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Met a hacker... and I pity him

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So you think they were mad and it was worth it? You spent countless hours with that roll and they clicked 2 buttons to get everything they had and to get to you to kill you. Doesn't take much to satisfy you does it? lol.

Yes, it was definitely worth it. I die because of script kiddies ALL THE TIME. Killing them once before they killed us felt awesome, and they seemed genuinely upset. Within an hour I was killed by hackers on a different server. I'll take what I can get.

Whereas you're acting like a silly bitch with a non-argument like "doesn't take much to satisfy you does it? Hurrrrrrr"

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I have no friends "IRL". After a few decades Ive found I rarely meet people who don't turn out to be complete dickheads and cause you problems in one way or another. I don't think its sad to not have friends IRL, I think its smart not to. Friends, no matter who good they are to you, eventually one day they are going to let you down in a way that will make you regret they ever knew them. Its only a matter of time. I have family that I love and they are the only people that matter to me.

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Yes, it was definitely worth it. I die because of script kiddies ALL THE TIME. Killing them once before they killed us felt awesome, and they seemed genuinely upset. Within an hour I was killed by hackers on a different server. I'll take what I can get.

Whereas you're acting like a silly bitch with a non-argument like "doesn't take much to satisfy you does it? Hurrrrrrr"

Again you think you upset someone by killing them when they clicked 2 buttons and regained all progress they had moments before and then killed you?

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I have no friends "IRL". After a few decades Ive found I rarely meet people who don't turn out to be complete dickheads and cause you problems in one way or another. I don't think its sad to not have friends IRL, I think its smart not to. Friends, no matter who good they are to you, eventually one day they are going to let you down in a way that will make you regret they ever knew them. Its only a matter of time. I have family that I love and they are the only people that matter to me.

If they are friends, then they are completely honest and forthcoming about what they can do for you. Sounds to me like your assigning to much responsibility on them, like guys who assign "friend, best friend, mom, therapist, to their girlfriends. ...and don't state your opinions and guesses like they are facts, ugh...

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Again you think you upset someone by killing them when they clicked 2 buttons and regained all progress they had moments before and then killed you?

Well yes, I can tell when someone is upset. Even if they weren't, it still would have felt good to me.

And you're upset with me as well. Do you run scripts yourself?

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I have no friends "IRL". After a few decades Ive found I rarely meet people who don't turn out to be complete dickheads and cause you problems in one way or another. I don't think its sad to not have friends IRL, I think its smart not to. Friends, no matter who good they are to you, eventually one day they are going to let you down in a way that will make you regret they ever knew them. Its only a matter of time. I have family that I love and they are the only people that matter to me.

Just wondering mate, are you a teenager? Don't mean that in any kind of disrespectful way. If this is your experience of life so far as a teenager then I'm not surprised and I can tell you it'll get better. If you're older, then I'm afraid you've had some bad luck with people. I hope you soon meet honest people like Wolf_359. Glad you've got a nice family :)

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OP is a tool for taking the guns. Sais hacker is a grade AAA+ douchebag for being part of a type of sub-human that ruins the game.

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OP is a tool for taking the guns, although I cant blame him for it. Said hacker is a grade AAA+ douchebag for being part of a type of sub-human that ruins the game.

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OP is a tool for taking the guns, although I cant blame him for it. Said hacker is a grade AAA+ douchebag for being part of a type of sub-human that ruins the game.

I didn't want the fecking guns, I took them to be nice to him. Like I just said, now I try to kill anyone who appears to be a hacker, even if it means I lose all my stuff when they find and kill me.

Edited by RooBurger

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I just can't stop playing this game...

Tonight I started a new character, killed someone within 30 min and had decent gear. AK47, CZ, compass, NVGs.

Nowadays when I have gear like that, I go stalking snipers around Cherno and Elektro. I crept up on a Ghillie suit hiding in a tree, put about 10 rounds in his face, and he didn't die. Didn't even seem to bleed. He disappeared and my kill count didn't move. I assumed he was going to come back and kill me so I left the server. Entered another server and eventually found another sniper with a Ghillie. Put many rounds in the body and he appeared to bleed, but he logged out and I didn't get the kill. Wow.

Edited by RooBurger

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Well yes, I can tell when someone is upset. Even if they weren't, it still would have felt good to me.

And you're upset with me as well. Do you run scripts yourself?

By that last comment you verify everything I said.

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Whats up your ass?

Probably a bitter solution of contempt and intolerance for those that assume and judge without credible evidence?

EDIT: I don't mind if OP calls hackers dickheads/douchebags/assholes/contemptible member of a video game/whatever else BECAUSE of hacking, but to make assumptions and generalize a potentially diverse demographic (or even just an individual for that matter) on the foundation of an EXTREMELY trivial action stikes me as a precursor to OP turning to/creating stereotypes and stigma that parallels more serious subjects such as racism.

Edited by VVired

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No such thing as a friendly hacker. A cheater is a cheater no matter sgthornet tries to paint it. People cheat for one reason, to take advantage of others. IMHO hackers are about half a step above pedophiles.

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Correction: This one hacker didn't have any friends. You cannot know anything about all the rest.

As far as I'm concerned, they're all scum that destroys everybody's experience of DayZ.

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No such thing as a friendly hacker. A cheater is a cheater no matter sgthornet tries to paint it. People cheat for one reason, to take advantage of others. IMHO hackers are about half a step above pedophiles.

Did you just say scripters are worse than ....pedophiles? Are you a fucking idiot? I am literally in disbelief here how stupid some of you can be. There are going to be hackers in this game until stand alone. If all you guys are gonna do is bitch about hackers and script kiddies until stand alone comes out then quit. You don't have to play this game, no one is forcing you and you certainly don't have to make a 10 threads a day crying about how hackers are ruining the game.

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New schooler u mad about my opinion bro?

......I just can't take you seriously. .....You do know what a pedophile is right? Please say no, it's only 1:30 P.M. and my patience for stupid is already gone.

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Probably a bitter solution of contempt and intolerance for those that assume and judge without credible evidence?

EDIT: I don't mind if OP calls hackers dickheads/douchebags/assholes/contemptible member of a video game/whatever else BECAUSE of hacking, but to make assumptions and generalize a potentially diverse demographic (or even just an individual for that matter) on the foundation of an EXTREMELY trivial action stikes me as a precursor to OP turning to/creating stereotypes and stigma that parallels more serious subjects such as racism.

I said "some (perhaps most?)", not "definitely all" are apparently lonely people. If you're offended by that because you're a script kiddie, too bad. If you're not a scripter, let me explain.

I was nice to him because he seemed like a nice guy, however misguided his actions were. He was trying to impress/help me and make friends by cheating. The whole thing definitely felt a bit pathetic and sad, and my girlfriend who was there at the time agreed. What he did fucking sucked, and it pissed me off. Despite that I humoured him for far longer than I wanted to, then simply left the server to get away from him. Seriously, the whole thing lasted about 25 motherfucking minutes. It was painful.

Wait a minute... you accused me of being too judgemental and then said that my judgement parallels racism? Settle the fuck down you silly bitch.

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I don't agree with the comparison to paedophiles at all.

Of course they're all going to do it for different reasons. The person I met was trying hard to make friends and seem impressive. Others can't stand losing. Others enjoy ruining the fun of their fellow players. Some misguidedly think they're helping other people. Whatever.

They can all suck my cock.

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New Schooler you don't have to take me seriously or anyone else for that matter. I found this in the forums and think I found out why u so mad.

snapback.pngNewschooler, on 25 August 2012 - 03:32 PM, said:

When you and I purchased this game I'm sure we had a completely different perspective of what it was really going to be and it turned out it was far from it. Thankfully this game is still in Alpha and it has A LOT of potential to be a great game. Anyways, I don't blame you for hacking. Here's to hopefully a new start in standalone :)

You talk as if you have been a cheater before yourself or hang out with them. So you can go suck a cock. How about that?

Edited by Jikfive

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In this thread I said I'd kill every hacker I met whether they were nice or not, but it happened again: met a friendly hacker, but didn't kill the bastard because I felt sorry for him!

I started asking where he got his AS50 with thermal sights. He made up a lie and I said that you shouldn't be able to get that gun in DayZ. He didn't know that. Then he admitted he was using hacks.

He was an inexperienced player. Never heard of an L85, didn't even know which building was the hospital.

He said getting killed for no reason by other players upset him so much that he "caved" and decided to PAY for hacks. $15 a month. He can now see every other player's name plate and how far away they are.

I chatted with him for a few more minutes, making sure I gained his trust. I moved around a lot as if I was looking everywhere so he got used to my movement and felt comfortable. He was laying prone and watching Cherno. My plan was to walk behind him, say "all hackers are ruining this game" and kill him with my winchester. I'd already asked if he was using god mode to be sure it would work.

Just as I was about to stand up, he said "but at the end of the month I probably won't renew. I'll just go back to playing the game normally... using the hacks has taught me a lot so I think I'll be more confident".

I sighed. Couldn't do it to the poor bugger. After a pause I just said "cool, well, I just want to say it's really rewarding to play this game without hacks. Surviving and not getting killed is awesome, and getting killed by other players is part of the game, it makes it all worth it. See you later."

It's just another example. Someone who was so upset by getting killed in DayZ that he didn't just leave the game - he paid money to get hacks, came back to get his revenge.

In my opinion it's not just the fact that it's so easy to run scripts in ARMA 2. The mod is so psychologically challenging (moreso than any other game I've ever played) that it drives a lot of people to cheat. This hacker claimed it ruined the game for him. For me, it's the entire reason I play it.

Edited by RooBurger

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