Lone Raider 1 Posted August 22, 2012 (edited) So i´ve been playing DayZ for a few Weeks now and all i can say is:90% of the Survivors are not very nice.I don´t want to bitch about getting killed, just the reasons behind it.(Just btw: My Humanity is on 10.000.)Some of my Experiences:1. I ran out of Electro, heading North to the Airfield. As i entered a barn, hoping i would find some food, i ran into a survivor with a Camo.He looked at me with his Aviator Sunglasses, in the second he unloaded his mag in my body.Note: I had a Ghillie Suit and a M16ACOG equipped.2. I teamed up with a survivor at the harbor of balota, when i heard that some other survivors at the airstrip are starving. The nice guy i am, i explained the situation to my new buddy an we headed towards the hangar.We found 2 Man, one in a Ghillie with a M4CCO an the other one with a AK or something. I dropped some Cooked Meat for them an we started discussing what to do next.After we decided to rush into the military camp next to us, we started running over the field. Suddenly, the 2 new Guys stopped. I turned around, just to see how my buddy got a killed from behind. I almost wanted to shout "Sniper", when i realized the Ghillie- Man was aiming at me and started to shoot. I dropped to the floor and tried to hit him at least with my revolver, but i missed and died. Can´t figure out why they did this.3. Once i entered a Industrial Building, looking for some Stuff, when suddenly bullets hit the wall behind me. Immediatly i ran up the stairs and waited a few seconds. Then i decided to smoke this guy. I walked slowly down the stairs, always aiming through my AK- Kobra Sight. As i looked through a door, i saw his silhouette and unloaded my whole mag into him.If he wouldn´t have started to shooting at me, he could still be alive. I would even help him with some food or drinks. Maybe he panicked, it does not matter anymore.4. After finding a M16, i ran trough Cherno, collecting Food, Drinks and other Equipment. Because i got chased by a Zed, i ran into a Pub. I got shocked when i saw a Survivor kneeling in a corner of the room. Over Voice i told him "I am friendly! Don´t shoot, i´ll just take this Zed out!". I killed the Zed and then headed at the first floor, noticing the Player followed me.When i checked some Loot, my back got filled with bullets from his MP5. Jealous Asshole.These are just a few examples of how people betrayed me.Now i am asking you: What do you think if you see a person wearing the "Hero"- Skin?"Oh, he´s a hero, he probably won´t shoot back! Better kill him!" ?"Damn, that´s a special bandit skin! Better shoot him!" ? Edited August 30, 2012 by Lone Raider Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reece (DayZ) 8 Posted August 22, 2012 I don't discriminate. All skins are the same to me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lone Raider 1 Posted August 22, 2012 That means, you shoot every person on sight? I have no problem with that, just tell me what you motivation is? ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reece (DayZ) 8 Posted August 22, 2012 I'm rarely ever near the shore so the odds of running into someone unarmed is rare, but yes, everyone is KoS (aside from those I'm in skype with), until they implement a better way to communicate besides a salute or q&e dance.When I die, it doesn't take long to gear back up, and I would expect anyone who sees me to take the shot with hopes of finding an upgrade.I play for the PvP, zombies are just a distraction/scare factor when scanning for prospects. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blynx 10 Posted August 22, 2012 I dont see skins I see the players, a person could have a bandit skin due to several bad run ins, a survivor could just be that and a hero could have just gained enough humanity to gain the skin and then troll other players. Basically what I'm saying is if a person is fine with me, I will be with them. if they seem dodgy i leave the area, if they shoot I shoot. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Riplak 2 Posted August 22, 2012 Jealous assholes? Maybe they killed you to kill you, know how there are bandits in this game? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lone Raider 1 Posted August 22, 2012 (edited) I think he just wanted my M16, because a MP5 isn´t the best Gun for PvP if you ask me ;)Not "Everyone" who killed me, killed me for my Gear. But i think if you see a player, kneeling and checking some loot (not paying attention to you), having a pretty good rifle on his back, you would probably thinking of shooting him for this baby. Wouldn´t you?RE Edit. I am talking about "jealous Cowards", because they killed me from behind."Jealous Asshole" is related to one player, described above. Edited August 22, 2012 by Lone Raider Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mini g 33 Posted August 22, 2012 I won't shoot unarmed people, nor will I shoot those moving away from me but my experience teaches me to shoot first as that is what everyone else has done. Plenty of times I've taken fire or been killed simply because I was there. Heck I saved a guy from a few zed heads and was intent on ignoring him till he shot at me. It's why I stay away from the shoreline and the airfields. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 21 Posted August 22, 2012 Basically that's the way it goes.The same asshole complaining that you shot him on sight saying that you're a dickhead bandit will shoot you in the back if you risk your life by giving a blood transfusion, or if you group up with him and he decides he wants your gun/backpack.It is what it is. I might trust someone just for a change if I recently respawned but after I get some good gear that's the end of that, I try to stay hidden from people and kill when necessary. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Prototape 3 Posted August 23, 2012 We've all encountered assholes in this game. If you're going to stop being nice because you're fed up with that, it's fine. But it just happens. I got killed quite a few times the other day by the same few people, and I didn't fire on them initially because I didn't know if it was them or another survivor. I'll probably be a bit more harsh when it comes to determining when it comes to shooting or not, but I just don't sweat it. I don't usually carry a lot on me anyways.It does suck that you were just trying to help, but it is what it is dude. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Riplak 2 Posted August 23, 2012 So they're cowards for shooting you when you didn't know they were there. Should they announce themselves? "Hey guy, I'm going to shoot you now, turn around first." Why should someone give up an advantage, and more importantly, why would you think they're "cowardly" because you LET them get the drop on you? Play the game better, be less buttsore about bandits. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
amaROenuZ 144 Posted August 23, 2012 I avoid-on-sight for the most part. If I see you in close quarters, and you got the jump on me, I'll open fire out of necessity. If I get the drop on you (normal) I'll ask whether you're friendly or not. If you say no, I'll just toss a smoke grenade or two to cover my escape and peace out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CreatureJoe 14 Posted August 23, 2012 Think of it this way, A bandit skin means he did the dirty work himself. A hero skin means he got his buddy to kill for him.What I'm trying to say is, treat all skins like a civilian skin :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
coleisman 15 Posted August 23, 2012 (edited) Unquestioned homicidal suspicion certainly seems like the best adaptive strategy for your apparent lack of effective judgment and close quarter combat skills. Did you even size up these situations? Honestly you don't have to shoot everyone you meet on sight, in fact you're making survival much more difficult if you do. (think about how much easier it is to do anything with a small group of people) You just need to think about these situations, what does the person you're pairing up with have to gain, what does he have to lose? In example 1) you noted that you had an m16 with an ACOG as if somehow that should ensure your safety, it only makes you a target. It's easy to kill someone, someone with a hatchet who gets the jump on someone with an AK74 will prevail and will have everything to gain and little to lose by risking his life if he doesn't. Resources are rare and relatively difficult to obtain, it's much less risky in many circumstances to just kill someone who has already collected a good weapon, ammo, a decent pack, and other survival supplies, in 30 seconds he can save himself several hours of painstaking scavenging and not expose himself to the possibility of getting sniped or mauled by zombies, which would cost him even more.Not to mention this is a zombie apocalypse, law enforcement does not exist, there are no taboos, there is a prevalent subculture of human hunters who are after the deadliest game, sometimes this takes the form of ambushes, the lone sniper on the hill, or those who bait trusting and naive "survivors" who lack situational awareness into blindly following others far more well prepared than them.Think about it, if you have a flashlight, bandage and a can of beans, and you group up with two guys with military grade weaponry and freshly cooked porkchops, how in the hell can you contribute to helping them survive, you are another mouth to feed and have no weapons and likely no skills otherwise you wouldn't be latching on to these guys for help.So you might ask, how do I cooperate with people, how do I know I can trust someone? Shouldn't I just kill everyone since that's what's happening to me? No, what you need to do is find others who are just as dependent on you as you are on them, people who have nothing but a can of beans and a strong desire to survive. Only in this scenario can you both truly benefit, as you both need help to survive and are balanced in your needs and ability to meet them, so when time comes to divy up the loot you both have a vested interest in each others well being, after you've both crawled through a few small villages helped each other survive zombie attacks with just your wits you will begin to establish real trust. You both have to be totally desperate for help or it won't work. The cornerstone to all human cooperation is reciprocity. Abide by this and you will find success.That being said, you will still get screwed over, but only THEN can you call it a betrayal. Edited August 23, 2012 by coleisman 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheDesigner 1197 Posted August 23, 2012 All of these are your own fault. You put too much trust into people. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
InfectiousFTW 24 Posted August 23, 2012 I play for the PvP, zombies are just an easy way to find targets.FTFY.I'll shoot anyone for teh lulz and so you can't shoot me for teh lulz. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Axz 30 Posted August 23, 2012 I ALWAYS try to communicate before resorting to a firerfight..... i'm no fool i know that is not a smart move, but I have been on the recieving end of KoS with no reason and know how much it sucks, but tbh, my main objective in this game is to avoid all human, zombies are easy-cakes.If I see someone with a bandit skin?*Puts away AKS and takes out DML*HEADSHOT - (Unreal tornoment reference)No mercy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brandnew11980 26 Posted August 23, 2012 Think of it this way, A bandit skin means he did the dirty work himself. A hero skin means he got his buddy to kill for him.What I'm trying to say is, treat all skins like a civilian skin :)Not really. I play solo and got the hero skin this morning. Only killed 2 players due to bad timing and them failing to respond to multiple chat inquiries as to whether they were friendly or not. Even that was about 4 weeks ago when I first started playing. Turns out I was using group chat instead of direct chat, so I'm not entirely sure they even saw what I wrote, but I digress. Earlier this afternoon I had a guy and his friend (I believe he had a friend I heard 2 voices) try to hold me up. To set the scene I was running through the woods heading from the NWAF going to the NEAF. I hear like a "thoomp crunchhhh" noise kind of like a flare it wasn't a gunshot. So I go "Whoa hello?! WTF was that?" over the mic, he asks me what I'm doing way out there and I must be hungry. I can't see him at this point. He asked me where I was heading and I told him the NEAF as I was running away as fast as I could.He followed me so when I stopped to eat he came up on me and started to say "If you unequip your primary... ".Him: Default clothes, makarov.Me: Hero skin, M4A3 CCO set on full auto.I cut him off and pointed out the obvious discrepancy between the guns we were both holding. He sat there pointing his gun at me for a few seconds not saying anything so I asked him if he wanted to sit there all day, he didn't reply so I got up and went about my business.I'm (trying to be) a medic. Haven't actually helped anyone yet due to no global chat. Anyone who you see that doesn't know you and make contact with over direct chat won't trust you, and I don't blame them. It was weird as FUCK for this guy to just start chatting it up with me in the middle of the woods out of nowhere, it really threw me off. The server this was on is my "home server" so to speak, there's usually no more than 10 people on it, and even that would be exaggerating a little. This happened when there was like 38/40 people. So I'm not used to running into people, let alone randomly in the damn woods. The point I want to make is that direct chat isn't enough to make people feel secure enough to even begin to trust you, because, judging by how my encounter went, it's fucking creepy. Say if you see someone ahead of you and you make contact first, chat, mic, however... No matter what you say it's going to be taken like you got the drop on them and they're going to be afraid you want to kill them. Also, vice versa, the unknown player I met got the drop on me very badly. He could've lit me up and I would've been dead before I even stopped running. Looking back that didn't cross my mind but all I knew is he gave me an ultimatum to drop my primary and that wasn't happening. He could've been trying to rob me, or he could've been trying to just chat and didn't feel safe with me having such better gun than him. I didn't give him the chance to explain. I think radios need to be put into the game that allow you to tune to the [RADIO] channel and over the mic anyone who has a radio will hear you no matter how far they are from you. Maybe along with custom channels in format. For example a squad can tune to [] and only players on that channel will hear. Just my opinion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Killer110 4 Posted August 23, 2012 I'm not what you call a KOS guy. If I see someone else the first thing I do is take cover and then call out friendly. That way I can get a trade or something going (or we can just part ways) with all the safety of knowing where they are without them knowing where you are. The only time I've let a guy with a bandit skin go unmolested was when he called out friendly first. And also because he did so when I had a bunch of loot in Cherno while he was behind me with a crossbow and every opportunity to kill me.Really the best way to have fun in the game is to find other people and actually play with them rather than against them.If it weren't for that I would'nt have randomly joined a 5 person group (we 5 just randomly met at Elektro after a server restart) and then gotten an AS50 with a bunch of other end-game loot, I would have killed a ghillie-suit clad player on sight and missed out on permanently joining another group and establishing a base, and I wouldn't have then found another person to join this group.It's a lot more fun to raid factories with a boat for car parts than it is shooting noobs on the coast with a haxed in sniper rifle or shooting someone for teh beanz. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites