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Military Spawns are Absurd

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The spawn rates are fine. The problem atm is the fact that tents magically restock themselves after every server restart and duping. When both of those bugs are fixed the rare items and weapons will be rare again.

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ya i don't think people realize that is a bug. You can put ANY gun into your backpack. If it doesn't work, it is glitching out on you probably due to the gun being spawned in, or possibly the backpack.

According to a thread discussing this elsewhere on the forums, the reason the light machine guns and anti-materiel rifles sometimes don't fit in your backpack is because they're the original Arma II weapons scripted in. They broke apart the backbone on them and found that the DayZ version of the weapons have _dz attached to the end, meaning that the versions that spawn normally were specially created for the mod to ignore imposed size limits placed upon them by Arma II's original code.

In other words, .50 caliber rifles and the LMGs that do 8000 blood/bullet seem ridiculous because the developers of DayZ specifically buffed them to encourage players to hold onto them over more reasonable weapons.

EDIT: For now, I'll have to load up Arma II and check myself on the M107 and AS50. But Arma II's website confirms that this is the case for all LMGs, something changed for the DayZ mod to make them more appealing to players.

Edited by BazBake

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Hm, haven't heard that explanation before. Thing is though, they can fit in your backpack. I did pick up an LMG the other day, and when i logged back in, it was gone.(first time it has happened though) When I keep my as50 in the backpack though, it never leaves it. That is why it makes me think it is a bug and has to do with spawned in weapons/backpack glitch.

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I just consider myself to be so very lucky to be near so many military installations when the zombie apoc broke out - I'm not going to complain about what guns a soldier dropped as he was being eaten alive.

Had I been at home, I would be fighting zombies with a shovel.

Edited by Northeast

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Rare items should be improbable to obtain dont you think op? Thats why they are rare yano? Its allready piss easy to gear up really. Im always a little dissapointed after i have everything because thats half of the mods excitment, wondering what you might find heading into an area.

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Gimme a break. To be honest, if there were no tents, these barracks would work just fine. Because of the duping currently happening, everyone's so used to just picking up an AS50 or L85 whenever they like. Without saving weapons into tents/vehicles and duping, then everyone would be running around with an AK with the tiniest portion of people with AS50s, DMRs, etc. Like it should be.

Honestly I'm surprised you just haven't found a tent with a bunch of crap in it anyway - I've got all the items in the game from people I've killed or tents I've stumbled across...

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I have almost never found anything good in the barracks. From my experience it's far more time-efficient to look for camps (especially now with the loot inflation) and going for crashed choppers, so I would advise you to do that.

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I understand where you are coming from (jizz joke out of the way)

If you do play legitimately (whatever that is) it can be a real bummer making your way to the mythical NW Airfield only to find a G17 and some tin cans. I think everyone who finally makes it to the barracks expects NVG's and Rangefinders, and when they dont it is a massive let down.

You'll get over it, just do what everyone else does, camp there and wait for other players to kill.

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PDW is fantastic. Just never try to fire it on full auto. That thing climbs so hard you'd be lucky to hit a target twice at 25 meters.

I cannot believe you just said that. Thing is a piece of shit. The iron sights are horrible, and misaligned to boot.

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The whole idea of making military gear rare is stupid when you have a system where items just respawn. Like someone else said, you can just pick everything up and magically new stuff appears.

Was this "farming" intended? Because it's really easy to do and when you mostly find garbage in the barracks I can understand why people do it.

My suggestion is to add more loot to the high value military spawns. Make it like the hospitals where you always find more than you can carry. I'm not saying find every weapon every time. But, those 5.56 and 7.62 ammo boxes should be plentiful, making farming the barracks more difficulty, but visiting it is usually more rewarding.

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That's why you farm the barracks, not just check them once and leave. Derp?

You fail to understand that this game is in development and can change. Farming loot is just about the most unintuitive and video game'y thing in dayz. I seriously doubt farming loot is what rocket intended.

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Although this guy's math is probably spot on, the main problem is the vast amount of duplication and recirculation of higher grade military equipment.

Temporary solution: Find a quality private hive and make it your home.

Just playing a couple of hours on numerous standard hive servers, you would encounter numerous duped items i.e. Rangefinder, M240.

Most of which was simply looted off another players corpse who looted it from another player's corpse etc. etc. The gear is seldom left alone or destroyed so it just becomes rampant in circulation.

Main reason I suggest a private hive first(aside from the obvious performance/control/security advantages), but it slices that circulation rate considerably, and players

are given the opportunity to farm it for themselves on a relatively even playing field.

For instance, I play on Rinaun's server circuit(HIGHLY RECOMMENDED). This guy has multiple unbiased admins as well as himself to monitor any abuse/combat logging/spawning/ghosting/scripting, you name it.

Cycling out both barracks early this morning and some time this afternoon I came across Rangefinders, NVGs, an M240, Mk 48, among other valuable items, some of which I never even knew spawned in the barracks, such as NVGs. It just takes time and patience, because i certainly ransacked through A LOT of garbage to find those items. RNG is rng, that's what it is, but the rewards are grand for those with patience, strategy AND a good environment to execute both.

We could use more people on this Hive, come join us. over 80+ active vehicles and rivalrys/alliances forming left and right facilitated by a hosted teamspeak server.

Sorry for the quasi hijack, but this is about the best temporary solution I can find for your current dilemmas with spawn rates and their proportional value weight to you as a player.

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