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A rundown on DayZ.

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I have been reading much on how DayZ is a broken, unpredictable mess that has to be fixed, where everything seems to go wrong every second. While this is technically true, and it does require some fixing up to do, this argument is invalid because of a few things.

First, the game was implemented to the Arma II engine. You will no doubt experience some awkward and clunky gameplay based on this buggy engine. While I do enjoy Arma II in it's standard format, the game will give you a slap occasionally with it's ways of geometric coding.

Second, the DayZ mod is in ALPHA STAGE. I will repeat, it is in ALPHA. You are not going to see a pristine game filled with by far the most fluid gameplay. The combination the Arma II engine gives some mix results because of that. If things seem a little empty in the game, that's because development is in it's early stage, and will be in heavy works, especially with the standalone DayZ coming out.

Third, in DayZ, you are going to die. There is no "YOU ARE WINNER" screen at the end of this dark tunnel, you WILL die. I have heard countless amounts of complaints explaining pvp and zombies. I have even heard requests for PvP to be removed! Look, this game was originally used as a training tool for the new zealand army for the test in emotional and mental expression. PvP was put into DayZ because of the unlimited interaction with other players. It makes you feel that something is going to happen once both eyes are crossed, even if it usually will lead to your death. But that's the thing, that's what keeps you on your toes in this game. You want ZERO involvement with any other human being in the game, along with avoiding zombies. I know that zombies can be cheap sometimes with leg breaking skills, but that's the fun of the game, you have to expect something to go wrong. In the end, your going to feel paranoid, that's okay. It's one thing to think everyone is out to get you, it's another to know that it is true.

Fourth, it's just a fucking game, lighten up. I have heard so much bitching about some 'unrealistic features based on the game, like how the use of the .50 caliber anti-material rifles are impossible. That's an okay request for the games, it will add some more reasons for inventory management, but if you are going to go all out in WHY this is wrong, i'm just going to roll my eyes and skip to the next topic. I accept any suggestion to make DayZ more immersible, but don't get butt hurt over some misconception. This also goes for anything who get's angered whenever they get killed in the game, usually blaming the games faulty design or the overuse of PvP. You know what I do?

I just laugh

Every time I look back into the ways I have died, I always chuckle to how ridiculous the game is. My deaths are even from zombie to players, and they usually always have some strange way of happening. I was in Elektro one time, running to the hospital to get some medicine. However, once I get up the ladder, I notice another player up there, a bandit no less. So I do what nobody else did...

I just talked to him.

I had a gun, I could have shot him, but no... I just tried striking a conversation...

Which led to my ultimate death.

So basically, this game has some things to complain about, just not this fucking bullshit about PvP or how the game acts. How about complain about things outside the box, or even about hackers or cheap server admins.

That would be a nice thing to talk about.


No really...

No, seriously, that's the best thing I can come up with!


Whatever, do you get my point?

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Thank you. I got butthurt a few times when I got sniped or killed by players in some fashion, then I realized this. It's just a game and it should be a fun experience, and raging at hackers and bandits gets you nowhere. So just have a laugh and enjoy gearing up again because to me, that's my favorite part; finding the loot and the possibilities that are there.

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Like a church vicar. You could have got your point across in 2 paragraphs instead of that wall of text.

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Can we shut these forums down already? I need to get some work done...

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Like a church vicar. You could have got your point across in 2 paragraphs instead of that wall of text.

Hm... guess i'm no better than the people I wrote upon in this post.

Have my beans.

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So what's your point?

"Don't judge DayZ so harshly?"

People can decide for themselves if they enjoy a game and want to play it or not, they don't give a shit about what excuses the game has for its flaws. They just move on. That's the way it is and that's the way it should be.

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