be a good fit c)after speaking to you i didn't like something about you.

We're a very friendly group, we have a lot of great times also with a shit ton of laughs.

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Ingame name: Severance

Steam Name: Revv

Age: 31

Mic: yes. (Have TS3, mumble, Vent and Raidcall

Preferred role: Whatever is needed but assault/close quarters and/or scavenger. (still new to game but learning very quickly)

Timezone: Australia (GMT+10)

How often do you play a day and at what times: Only recently got the game but Im a hardcore gamer that plays all day and most of the night. Im a stay at home dad so I can adjust my sleeping pattern to suit whenever we play.

You didn't say what your steam name is so I am assuming it's your forum name from here, will try adding it now anyway.

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