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Rarity of Alice Backpack?

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Isn't Alice Backpacks supposed to be a tad rare, or at least not 'easily' found, considering it's the biggest backpack (I think?) in the game? I just found three in the same General Store. Too bad I have no use for more than one, which I had from before.

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Alice packs are always in stores like 70% of the time. Never had a coyote backpack :(

Edited by Furry_PawstarZ

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Im my opinion, they're just rare enough. What I dont like is that when i do find an alice pack (or anything above assault pack), i find them in groups of like 4 or 5. Recently ive started finding alices on top of czech backpacks... i go hours without finding a good pack, then i find backpack on backpack action lol!

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Make it rare when you fix the humanity/clothing bugs causing you to lose your backpack.

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9 alice packs in one store was my record.

I seem to get coyote packs for dayz too, although I can't find weapons worth a crap.

Put heavy objects in your bag and swing it at your enemy.

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Coyote is bigger.

Alice is more common than the Czech.

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It is strange, but the 2nd best pack in the game (Alice) seems to be the most common, other than the starting pack of course.

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Alice packs are fairly common.

However with the current state of DayZ - its easy to believe that Ghillie suits, AS50's, and Coyote packs are more common than Makarov ammo, since every other player is geared like that. (scripters anyone?)

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I happen to like gillie suits and a SVD sniper. But it is true..backpacks are spawning on each other in stores these days. To be quite honest while I test and play, I'd rather have too many than too few

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Those supermarkets can get a bit crazy with loot spawns. Tents are something Ive found tonnes of in them as well, particularly the berezhino one.

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I've found two tents so far, and it's basically the only thing I have any need for right now, beside a four-wheeler, of course :3

I wasn't aware that Cayote backpacks are better, so I ignored one when I saw it. I now do regret my life.

I seem to not find weapons I need, too. I've found a couple military grade weapons, but it seems like I find more grenades than useful weapons, to be honest. I currently have two grenades in my backpack, in which case I plan on using them if I'm downed beside someone with an axe going crazy on me. I'm not dieing without taking anyone with me anymore.

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I like the Czech because of the camo, really useful in some places.

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There does seem to be something off with the random number generator they use. You see it especially in grocery stores. What ever the primary weapon loot is...there's like 3 or 4 of them in a store. And if the generator pops a pack...it'll have 3 or 4 or even more of those in the store.

When it's a single or double spawn point you don't really see those numbers, but with the grocery stores having 23+ spots, you see a lot of the same item. 3 or 4 watches, binos, etc.

I think that for now it's not that big of a deal, but as they move through alpha during the stand alone, they'll have to work that out. As it stands, I agree that Alice packs are more common. But I guess that goes to intent. And the overall story line.


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They're not that rare in stores, and coyte backpack is the biggest. now thats rare!

Not when people can shit them out. It's impossible not to dupe the things - if you want to guarantee your pack isn't eaten when changing skins, you drop your pack. Sadly, that just spawns an extra :/

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Indeed, the should be far rarer. I find ALICE packs spawn more commonly than any other type. I have hit the store in elektro and 5 or of loot spots had them. Almost every time I go into elektro store I find at least 1 ALICE.

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The odds of finding an Alice pack in some residential abodes seems low, but markets are bound to have at least one. Of course, once you get the Coyote Backpack, you wouldn't really care about ALICE packs.

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The Coyote Backpack is the 2nd common backpack in the game ... there are usually a lot of them in tents/car up north and a lot of them on a hill near electro lol

i feel like they are everywhere

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I actually thought Coyote is the one you spawn with, but I must have mistaken the name completely?

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