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Dr Wasteland MD


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Tried to fly a helicopter, didn't know how to even fly one. It blew up.

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Had lost all my medical supplies due to a bug, so I went to the hospital at Cherno. I had picked up an empty tin can from one of the apartments and stood about 5m from the window. I threw the can at the window, and it just bounced off. I was sitting there wondering what happened, when I looked up at the corner of my screen, I saw "Throw: 1"

All my cousin heard while he was providing overwatch on the hill was "OH GEEZ" *boom*

At least the M67 I ended up throwing broke the hospital windows when it exploded.

Edited by Blippy
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Dr Wasteland, hahaha, lovely story. Suicidal impulse? :thumbsup:

When I was first playing dayz, I had an hysterical fit of panic in front of medic, MikaelM who had just given me a transfusion. So I humiliated myself by yelling and panicking while surrounded by attacking zombies.

"Remain calm, and don't run", he told me. Naturally, I immediately ignored his wise advice and tried to run but was surrounded by about ten flesh eaters. At which point I yelled something about not being able to cope and aborted. I still blush, thinking about it. He was so nice and understanding afterward but god, I was embarrased. Been practicing sneaking every day, ever since! :blush:

Of course, I've lost my coyote backpack just by clicking on it, same with my gun. Only today I dropped my rifle and recently I offered Angel a weapon and he said, "Do you mean the one on the floor?" I'd dropped my rifle and hadn't noticed. What a clutz!

Oh and a couple of nights ago, I spent half an hour running across map to save a friend, and five minutes later we died in a blaze of glory just after I warned him that we had to be careful because I always died in the spot we were coming to. :huh:

Edited by Sula
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I was running around the NWAF with my mate on my empty home server blasting zombies as they swarmed me. He said "watch this" ad ran infront of my line of fire and I shot him in the head. The only good thing to come out of that was he helped me hit the -4 million Humanity mark.

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about 20 days into my longest life i had acquired a rather large cache of weapons and at the time was running around with my M4 SD in my pack and M24 in my main slot. I was in the church near the supermarket in cherno at night with no nvg's (hadn't made it back to the tent to pick them up before my cherno run) and i realized that the SD would be a better option for any close range engagements so i decided to switch my weapons out.

All of a sudden my M24 disappears and i have no weapon in my pirmary slot. Thinking it was just some bug and a little disappointed i simply put the M4 in my primary slot and go about my checking of the church. I didn't find anything so I decided to test if my backpack was bugged and put my M4 SD in it... it then disappears too.

At this point i'm furious i abandon my run through cherno and decide its best to just rearm at my tent with some other guns even if they aren't as cool as the first ones i had. It being nighttime on the server there's only about 8 or 9 people on 5 of which were in my squad and most of us were in cherno. One of my buddies announces over vent that he just hit the motherload in the cherno church and found an M24 and an M4A1 CCO SD.

Needless to say I full on facepalm'd when i realized that after months of playing i fell victim to my own idiotic mistake lol.

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My facepalm has to be leaving three noobs on the airfield after letting them see me spend a good couple of hours (low pop server) there killing Zeds and looting the barracks, I came back to find one dead and two in that bad a state that one had to Alt&F4 from the zeds and one who had got D/C'ed whilst in a vehicle died upon reconnect inside the vehicle, needless to say only one survived the afternoon but he died that evening by walking off the top floor of the factory at Polana


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I'm not sure if this is in keeping with what the thread is aiming for, but, what with my IRL reaction being a genuine facepalm, I feel my tale is appropriate.

I've spawned near Cherno, and made my way straight to the Supermarket. Grab a few things from the aisles, and start to move into my back, hoping that I can find an ALICE pack knocking around... instead, I find a respectable young man toting a shotgun at the other end of the room, looking at the floor. I salute him, and start wiggling left to right, as if to say to him "YOU AND I ARE KINDRED. JOIN ME AND WE SHALL PILLAGE ALL THE BEANS IN THE LAND!"

The second he saw me, he walked up to me and let loose a round in my face. Insta-kill, whilst still saluting..

What a d*ck.

Edited by mzltv

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