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Shadows, on or off?

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I found that shadows off helps you spot much easier than with them on. Nice performance boost too. I'd be surprised if anyone actually leaves them on.

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Always off, ghilles may as well be invisible with them enabled

Edited by smasht_AU

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I have them off because it's a great boost in performance for my old PC.

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Yeah, that's one of reasons I'm looking forward to standalone DayZ, because it will be forced to on in some way. I consider turning shadows off as the same meta-gaming as turning your gamma and brightness up. Shadow is pretty natural cover and it has it's use and me plus lot of people I know use them when moving from point to point and it piss me off that anyone can just turn them off, so your effort is completely useless.

Actually, shadows have minimal impact on fps. You can turn them on normal (processed via CPU) or High (processed via GPU), depending which of these are less stressed in game. For my old ATI 4850 is the difference 3-5 fps. If you want to turn something off, it is anti-aliasing (disabling from low raised my fps by 12), but without shadows, game is much poorer.

Don't spoil your experience :)

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I actually run with shadows at minimum settings. I find the shadow gives the enemy away sometimes and though it is a bit of a graphical bug exploit, often the shadows of other players are visible through buildings and even over hills.

Besides, the shadows look cool.

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Turning shadows from off to high only loses me around 10 fps, but I leave them off regardless as I know it puts me at a disadvantage against those who leave them off regardless of performance.

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On. This game to me is about feeling and flavor. Favorite moment of shadows came when i was in was first person. I was about to hold lean to check up the street when the long shadow of a z walking down the street was cast on the ground right next to me. It was getting larger. I crept the hell away. That was scary.

Edited by Trizzo

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Shadows on. Game looks bland without them. Dont really care if other people have them for an advantage, i have them on as with them off the game looks are very lacking..its 2012 not 1980.

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Always have them on evern on a slightly older rig at the moment. It just adds so much atmosphere, even caught myself jumping at my own shadow on occasion running through the woods at dawn and my shadow gets cast onto a tree to the side of me, scary stuff.

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