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I had one, but ffs don't wear it or the camo. When you rejoin or join on another server you'll spawn miles away from the shore where you'll have to swim back for like 30 mins, that will result in loss of all the things you had and the only thing left will be your stupid suit... For your owns sake people don't use Camo or Ghillie suit untill it gets patched.

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I guess the words "rare" and "random" don't apply to you then. Look pal, no offense, but they have been found in 1.7.

You people need to stop getting your panties in a bunch when something doesn't work out exactly like you envisioned it.

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I have a Ghillie suit, and I wear it. I knew I would spawn in the wilderness, but I decided to risk it for the suit. I ended up spawning in the debug forest, so I walked east for about 3 minutes until I was back on the map. It was a non issue.

Now I am invisible in grass...

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I haven't found any other skins in-game, or vehicles for that matter. Does that mean they're not there?

Ohh noooo

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I have played lots of hours (50?), but I have never ever seen a tent-item. I don't even know what the drop looks like. However, I've seen plenty in the forest, so evidently people actually find them and put them where I walk.

Napoleon isn't pleased.

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I found one in Zub Castle yesterday, only issue I had was when fitted my kill stats zeroed and my Humanity Face went evil! I swapped back to Civilian, same prob, then back to Ghillie again and it returned to normal. The screen flashed each time I did a change, but I was still in same position in Zub (first floor). I've also found a tent in one of those small black wooden houses in Kamyshovo a couple of dayz ago, so the stuff seems to been spawning OK. The servers were all UK/EU servers.

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I found a camo suit today in a store and I shot a Ghillie suit, dead.

Also found a couple of tents, something that I have not seen for a while.

Last but not least, I found a BIKE and I peddled all the way to the bar to have a beer in Elektro, the bar opposite the store.

If I catch the little pistol that shot me and nicked my bike,,, I'll kill him...

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Found a ghillie the other day in a train station. Found a ton of camos.

Tents on the other hand - I haven't seen one of those in quite some time. I've seen plenty of pitched ones though. /shrug

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Ghillie suits are just very very very rare.

I have been playing for 50+ hours and have yet to see NVGs

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At 50 hours logged I've found 1 ghillie suit, and 1 tent.

Also I've never found a NVG's or vehicles.

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