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I love combat logging

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Im just a friendly survivor looking to survive. If you run into me I will be friendly and help you out if you need it. I live off the land eating my steak and baked beans. Then queue baddy bandit. Clearly he is too accustomed to killing coastal cuties that stand still for him, because he can’t hit me while Im serpentine running. I could easily kill him, but why would I waste ammo and my positive humanity on a scrub who can’t aim? But his aggro is annoying and I feel I need to exact my revenge. I take cover and do what is needed. I hit escape and Disconnect. There is something about the click as I disconnect. It sounds like victory. No, I didn’t kill him, but I destroyed him on the inside. He lost another kill because he can’t aim.

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I love it, Let the flaming begin *Clear's Throat* Don't get on my server with that mentality.

Edited by Shy Guy Sterlok
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Im just a friendly survivor looking to survive. If you run into me I will be friendly and help you out if you need it. I live off the land eating my steak and baked beans. Then queue baddy bandit. Clearly he is too accustomed to killing coastal cuties that stand still for him, because he can’t hit me while Im serpentine running. I could easily kill him, but why would I waste ammo and my positive humanity on a scrub who can’t aim? But his aggro is annoying and I feel I need to exact my revenge. I take cover and do what is needed. I hit escape and Disconnect. There is something about the click as I disconnect. It sounds like victory. No, I didn’t kill him, but I destroyed him on the inside. He lost another kill because he can’t aim.

good job m8ty, h8 all those scrote bandits who never move out of the main towns, only ppl complaining are the scrote bandits

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I'm a survivor that enjoys surviving... but I also enjoy a sense of risk and thrill. Bandits shooting at me is an invitation to shoot back, granted, I would never shoot at a survivor, but damn son, you're not fooling anyone, you're a wuss that would hide from such an easy bandit kill. I have the hero skin, and I have gotten it by bandit kills and medical help for survivors. Shame there's people like you, combat logging scrub. I have combat logged once, and that was from a hacker with a full retard as50.

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Ya know what I hate more than combat logging which has little to no effect on me? Dupers, Scripters, and Shoot on Sight. Most people dupe, almost everybody shoots on sight, and scripters are a huge problem atm. So ya, I don't mind, combat log it's the least of my worries.

Edited by Gambles

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Wait, when I admitted to combat logging I thought it meant dropping a brick in my pants when I heard AS50 shots landing at my feet.

It means disconnecting? Huh, guess I don't combat log then.... Well, least not the disconnecting part *cough*

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good job m8ty, h8 all those scrote bandits who never move out of the main towns, only ppl complaining are the scrote bandits

Someone needs parental block on their Internet.

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Wait, when I admitted to combat logging I thought it meant dropping a brick in my pants when I heard AS50 shots landing at my feet.

It means disconnecting? Huh, guess I don't combat log then.... Well, least not the disconnecting part *cough*

Laughed rather hard at that.

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lmao this OP is my hero, Look at all the rage comming from everyone... Trolling you all like little bitches

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Yes, OP, live of the land and eat your steaks for the next months. You'll soon get so bored that you kindly ask for any bandits. With such a story you're one of the same kind as all other trolls, cheaters, hackers and script kiddies who seek attention. Get mature.

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You play a mod, based on a military simulator, full of weapons of any kind. Why don't you play any Greenpeace simulator ? And what you do is in no way a personal style of playing a game. You use a basic windows function to close the current process running, you simply close the game you're playing and have to change to another server. This is just ridiculous. I have to laugh thinking about it.

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Stat whores gonna hate.

I couldn't care less about my stats and your post there makes me want to hunt you down and kill you over and over again every time you spawn just because...

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