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Top 3 Bugs you want fixed, Top 3 Features you want added

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Bugs :

1 - Log off in combat (in pvp AND VS ZOMBIE)

2 - Zombies AI

3 - sync issues

Features :

1 - Melee weapons, Mid-ranged weapon (shuriken, throwing knifes...)

2 - Few NPCs interactions (Group of Survivors, Bandits...), Zombie/Infected Animals.

3 - Environmental effects a la Stalker.

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1) Tents disappearing on server reset

2) Items disappearing from inventory

3) Spawning in water when wearing camo

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- Zombie AI which has been mentioned so I will suggest something else

But maybe lock the gamma/brightness controls to force players including myself to play with a certain brightness level and make Vets use flares just like the new players.

- duping

- tent placement


- zombies inside buildings and more of them in general even in the forest.

Also being able to escape a horde/zombie. Zombies should not be the best trackers ever. If I am driving a car and set off some zombies, I should be able to lose them easily.

- spray paint/ leave a message for your enemy/friend/stranger to find. Especially when raiding someone's tent.

- Booby traps

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-Random broken legs, consider disabling st_collision.

-The usual exploits claims tents/duping/saving outside map boundaris.

- Weird zeroing on weapons using stanang sd ammo. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9198&pid=94765#pid94765


-The one i posted on Dev Heaven, please let us unflip atv,motorbiks and bicycles.

-2 seat Tandem Bicycle with a small bag to store 4-8 items.

-Using jerry cans as booby traps (shoot them and they start burning, would have to be a caliber capable of creating sparks though, or add ammo with tracer rounds).

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1. Female skins working properly

2. Zed AI made credible and dangerous

3. Stop killing me with terrain

Feature wise:

1. More danger

2. Random' date=' explainable things that injure and kill

3. Reduce long range weapon spawns drastically


You know you've just entirely contradicted yourself in this statement right? You want danger and random, explainable things that injure and kill. What could be more random than stepping off a rock the wrong way and spraining an ankle or falling the wrong way and breaking your wrist.

I think that the danger and things that injure and kill are doing a pretty good job of themselves as is because between the zed, the players, and the environment, you've got a lot to look out for.

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1. Zombie pathing

2. DC abuse

3. Falling damage is stupidly high.


1. Multiple zombie alert states. Zombies shouldn't aggro the sound of a tin can or gunfire from a source they can't see, but they should go into investigation mode, which increases their sight/hearing range and make them wander in the general direction of the sound. Increase the investigation-trigger range greatly - extensive gunfire should draw curious Zs from hundreds or thousands of meters in all directions.

2. Remove most global chat/notifications. This includes global player death messages.

3. Make it easier to visually identify players you've designated as friendly.

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1. Desync. (almost not possible to follow someone for now)

2. Environment damage: doors ect...

3. I save this slot for a feature^^


1. Build city (zombies stop spawning inside a taken town but come from the woods)

2. Ace mod style (out of breathe/aiming/gear interraction)

3. Acre-like Radio lootable [the sound in direct coms is a pity for now, I can't almost never understand what people say]

4. Remove "X was killed" [will add tension when checking pulse]

Thanks again for this brilliant game.

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The ones listed in bold are my #1 for each category.


1.) Everything regarding tents. (They disappear, they won't place right, their inventories often disappear, easy to accidentally dupe, won't remove properly, all of that needs to be fixed. It should be a priority second only to security. It greatly hinders the ability to thrive late game.)

2.) Feed the environment! Rocks and trees are far too hungry as it is and they are prone to eating characters at random.

3.) Fix characters spawning in ocean after equipping a skin.


1.) Remove the radar from the helicopter(s).

2.) Replace Lee Enfield with Mosin-Nagant.

3.) Give the Crossbow some sights and make them accurate up to 100m. More compact bolt storage would also be a great help.

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I feel should be Fixed:

Most of these have been mentioned, just putting my vote in

1. Desync

2. D/Cing to avoid consequences, put me in the log-out timer category

3. deathmatch, add a respawn timer. Seems to work for other games. Currently there is a strong penalty for trusting the wrong person, but a weak penalty for running around guns blazing.

I feel should be Added:

1. Melee.

2. Roaming Zombo hoards, add some spice to the country side even if they just prefer open fields

3. UI Grouping tools: some sort of challenge/accept system to allow people to see each other's tags.

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1 & 2. are being fixed with v1.7.1 (zombies hitting & seeing through walls)

3. Stupidly deadly environment. This has been posted numerous times so everyone should know what I mean. (Recently fell unconscious from falling off the 4th or 5th stair in the first set of stairs in a barn--had full blood.)

4. This is probably because of Arma2, but I can dream: A way to stand up from swimming. It's incredibly annoying to randomly start swimming in such shallow water and then having to swim all the way back to shore before you can stand up again.


1. Melee. It seems like only the last poster and myself want this? I've never even played the default Arma2, so I have no idea if there's melee in it, but it shouldn't be that hard to add. It annoys me to have to be so dependant on guns/ammo when there's a bunch of crap lying around that could easily be a weapon. It'd be nice if there were destructible and indestructible melee weapons, as well. Something fairly fixed like if you pick up that tree branch to use as a weapon, it's only going to be good for 1-3 uses or something (maybe 15-20 uses for something like a hatchet). But if you find a crowbar to use, it's not going to break.

2. A CHANCE of items being lost/dropped from your pockets (or wherever you keep that extra stuff) when swimming.

3. More bicycles.

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1. Bleeding to death after a single hit (And passing out) from a zombie when on full blood. This has happened to me twice.

2. Unwinnable zombie fights (You should be able to out run them, even if running for a lnog time.)

3. The game being unplayable when on low blood- You can't see anything, can't eat anything. Can't even wait until blood re-gens slowly (See below)


1. Very slowly regenerating health (Even if it is just 10-20 per minute) when on near full food and water (if you didn't attend to these, got into a fight with zombies etc, and almost bled out, you deserve to die anyway)

2. Powernaps would be cool. Basically lets you go into a spot, and sleep for 10-15 minutes so you can reduce the effects of pain, and maybe re-gain some blood.

3. giving the characters 'emotions' that make it difficult to aim at survivors, like their guns get shakey when pointing at them, kind of like painkillers. However, doesn't effect bandits pointing at survivors. If players kill without emotion, neither should their characters.

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top 3 bugs:

1 crossbow problems: crosshair, triple visibility during reloading while prone, disappearing bolts.

2 unable to strafe through doors (collision problem)

3 getting up automatically when you crawl out of a building (gets you detected unintentionally)

top 3 features

1 seeing remaining slots in tents and vehicles

2 prevent people from suicide after respawning in order to get a better spawn position

3 vehicles automatically switch on lights at night, this can compromise your position. i would prefer to switch them on manually.

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I want the ability to bandage and go through your inventory when prone. Right now you are forced to poke your head up if you want to bandage or go into your inventory for meds or something.

Also I want zombies to run normally. They way they move and run makes it impossible to shoot them unless they run straight at you.

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Why everyone is complaining about zig zag pattern? I think it's awesome. I would do it even more complicated. This bastarts should be hard to kill. Best zombie pathing I've seen is in Left 4 Dead. Zombie AI is checking your Line Of Sight and trying to avoid it - some zombies are not running direct to you, they are doing circle and eventually they bite your ass - surprise! This should be fucking ZOMBIE NIGHTMARE not a shooting range.


1. Spawn Zombies inside buildings.

It was so cool in early builds when you wanted to loot buildings - you had to deal with zombies first (distract them with smoke, kill them quetly, you name it)

2. Increase zombie sense

Especially when you are prone. Now if you are in prone mode - you are almost invisible for zombies, you can crawl, literally, between their legs. You can loot towns too easily just avoiding them. May be if you prone in 10 meter radius to zombie - they should become suspicious and go investigate - what is moving down there. If you are prone in 5 meter radius - they will see you

3. Zombie should run inside buildings

Now it is too easy. If zombies aggroed to you what you need to do is step inside any building, drink a cup of tea and shoot 50 zombies who walks SLOWLY towards you. Piece of cake

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These are what I consider to be the three bug fixes that would give the highest bang-per-buck in terms of player experience:

1. The "galloping horse" sound effect when sidestepping. Seriously, it's incredibly immersion breaking.

2. The backpack bug. The number one cause of losing valuable equipment. Surely this is as simple as "if (free_slots < slots_needed) break;"?

3. Zombies spawning 10 feet away from you. This one has got me a couple of times. Some sort of range (and possibly LOS) check on zombie spawns would be great.

These are the features that would in my opinion improve DayZ the most:

1. A two level zombie aggro system whereby they are attracted to movement at a greater range, but only at a walk.

2. The ability to lower or put away a pistol so you are carrying no visible weapon.

3. Make the crossbow more powerful (should be a one shot kill for Zs) and allow more bolts to be carried.

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Remove 3rd Person view. Snipers on roofs, looking through windows in "out of body mode" ruins realism.

All kit stays in the server in which you spawned. Change servers and start again. If you havent lost your life and return to the first server, you get you kit back. Server surfing is rampant and a joke.

As is "Chicken Quitting". If someone presses quit and hasnt died, they should be forced to stay where they are for at least 30 seconds before disappearing.

If you kill 50 Zombies in a town with an AK, Surely at least a few minutes without more spawning is deserved. As it is now, we have no choice but to quit and rejoin.

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Wow. This topic is a gold mine!

Plenty of good ideas.

1. Bullets left in clips need to be stored within character data. (Currently unlimited ammo for guns - Espec. rare ones)

2. Raise AI sound detection radius for gunshots. (Adds more tension when encountering players in towns. "Holy crap! Another survivor." - Just without the insta-pewpew without thinking a step ahead and counting Zeds. )

3. Raise item re-spawn rate to 30/45/60 minutes. (No more item farming by picking up and dropping it 2 meters away. Forces people to actually roam the Map.)

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My top Three Bugs

1. Zombies glitching through doors

2. Zombies knowing your exact location all the time even when out of sight.

3. Zombies seeing / hearing you walking inside of buildings too easily

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Top three bugs





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Bugs to Fix:

1.) Zeds aggroing trough walls and new ones spawing while in a just cleaned area

2.) Review the broken-leg-problem, its occuring too much on zombies and definately should'nt happen when crawling through doors or rooms OR introduce something to make a splint out of wood and a piece of clothes

3.) Dont destroy the weapon if it doesnt fit in your bag, make them drop again. Please!


1.) Once Zeds will work properly add more or make them physical harder

2.) wolves in the woods, random (not time nor locationbased) mini-events like the downed helis, npc-soldier groups, a spawned medical tent near a village

3.) an insanity-meter, i am alone in the north right now since hours with a broken leg and can't find morphine and i am way too far away from any town.....id like to hear my dude screaming/whining in the woods from time to time, realy!

Anyway, it got playable again since And thank you Rocket, Dayz is like constant Eve-Online-PVP, really.

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Zombies Attacking through walls

Flip over vehicles

Running through windows/buildings and falling to death.


Forest Branch snapping idea.

Headlamps and Batteries for Electrical Devices

Build-able Metal Walls (requires Scrap Metal and Chopped Wood. )

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