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Most embarrassing death I've had, share yours too, please =D.

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I would like to start a story thread and hopefully we can be all get a nice chuckle from here to there. This may be helpful for other survivors to avoid similar deaths :3.

I was playing with my friend and we were transporting vehicles parts to fix up a v35. When all of a sudden we had to travel down a steep hill. Now I've been able to just go down these hills fine in the past, but unfortunately I was moving down pretty fast. All of a sudden I walk off a couple rocks and I could not have been more than 3-4 meters off the ground when I fell. The first thought that came to my mind was, "Oh that's not bad, I might just have a broken leg and be unconscious." The next thing I read on the screen is the death message from the server. I was in utter shock that such a small drop would kill me. Fortunately my friend was able to fix up the truck and able to transport all my gear onto the truck. He was able to pick me up from Elektro and we were on our merry way.

I would love to hear your story, whether it be a glitch, friendly fire, or silly shennanigans. Thank you.

Be safe!

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my friend and i were in a supermarket in elektro, he was going to change from full auto back to semi to kill zeds.

"oops i might have thrown a grenade on accident"

he died i was able to be patched up by another friend.

another time at northeast airfield, we were the only ones on the server.i decided to snipe zombies, while my friends looted it.

my friend caught aggro, i said "oh no problem, M107 has your back"

i got my first murder that day

also, ive fallen off rocks like you did, at black lake.

Edited by dillonblunts
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I was setting up on my sniping spot near Olsha, crawled under a spruce, moved a little to the right, closer to the tree and BAM! broken leg and instant death. I was lucky no one found the body loaded with end game gear and I pretty much ended up retrieving everything

Edited by Mattix90
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I was walking on a rooftop then I pressed Z to lay down, this resulted in my character jumping forward and off the roof. I died

I was swimming towards a boat, my leg hit the boat ,it broke and I drowned.

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closer to the tree and BAM! broken leg and instant death.

trees and doors... they should make a public service video about the dangers of trees and doors.

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@dillonblunts haha yea I think I was near the factory when I died, but it was quite funny how that works

another time at northeast airfield, we were the only ones on the server.i decided to snipe zombies, while my friends looted it.

my friend caught aggro, i said "oh no problem, M107 has your back"

i got my first murder that day

This part, I swear made me almost fall out of my seat XD. Yea who needs enemies when you have friends and friendly fire. =D I loved your story and I know the feeling. I was playing with my friend the other day and on skype the feed got a little fuzzy. So while I was spotter for the team while raiding the supermarket in Cherno, I had not noticed my friend was on his way back, so when he approached out of the bush I shot him in the face XD. My first and only murder in 23 days and I was lucky we were close enough to the coast to get him regear'd.

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I was setting up on my sniping spot near Olsha, crawled under a spruce, moved a little to the right, closer to the tree and BAM! broken leg and instant death. I was lucky no one found the body loaded with end game gear and I pretty much ended up retrieving everything

My friend was telling about an incident where he was running down the stairs and a zombie swatted at him, he thought, "No biggy, I'll just take a few love taps." Then he glitched outside the building and was bleeding out. XD So much glitch for an alpha but hey we love Day Z.

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I was walking on a rooftop then I pressed Z to lay down, this resulted in my character jumping forward and off the roof. I died

This reminded me of the Old spice commercial, "Swan Dive into .....concrete." It aslo reminded me of how unrealistic those prone jumps in CoD are, but oh wells, I liked this and gave me a smile =D.

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trees and doors... they should make a public service video about the dangers of trees and doors.

You know, it would be funny to make a youtube video of these deaths and make a parody of these deaths to let users and the Day Z team know about the bugs and have a little chuckle. =)

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This happened on the server I play on: (2-3 weeks ago)

While driving a bus, my friend and I were having fun gunning the turbo and laughing as zombies were smothered under our tires. Soon enough we were receiving gunfire and we tried to flee....(really a bus can be incognito....XD). We thought we were safe as we were passing balota when, THE ALMIGHTY ARTIFACTS caught our eyes and well......our bus flipped XD. My friend died instantaneously while I had somehow spawned at the coast and left an npc body. o-o

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Me and my squad were fighting another squad in stary sobor. We lost one guy out of 4, they lost 4 out of 5. The last surviving enemy made his last stand in the supermarket. We surrounded the building. He was fucked. I sneaked in the back while my friends distracted him outside the windows. I had the bright idea of throwing a grenade in. I blew myself the fuck up ! Funny thing is when my squad rushed in after the blast, the guy didnt even move. He must have been having some kind of laughing fit at my rather embarrassing demise.

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I had the bright idea of throwing a grenade in. I blew myself the fuck up ! Funny thing is when my squad rushed in after the blast, the guy didnt even move. He must have been having some kind of laughing fit at my rather embarrassing demise.

It's kind of like that instinct/feeling that you know you are going to die XD. I would probably do the same in his shoes, seeing that is quite the spectacle.

When I was first starting out in Day Z, I ran into Cherno's hospital at night and began to aggro zombie. I wasn't able to shake any of them off and took a few love taps and bled badly. After running more and my vision getting blurry, I hear gunfire. I thought of my options and then I just stood still and saluted. Whoever was there, putted me out of my misery with my 3k health. XD

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drove a tracker and hit a roadblock or sandbag thing and it exploded. died and never tried to retrive my gear coz its too far away from the coast

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@ Bonehead555, I sometimes can't believe how strong the environmental obstacles are. Another funny glitch is that atv's can't pass bridges I believe. It flips. XD

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enemy... last stand.. supermarket... I had the bright idea of throwing a grenade in.

supermarket in elektro...thrown a grenade

supermarkets and grenades...

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I too have climbed a ladder to a roof, pressed prone and had the stupid run 5 m then dive off the roof. Mighty awkard

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I was setting up on my sniping spot near Olsha, crawled under a spruce, moved a little to the right, closer to the tree and BAM! broken leg and instant death. I was lucky no one found the body loaded with end game gear and I pretty much ended up retrieving everything

That happened to me at a pine tree haha. I was with a friend at the time and he started to freak out when he saw that I was dead
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I was on the top of one of the big building, went to get my binoculars out and pressed V instead and fell off the building. Lost 1 as50, 1 m4a1 cco sd, Ghillie suit, NVG's and lots more. Then I lost the server name. Felt like an idiot! :(

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So I was near one of the boat spawns. (not a PBX) It was a dock and there were two boats that looked usable. After hopping in one, i realized it needed some fuel. No prob, I gots a jerry can. Then when I got out of the boat. I was swimming in the water. The stairs which led to the boat didn't allow me back up, and my head soon hit it when the tide pushed me upwards. Died instantaneously. I was like WTF at first, then I was like, this game treats me like shit, but I always come back. (after a while at least)

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So I was near one of the boat spawns. (not a PBX) It was a dock and there were two boats that looked usable. After hopping in one, i realized it needed some fuel. No prob, I gots a jerry can. Then when I got out of the boat. I was swimming in the water. The stairs which led to the boat didn't allow me back up, and my head soon hit it when the tide pushed me upwards. Died instantaneously. I was like WTF at first, then I was like, this game treats me like shit, but I always come back. (after a while at least)

O wow that is truly unfair XD. Like getting trapped under thin ice and not being able to get out. You sir have my beans and most interesting death. =p

Now I just died and I wasn't able to heed a simple warning from Mattix90, I stopped and sat near a bush and was looking at my map when I decided to pitch a tent. (Secret location). Surely enough....I glitched and died D: Thank you....bush. You are more dangerous than any bandit or any zombie.

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I shut my leg in the toilet door whilst on 2000 blood and one crawler just finishes me off. I had everything....but morphine.

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Jumped out of a deer stand and broke my leg literally in the middle of nowhere. Had no morphine so had to "fall out" two more times, in between passing out, to finish myself off.

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So I'd been to town and gotten som goodies. Among these goodies was brand new binos. Once I came back up to the tree line, I thought the view was fantastic, and to celebrate, I took a closer loot trough my brand new binos.

It was then I heard it. A smal twig cracking behind me. I thought nothing of it, untill I heard the loud crack of an M1911 at point blank range, and I instantly died.

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Fell trough the edge of a roof in cherno with full gear - instant death luckily i ran naked to my corpse and got most of it back

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