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About Gulmari

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. dayz commander is saying i have a 10k ping there not sure why lol... i'll check it out if there isn't a whitelist.. .if there is where do i put in an application
  2. I'm looking for a server that has different weapons, vehicles, skins etc. I'm kind of sick of vanilla dayz items as the only weapon on those servers I'm really ever interested in getting is the M16 Acog. I don't mind a whitelist only server as long as the whitelisting process doesn't take a week only to find out that you aren't accepting more people (happened twice now), or a server where I put an application in and I never get a response. I play solo and am really only interested in killing zombies, not people. I will defend myself if i get attacked but if I see you before you see me then I'll patiently wait for you to leave an area, or simply move on unnoticed. Note this doesn't mean I'm friendly in any way. If I'm trapped/backed into a corner and you don't communicate with me I will absolutely shoot first if I feel that's the only way to safely get out of that situation. This doesn't happen often, but this is Dayz and we all know you can't leave anything to chance.
  3. I'd love to try this server out but every time I log into the server it's pitch black. I work odd hours so the only times I have to play the game are around noon-5:00pm central time. I'm not asking for the server times to fit my schedule. It just seems a bit odd that the middle of the day in the U.S. on a U.S. server its pitch black.
  4. How does "pvp" actually work on the server. The "no KoS" rule is pretty vague. Am I to assume that you have to ask the persons permission to shoot at them? I understand not killing fresh spawns because that's a douche move, but if I'm providing over watch for my squad and I see another squad moving into a position on their flank am I not allowed to engage them?
  5. Gulmari


    about 20 days into my longest life i had acquired a rather large cache of weapons and at the time was running around with my M4 SD in my pack and M24 in my main slot. I was in the church near the supermarket in cherno at night with no nvg's (hadn't made it back to the tent to pick them up before my cherno run) and i realized that the SD would be a better option for any close range engagements so i decided to switch my weapons out. All of a sudden my M24 disappears and i have no weapon in my pirmary slot. Thinking it was just some bug and a little disappointed i simply put the M4 in my primary slot and go about my checking of the church. I didn't find anything so I decided to test if my backpack was bugged and put my M4 SD in it... it then disappears too. At this point i'm furious i abandon my run through cherno and decide its best to just rearm at my tent with some other guns even if they aren't as cool as the first ones i had. It being nighttime on the server there's only about 8 or 9 people on 5 of which were in my squad and most of us were in cherno. One of my buddies announces over vent that he just hit the motherload in the cherno church and found an M24 and an M4A1 CCO SD. Needless to say I full on facepalm'd when i realized that after months of playing i fell victim to my own idiotic mistake lol.
  6. Gulmari

    Why the radio silence?!?

    Fanboi much? Someone points out actual flaws in your precious rockets mod to which you have absolutely no counter point to so you resort to incoherent flaming. Until massive overhauls are made the mod will continue to lose people. Those people lost aren't coming back for the standalone either.
  7. Gulmari

    Why the radio silence?!?

    Was no outline given to the rest of the team? Rocket isn't the only person working on DayZ. No real bug fixes and only more problems. Less than 10% of the player base continuing to play the game and the number is dropping. You can't expect that everyone who isn't playing anymore is just waiting for standalone. When you hype people up and disappoint them, they don't get "re-hyped" for the same thing just because you say its different.
  8. Gulmari

    Gaining good equipment.

    Not being able to log in for a day wouldn't cut back trolling or pvp. It would be 1000 servers filled with 1 person who's better at pvp than everyone else or a hacker who killed everyone, and tell me how is it not the most epic troll ever if you "team up" with someone only to shoot them in the back and force them to not log in for 24hrs? You're not cutting back on anything but playtime with your scenario. Now onto your guide (if you can call it that). Your idea of a guide for players starting out is to go for high end loot as soon as possible... only staying in costal towns for a map and a bike. My advice for new players (if you're already sending them to low pop servers) is to go into those cities, learn their layouts, spend some time there gathering the supplies they need and learning the mechanics of the game. Not only will this give them an idea of what to loot and what not to loot, but it will also give them the experience of losing all that sweet loot in the blink of an eye. After a few days of learning cherno/elektro, where items in those towns spawn, mapping paths through the towns to hit the high value stuff with limited exposure to possible enemy contact, then and only then would I give them any advice like going north to get "high end" loot. Sending new players north into heavily hostile territory because you think cherno and elektro are hostile is like telling someone its better to get stabbed in the face than kicked in the dick. Sure they both hurt but one is a little more severe than the other.
  9. 21 current days alive with 2-3 hours a day and 5-6 hours weekends. The biggest thing you can do to stay alive is get into cherno/elektro to get the bare minimum crap needed to survive after a fresh spawn and then get the hell out and never go there again. I honestly don't understand how people CAN'T survive more than an hour in this game. Make yourself a checklist next time you spawn. Do I have.. Hatchet Matches Hunting knife Water Bottle's Pistol (any will do) Once you have those 5 things (6 if you want to count ammo) you've officially gotten everything you need to survive for eternity in this game. If you want some "cool guy stuff" be prepared to either die or learn better tactics and quit crying.
  10. Lingor has a lot of things going for it. You can spawn all over the place, there's more buildings to go in (including way more types of buidlings), more high value loot spawns means people will spread out across the map instead of congregating in one place (looking at you NWAF), and more dynamic terrain. Chernarus is cool don't get me wrong, but there's only so much running through nothingness a man can take. "great I've got everything I need to survive alone in the wild gun w/ ammo, medical supplies, decent backpack, map, compass, hunting knife, hatchet, matches, binos, food, and water. Looks like its time to head north. (plots a waypoint to NWAF from cherno). 9km!!! DAFUQ!?"
  11. Gulmari

    really starting to piss me off....

    There's your problem sir.... you need to download BOTH Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA in order to play Dayz.. you can't just download an expansion and think the game will run fine. I read everything this dude posted and i think he's just mega trolling. There is no way he can't figure this out. I just finished watching 3 seperate tutorials on how to install dayz 1 launching through steam, 1 for Dayz Commander, and 1 for Six Launcher. Every one of them says to install both Arma 2 and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead.
  12. Gulmari

    g36c SD

    The situation you present though is the enemy having weapons that gives them a HUGE advantage... If their entire squad had regular AS50's and L85's you would have snatched them up in a heartbeat, even though they were probably scripted in or duped. The problem isn't scripted in weapons. If all hackers did was add weapons to the game that were only slightly different versions of weapons we already have then it wouldn't be an issue. Think about if a scripter just put G36's, M4's, M8's, M16's, AK74's etc on the map all over the place. Only Close quarters optics or iron sights and only a select few being SD so that you have something besides the M4A1 CCO SD to use as a silenced AR. None of those would give anyone an advantage other than looking cooler. The problem comes when scripters put things in that give massive advantages to people...AS50 TWS is the big one. People running around with a gun thats only a different look of a gun already in the game i say go for it.
  13. If he actually wrote it like that I would have taken him as less of an absurd douche and more of just a concerned older gentleman wanting more immersive gameplay
  14. Gulmari

    Bullet registry = Zero close combat in DayZ

    Its to bad that in your video's scenario he's firing at multiple targets and sweeping back and forth but in the OP's scenario it was 1 target. Why don't people understand that NOT spraying and praying doesn't mean always keep your weapon on semi. In a small room with 1 target full auto or burst will absolutely devastate that target. Here's a small test for your kind to do. Get yourself a fully automatic weapon (real life or in game) stand 10 feet from a human sized target and fire an entire magazine at it. If you are a scrawny nanny boy with no weapons training i advise doing this ingame. After said test is complete i bet you hit 20+ times out of a 30 round mag. Now 20 is lowballing it too. If you can't empty an entire mag from a full auto AR into a human sized target at 10 feet there's a problem.
  15. Gulmari

    fuck you bastards

    Only reason people get mad when they die to a bad trade is when they went with all their gear on them. I've had many trades go amazingly well and a few that went south. The only thing i bring with to the trade is the item i'm trading. If i die oh well i have extras of the crap i'm trading or else i wouldn't be trading it, and i didn't lose anything else. If i don't die then it was good trade and i got what i was looking for.