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Ban under 18s and third party programs from the standalone

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Hello, I'm a 33 year old gentlemen. It seems to me lately that a lot of younger children play this game even though it is rated mature and really isn't very decent for them to be playing. I hope the developers of the standalone take note of this and hopefully take action to stop children from playing this rather brutal game about survival. Young people should be outdoors climbing trees and having apple fights or watching star wars. Also I would really appreciate it if a good form of in game group communication could be established as I think the atmosphere would be much better using in game voip as opposed to skype or other third party programs. Also I hate warm beer.

fixed it for ya! :D

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U jus maaadd cuz u aint got none swag

(Took me a solid 2 minutes to type that way.)

Let's stop focusing on SOME OF the under 18 crowd being annoying, and focus on the hackers. Mmmk? :)

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fixed it for ya! :D

If he actually wrote it like that I would have taken him as less of an absurd douche and more of just a concerned older gentleman wanting more immersive gameplay

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I'm not saying i'm better in any way, i'm saying there's an age limit on games for a reason. *snip*

Where I'm from the classification is MA15+ to play Arma 2. This means..

"A person aged under 15 cannot be admitted to a MA15+ film unless they are accompanied by his or her parent or adult guardian for the duration of the film"..

So as far as I can tell its fine for kids to play these types of games if a parent is with them and guiding them. I think its ashame when the older players abuse the younger players for simply speaking with a younger voice. I've witnessed it many times in other games and I find it ironic that the older players then claim maturity when acting in this manner.

So I think its better to guide the younger players, not teach them to be abusive.

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Im 22 and I cause as much tears and frustration as I possibly can, its why i love Dayz, I dupe AS50's M4A1's, ghuile suits, and NVG and just sit on the coast picking off noobs, if a hacker kills me I go to my tent with 9 more full sets of gear and go back to camping noobs just so you can post on the forums about how you hate me. Your post full me. Have a nice play.

Edited by Hayabusa
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I have previously proposed something like this. Due to a variety of factor kids are not likely to survive Z apocalypse, so Rocket, please ban the kids (anyone under 21 preferably), playing w/o kid controled characters will add to the holy grail of authenticity.

Edited by ZlobaRUS54

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how the hell are u going to ban people under 18....

1.) Insert age: 21 (real age: 9)

becaues the system always works......

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how the hell are u going to ban people under 18....

1.) Insert age: 21 (real age: 9)

becaues the system always works......

Are you saying people fib? How awful.

I may or may not be 41. If it's the forum asking and I need to add credence to my posts then it's 41. If it's a hot forum chick, then I'm 22 and hung like a Grand National winner.

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Are you saying people fib? How awful.

I may or may not be 41. If it's the forum asking and I need to add credence to my posts then it's 41. If it's a hot forum chick, then I'm 22 and hung like a Grand National winner.

lmao beans for you sir

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Mind you, I've seen more teens act mature then people on this forum.

If only there was a filter that could sort out annoying pricks (older than 18 or not)...

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"Well... ok. But only if you will clean your room."

LOL i've been married for almost 50 years so she does that while i'm gaming.

Thanks for the approval.

Holy shit 50 years?

Good job!

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Hello, just a little known fact for you all.

If DayZ commander and Six Launcher didn't exsist neither would hackers to a large degree.

If this game could only run through Steam, all hackers would be banned and there would be none whatsoever - minus the private hacks that will always be there.

Basically, if your steam cd-key gets banned, you can't purchase a new one for that account.

Though I suppose you could just make a new account.


Oh well, hopefully Rocket decides to charge 60 a copy, then the kiddies won't be able to afford to continually buy new keys.

Yeah, no. You're wrong.

Just because you launch the game through steam doesn't mean al the servers become VAC secured.

If a hacker gets banned he just simply buys the game on a different account. Or he buys a CD key and uses an external program to switch it with your old one.

It's battleEye's fault for not being a good Anti-Cheat engine, not DayZ Commander or Six Launcher.

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Good luck "banning" them, there is bascily no way to know certainly if they are under 18, except if the start talking in-game and have a tiny voice. And, i dont know what u mean with "kids", im 16 so i guess im a kid for being under 18?

This is mission impossibru you are trying on here :P

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Man this makes no sense, how is rocket supposed to know if a kid is playing??? if they ask for birthday they put 9/10/ instead of 2000 they put 69, and the only way to know if this is true it to ask for personal information (ID, etc etc etc) and if they would ask for it they would give their parents ID.. plus a kid needs to have a certain level of maturity to enjoy this game, a regular kid plays CoD and is screaming around all day

about the other thing that doesn't make sense either. period.

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So please do something about the legions of baldsacks roaming chernarus, squeaking my headset up.

I get my balls waxed and my voice is deep - am i ok to play?

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I'm not saying i'm better in any way, i'm saying there's an age limit on games for a reason. In this day and age especially, we should try and preserve our children's childhoods as much as we can. The game industry knows that sex and violence sells and it's mature games are being played by consumers way under the specified age limit, yet they don't care as it's making them money. Why cant they only accept the users credit card and not the parent or guardians for a subscription or something. pre-paid cards would need proof of age to purchase. Not enough emphasis is put on the fact these games are not for kids and are actually damaging to them. I'll also add that kids have yet to grow a conscience and will blow your truck up, flatten your tents, teleport you into the sky with sadistic glee. is that what you want? So if i do hear a child on this game, bandit or not i'm gonna shoot them outright just so they play less. It's my civic duty after all.

yeah you're right there's an age limit for a reason but if a parent don't give a crap?? plus kid get bored this days cause every single E rated game (other than FIFA and PES)

Edited by IncognitoNico

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Man this makes no sense, how is rocket supposed to know if a kid is playing??? if they ask for birthday they put 9/10/ instead of 2000 they put 69, and the only way to know if this is true it to ask for personal information (ID, etc etc etc) and if they would ask for it they would give their parents ID.. plus a kid needs to have a certain level of maturity to enjoy this game, a regular kid plays CoD and is screaming around all day

about the other thing that doesn't make sense either. period.

I think ur right for the most part - once the hackers are dealt with and access to instant weapons has been removed, most kids aren't going to be roaming the countryside looking for ammo for their winchesters in the vein hope of trying to hit something from 300 meters away lol

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Anyone and everyone who has posted in this thread is a giant faggot

Is the irony of this post lost on you?

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Ok lol seriously dude, do you really think you could weed out the use of 3rd party programs for communication? Ofc not, everybody use stuff like that if you aren't playing solo. On the other hand have you ever heard about radios? Also that doesn't mean players should hear you if u are talking into a microphone you really don't have to shout.... I think I made my point, I mean It's okay you think that this game is meant for solo play but It's definitely more enjoyable with friends and without TS or ventrilo it would be impossible to do so. Even with something like that it's hard to coordinate 5+ players.

You should be more worried about thermal vision scopes than god damn communication. An other solution would be to get some friends or join a clan. I find it awfully retarded to cry over 3rd party communication as it exists in every online game...

you got my beans good sir

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It's a pity they can't incorporate radios into the game using ACRE which is part of the ACE mod. There are various different radios u can set to different channels which have limited ranges. The 343 for instance is about 1km (depending on terrain) so as u reach that, communications become garbled to the point u can't make out what people are saying. The 148 has more range and then the radio back packs and vehicle radios even further. ACRE needs TS to work and also takes over as direct comms in arma - i.e. your normal chat is directional and range based just like direct voip in game.

The other great thing about it is joining players coming into your TS server can talk to u normally and u can hear them until they get into the 3d world, then ACRE takes over. This means you can direct players before they come in to where you are so u can meet up and of course in game, if u used a radio (not sure if u can encrypt ur own comms) other players will be able to hear you if they dial the same channel meaning ur radio etiquette needs to be spot on.

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Quit whining, respect people under 18. I'm 13, but I'm not a shit head, just like you're being in that post. They may be some shitheads, that are under 18, do so much shit, but just mind your own business, and quit whining, thanks. Too many people say shit about kids, who's 13 or around that, we might be as good as games as you are, and play exactly like people who's older than 18.

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