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Debug monitor will be gone in 1.7.3 !

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erm... ok at least i will be able to see my visability and hearing.

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Some might think it's nothing but IMO it's kinda big.

No way to know how many zombies are on the map, people won't kill noobs just to be able to show off their ridiculously high murder count, streamers won't have to hide the debug monitor anymore, colours will be the only way to know how low your blood is... That's all I can think about from the top of my head but that sounds all good to me!

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Only downside is the not knowing how much blood you have left part.

And being able to confirm kills.


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Nice been looking forward to the removal of that monitor for a while now; no need for e-peen enlarging useless stats anyway. Just me, you and the zombies is all we need oh and these :beans:

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Some might think it's nothing but IMO it's kinda big.

No way to know how many zombies are on the map, people won't kill noobs just to be able to show off their ridiculously high murder count, streamers won't have to hide the debug monitor anymore, colours will be the only way to know how low your blood is... That's all I can think about from the top of my head but that sounds all good to me!

Orrrr, they'll just give you a button to bring it up.....

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Not too bad. I would like to have a notepad and pencil or something to at least keep track of people I have killed or zombies. I'd say that's pretty "real".

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They better fix the temperature icon. Broken as shit.

this. I've had way too many OH MY GOD MY TEMPERATURE IS FLASHING moments because the color on it is almost the same throughout the game.

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They better fix the temperature icon. Broken as shit.

Yeah it's quite bad, don't know if it's the icon or the whole feature that's screwed up though.

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Amazing! This game is better every patch. Last two patches broke the game with graphical glitches and bandit skins that teleport you in the water and make you loose your backpack. As if it wasnt enough, now I wont be able tell how much blood I have. Even IRL I know how good I am feeling. Amazing !

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Amazing! This game is better every patch. Last two patches broke the game with graphical glitches and bandit skins that teleport you in the water and make you loose your backpack. As if it wasnt enough, now I wont be able tell how much blood I have. Even IRL I know how good I am feeling. Amazing !

You won't even be able to know how much blood you lost when your dog ran through your body and broke your legs!

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good to hear

Amazing! This game is better every patch. Last two patches broke the game with graphical glitches and bandit skins that teleport you in the water and make you loose your backpack. As if it wasnt enough, now I wont be able tell how much blood I have. Even IRL I know how good I am feeling. Amazing !

how about not being able to hear well or see colours properly? that shits a fairly big reminder you need blood

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Amazing! This game is better every patch. Last two patches broke the game with graphical glitches and bandit skins that teleport you in the water and make you loose your backpack. As if it wasnt enough, now I wont be able tell how much blood I have. Even IRL I know how good I am feeling. Amazing !

yea you can tell how fucked you are without the debug monitor

50 shades of grey?!

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good to hear

how about not being able to hear well or see colours properly? that shits a fairly big reminder you need blood

Also, let's not forget that the blood icon at the bottom right changes colour!

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If the player didn't loose conciseness on random hits from zeds when below 9000 I'd be ok. And how do I tell if I am at 12000 blood? Should I always run at 10k ? There is no way to tell from the black / white filter. Smartasses

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yea you can tell how fucked you are without the debug monitor

50 shades of grey?!

You can differentiate between 10 - 11 - 12k ? Stop lying.

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Also, let's not forget that the blood icon at the bottom right changes colour!

Ahh, forgot about it. But is it noticeable if you are at 12k vs 11.500 ?

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why do you need 12k?

if you are seen first you are dead. only thing thats gonna save u is how bad the adversary is, not if you have 10k or 12k

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I like the notepad idea for tracking walker and player kills. It would still be nice to have a key mapped to bring up the debug though.

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Ahh, forgot about it. But is it noticeable if you are at 12k vs 11.500 ?

I don't know, I never really looked at it. But then again is it really useful to know about such a small blood loss? :o

As long as you know when you're around 9k so you won't get knocked out. And even then I see how one could defend the fact that you shouldn't be able to know exactly when a zombie can or can't knock you out.

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why do you need 12k?

if you are seen first you are dead. only thing thats gonna save u is how bad the adversary is, not if you have 10k or 12k

1. <9000 zeds hit you to the ground.

2. To not die from bandits. 10k and 12k DOES matter.

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Only downside is the not knowing how much blood you have left part.

And being able to confirm kills.


This game is supposed to be about realism, and it's not like there's a magical counter in your head that tells you how much blood/how many kills you have. If you wan't to confirm a kill, confirm it yourself.

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I like the notepad idea for tracking walker and player kills. It would still be nice to have a key mapped to bring up the debug though.

I don't know about that. Having ANY way to track player kills indirectly encourages murderers IMO. I'm a bandit myself but not a mass murderer the likes of those who will kill 70 unarmed players in Cherno, I'm pretty certain they wouldn't do it if there was no way for them to show off afterwards.

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I'm all for removing that ugly debug box, as long as the actual HUD works properly(not like the current temperatur icon)....

Meat is very easy to come by

If you know you've been hit a few times, just eat as much meat as you deem necessary

It's not like you're always going to be carrying 8 steaks around at all times

Kill a cow, munch a few and keep the rest

Also doubletap everyone before announcing him dead

I'm doing it everytime, even when hearing flies and having the kill being added to the debug monitor

Edited by Hawk24
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