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About smokeshadows

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. The server is legit, I've been playing on it for a few weeks now. No hackers that I've encountered, and Guidez is always willing to listen to the community on the forums regarding possible changes (day night cycle, etc). Five bones is money well spent IMO to avoid another night wasted due to some hacker doing his thing because daddy didn't love him. Come join us!
  2. smokeshadows


    Yep, I totally don't blame the dev team for not being as open about the coming updates anymore, the update threads are full of whiney entitled brats spewing their haterade I was kinda suprised how nice people are in the reddit suggestion thread when i was reading today compared to here in the official forums (http://www.reddit.co...t_want_in_dayz/ ) "thank you" " great game" etc and constructive collaboration...compared to the venom in this place....yeeeshhh anyway, on a positive note.....WHEN 1.7.3 comes out, I'm totally taking the day off and going scouting for a dog! B)
  3. smokeshadows

    Buff up PvE

    Great ideas. I believe Rocket has said that he plans to make different kinds of zombies or natural mutations and that he would like them to be more scary. Scary to me means (besides zobmies just looking scarier) that they pose a major threat, not to be F'd with without support or at least without major artillery. I think that would give people a reason to engage in some coop play more often, something this mod desperately needs.
  4. smokeshadows

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    wow, just wow. you're a complete idiot apologies for the entitled internet babies. i played all day today with a friend and had a great time, we were actually both commenting on how we were enjoying seeing the game come together before our eyes so quickly. keep up the sick work rocket and co!!!!!
  5. smokeshadows

    DayZ "Class/Profession" System Idea

    Not really. A system like this would actually be more realistic and hardcore than the game is now. In real life, we do fall into a "class" system if you want to break it down to that level (although admittedly, its not as black and white as this). Most people in this world that can fix my truck wouldn't have the first idea how to perform a blood transfusion. By looking at what skills someone had before the apocolypse and how they might adapt those skills seems much more realistic to me than the current system, which is "I spawn on the beach as MacGyver, ready to skin some animals, repair a helicopter and then perform double bypass surgery." That guy probably doesn't exist. At the end of the day, we are playing a "game" that has "game" elements. There is a health bar. Eating meat gives me 800 blood. I can always crawl around and never worry about attracting zombies. Just because something is added to the game does not necessarily "gamify" it. I personally love that DayZ is attempting to 'keep it real' for the most part. I think a "class" or "learning from others" system takes it to the next level in that regard. It moves away from the idea that people are only for killing and looting (not that it is a bad thing, but there should be real options to consider before pulling that trigger) and also gets away from the idea that I spawn on the beach as Billy Badass, with all the skills needed to survive the apocolypse.
  6. smokeshadows

    DayZ "Class/Profession" System Idea

    Thanks for some feedback. I like Deuzerre's idea for disadvantages to go along with each class, that seems to be in line with the nature of DayZ - nothing comes for free. I also liked the Superdelux's idea of spawning as a random class to keep it fresh and challenging. That said, I REALLY like Nexiv's idea for being able to learn skills from others. That really makes a lot of sense, realistically speaking, and would really add a whole new component to the game. As Nexiv said, as of now, a player's value is determined only by the amount of beans in his pack. I'M MORE THAN A PACK OF BEANS, I'M A MAN, DAMMIT! Nexiv's idea would add so much to the dynamics of this game. As Nexiv said, there needs to be some kind of system in place that makes people valuable, for their skills and knowledge, just as they would be in a real zombie apocolypse. I'm not sure if a class system / learning dynamic is the answer either, but this idea was born out of a desire to accomplish that end goal. And NO, I'm not saying this game should go carebear mode and everyone helps everyone. CHOICE and FREE WILL are key to DayZ. These systems would actually make the choices harder, more tense and more real (Do I try to befriend this person and learn from him, allowing me a better chance of long term survival? Or do I just pop a cap in him and take his goods? OR do I learn from him now, then betray him later on...? And what is HE planning?) Because right now, when meeting a random player there isn't much "choice" at all....as Nexiv said its all risk and no real reward, most everyone shoots.
  7. I was bored on my lunch break today and started sketching out my answer to the question - how could DayZ implement a class system? I don't want to "gameify" DayZ, but I think classes could be done in a realistic way. I also think that it could add a lot to the character investment, and also give a reason to encourage interactions between players besides just shooting each other. How it functions: When starting a character, DayZ asks what your character was doing before the outbreak (prior profession) - that will determine your "class". As you spend more time in the game, surviving, you begin to adapt to your environment, and you begin to adapt your old skills into this new world, unlocking new abilities. You are not getting XP for killing zomibes, but instead the longer you survive - the more your skills begin to adapt slowly and naturally. Possibly there are choices between two adaptations at each stage so that the player picks one, they are locked out from the other (allowing for differing character types, more replayability). If you manage to stay alive for long enough (several hours) you begin to unlock party-oriented adaptation perks which can make you a very valuable asset to a group. So here are some class ideas I had sketched out and some possible adaptations/perks...sorry had to use the stupid adaptation names for added entertainment MEDIC Life before the outbreak: Doctor, Nurse, RN, Paramedic Adaptations: SCHOOL NURSE - More efficient with medical supplies, quicker use SHARIN' NEEDLES- Able to use medical items twice SECURITY BLANKET - Heat packs keep you warm for an extended amount of time Party Adaptations PREVENTATIVE MEDICINE - Party has less chance of bleeding or going unconscious NURSE, SHOCK PADDLES...CLEAR! - Medic has a 1-time use EKG item that will bring a recently-killed player back to this mortal coil if revived within 60 seconds of death TRACKER Life before the outbreak: Vet, Park Ranger, Hunter, Ted Nuget Adaptations: DUCK SEASON - Ability to track animals QUIVER - able to stack arrows in inventory POSITIONAL AWARENESS - tracker will point to his location when viewing the map TAKE IT ALL BUT THE BONE - Get more meat off carcasses POISON DART - Ability to make arrows with nonlethal poison tranq (after combining arrow with coke-cola haha) Party Adaptations NIGHT OPS - Tracker and his party can see better in the dark COOK Life before the outbreak: Chef, Food Service, Butcher Adaptations: CHEF BOYARDEE - Ability to cook beans, which grants additional blood recovery GORDON RAMSEY - Superior cooking techniques allow you to cook meat that grants more blood recovery and satisfies hunger for an extended period GOT A LIGHT? - Can start fires with flares Party Adaptations SECRET SAUCE - Cooked meat has the ability to grant blood above the max blood level, to 15000, when consumed by party members AGENT Life before the outbreak: Military, Private Security, Police, Body Guard Adaptations: GOOD WITH GUNS - slightly increased accuracy, reload and reduced recoil MACGYVER - use of duct tape allows for a flashlight to be attached to most all weapons KARATE CHOP - ability to use a single melee attack, which is ineffective against groups of zombies but has the ability to stagger and cause light damage to a single zombie Party Adaptations: BODYGUARD - Ability to craft crude body armor with found scrap metal. Armor protects the wearer from a few bullets before its shredded, and does not protect against zombie attacks or headshots PARATROOPER - Party outfitted with parachutes which allow heli jumps and base jumps off taller structures MECHANIC Life before the outbreak: Mechanic, Pilot, Trucker, Cabbie, Getaway driver, chauffeur, Driver's ed teacher Adaptation GREASE MONKEY - Can fix up vehicles with fewer items JOY RIDER - Repaired vehicles use less gas and have increased durability GONE IN 60 - Driver has superior handling in vehicles and can reach increased top speeds Party Adaptation PARTY BUS - repaired bus combined with several found guns and scrap metal allows for a rolling death machine equipped with armor and mounted guns SURVIVOR Life prior to the outbreak: Athlete, Convict, Personal Trainer, Construction Worker SLOW METABOLISM - Food and water levels take longer to decrease JUST A FLESH WOUND - After using a bandage, blood level will recover some blood lost WALK IT OFF - Once a day, player is able to instantly get up after being knocked unconscious STRONG BACK - Additional inventory slots Party Adaptation CONDITIONING - Party members are able to run/crawl/swim faster, and are less likely to get knocked unconscious COMMS MANAGER Life before the outbreak: Tech Support, Engineer, Telemarketer Adaptations: TRANSMISSION HACKER - With a radio, player is able to hear occasional hidden broadcasts which discuss where high value loot, vehicles, etc. can be found. Party Adaptations TRIANGULATION - If party members are equipped with a radio, comms manager is able to triangulate their position which makes party members appear on the map EYE IN THE SKY - Once every hour, with use of a map and gps device, player is able to tap into a decommissioned military satellite and scan an area of the map - revealing other players, vehicles, etc. Yeah well those were some of my ideas, sketched out today while devouring a lunchable...feel free to post some class ideas of your own if you're feelin froggy.