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Buff up PvE

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Okay, we all know DayZ has become somewhat of a deathmatch. Zombies aren't really much of a threat anymore. So I thought I might throw some ideas forward, they probably have been mentioned before.. but oh well!

Boss Zombies: There's no way that every zombie on an entire continent should be the same exact zombie. There should be stronger zombies, boss zombies perhaps that are a little more of a threat than you're average joe zombie.

This is how I would do it: Set to spawn boss zombies in high heat areas like the air fields, or 1-3 in Elektro. These can be buffer, more mutated zombies that can spit acid/run faster/hit harder/etc. These zombies have higher chances to spawn loot, and a low chance to spawn rare loot. Perhaps a costume that gives you torn up zombie clothes? The possibilities are endless.

I was really surprised that the soldier zombies don't pose a greater threat than the regulars. This should be expanded on too.

I would just really like to see the zombie aspect improved. Mainly because it would make teamwork more popular and PvE a challenge.

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Okay, we all know DayZ has become somewhat of a deathmatch. Zombies aren't really much of a threat anymore. So I thought I might throw some ideas forward, they probably have been mentioned before.. but oh well!

Boss Zombies: There's no way that every zombie on an entire continent should be the same exact zombie. There should be stronger zombies, boss zombies perhaps that are a little more of a threat than you're average joe zombie.

This is how I would do it: Set to spawn boss zombies in high heat areas like the air fields, or 1-3 in Elektro. These can be buffer, more mutated zombies that can spit acid/run faster/hit harder/etc. These zombies have higher chances to spawn loot, and a low chance to spawn rare loot. Perhaps a costume that gives you torn up zombie clothes? The possibilities are endless.

I was really surprised that the soldier zombies don't pose a greater threat than the regulars. This should be expanded on too.

I would just really like to see the zombie aspect improved. Mainly because it would make teamwork more popular and PvE a challenge.

LFD much? while I hate the idea of boss zombies I think some changes should be made according to what kind of zombie your trying to kill, solider zombies have bullet proof vests, so you cant really shoot them in the chest area. but this is a survival simulator so you cant really have tanks running around unless you have a very good reason how they ended up like that.

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Great ideas. I believe Rocket has said that he plans to make different kinds of zombies or natural mutations and that he would like them to be more scary.

Scary to me means (besides zobmies just looking scarier) that they pose a major threat, not to be F'd with without support or at least without major artillery. I think that would give people a reason to engage in some coop play more often, something this mod desperately needs.

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I like that idea as well. Although there are zombies running around, dayz is pretty realistic.

What I would like to see are some zombies, which are very very rare, that just make you think "WTF is going on?".

Maybe some really disturbing "creatures", with legs 3m long or something like that XD. Heavily mutated.

Just imagine it with this very example:

You sneak through a city. You go around a corner and there's a zombies, it looks like he is sitting there ... you try to sneak by.

Suddenly the zombie stands up and has legs of a grotesque length, which you couldn't see before, because it was sitting in the

grass and the legs were bent to the back of the creature.

To give you a better idea of how this could look I drew a picture really fast:


Once again ... such special grotesque creatures should be very rare, but I bet this would scare the shit out

of many players when they don't expect it XD.

Edited by grasmann

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Of all the possible ways a person could mutate into a horrifying creature, you really went with long legs?..

And I thought Rocket said there would be no 'special infected' a whIle back? They should just give all zombies a health buff TBH.

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Mh ... I don't know. I think such long limbs are pretty horrifying XD.

But the thought was another one:

If the zombie just sits there, in high grass, you probably won't see the legs, and when it suddenly stands up you think "Oh fuck".

And because of the long legs it could have a pretty fast movement, while the animation would still be kind of slow.

For every 10 steps you do to escape it, it just does 1 step and keeps up with you.

I would consider that pretty scary, if I would encounter such a creature in real life XD.

Also the walk animation would look very uncommon, because of the limbs that are bent backwards.

Everything that looks uncommon is naturally scary.


Tell me an actually living creature like that wouldn't be scary XD.



Edited by grasmann

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I like that idea as well. Although there are zombies running around, dayz is pretty realistic.

What I would like to see are some zombies, which are very very rare, that just make you think "WTF is going on?".

Maybe some really disturbing "creatures", with legs 3m long or something like that XD. Heavily mutated.

Just imagine it with this very example:

You sneak through a city. You go around a corner and there's a zombies, it looks like he is sitting there ... you try to sneak by.

Suddenly the zombie stands up and has legs of a grotesque length, which you couldn't see before, because it was sitting in the

grass and the legs were bent to the back of the creature.

To give you a better idea of how this could look I drew a picture really fast:


Once again ... such special grotesque creatures should be very rare, but I bet this would scare the shit out

of many players when they don't expect it XD.

too much like resident evil?

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For a matter of fact: I like the Resident Evil games.

But to be fair here ... long limbs are more fitting for DayZ than anything that appears in RE, apart from the normal zombies.

I'm not asking to include a Nemesis, which is hunting you with a rocket launcher XD, or 50m high fat creatures with tentacles.

I just think it would be a nice diversion to have something that really scares the people instead of just "normal zombies".

Long limbs and stuff like that, seem fitting to me, it's scary, it's different, but still not too exaggerated IMO.

Apart from that my real favorite horror games are the Silent Hill games, but the monster from those really don't fit XD.

Edited by grasmann

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I like that idea as well. Although there are zombies running around, dayz is pretty realistic.

What I would like to see are some zombies, which are very very rare, that just make you think "WTF is going on?".

Maybe some really disturbing "creatures", with legs 3m long or something like that XD. Heavily mutated.

Just imagine it with this very example:

You sneak through a city. You go around a corner and there's a zombies, it looks like he is sitting there ... you try to sneak by.

Suddenly the zombie stands up and has legs of a grotesque length, which you couldn't see before, because it was sitting in the

grass and the legs were bent to the back of the creature.

To give you a better idea of how this could look I drew a picture really fast:


Once again ... such special grotesque creatures should be very rare, but I bet this would scare the shit out

of many players when they don't expect it XD.

I like this idea much :D

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