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Pepsi/M Dew

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Since these drinks are in the game, Does this mean the companys for those drinks paid the DayZ Creators so they can be in the game?

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Surely if anyone did, it would be Heinz :P

Edited by Tyratops
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I think there wont be any branded drinks/food in the standalone version unless they pay for it ... my guess is that Heinz cant wait to pay

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I'm pretty sure heinz doesn't even need to manufacture beans anymore.

they're in every survival game ever.

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Monster Energy Drink.



AMP > Monster...

but in this case I suppose Monster isn't so bad.

edit: I will pick up mountain dew in game whenever I can. I'm a fan boy, what can I say..

Edited by Unibek

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Nah it needs Buckfast, makes you feel invulnerable, but actually your staggering about the place doing more damage to yourself... and also you suddenly spawn a white baseball cap, that's slightly angled to the sky and has the rim bent in the way resembling the opening of the Euro Tunnel.

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I would love to see Heinz Beans in the standalone. I wonder if Bohemia considered talking to Heinz about it or will just go for a generic brand.

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I doubt that major beverage companies would be sponsoring an Arma 2 mod.

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