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unSeen 1

People in this game are just complete dicks.

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for the 2nd time.

This isn't your blog.


This also isn't your forum.

Is it DayZ related? Then people can bitch about it here if they damn well please.

As for you OP, don't trust any snakes in this game. There's no accountability on the internet. I play with people I know in RL, I trust them, in addition they know if they fucked me over I'd get even real quick..

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It's what happens when man-children gain access to the internet. Anonymity makes them feel safe so they act like they do without fear of repercussions. Games like DayZ where "Survival" is the point of the game just gives them an excuse. Then you get those same people on here saying "lolit'spartofthegame" but they seem to be confusing Survival for acting like a fucking tool.

in the end, OP, You're better off learning from your mistakes and avoiding all possible contact with them and only trust people you actually know.

ill admit these kind of retarded posts give me the most luls

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Never trust a hacker, there is a life lesson for you right there. You knew they were both scum of the Earth dupers and had a scum of the Earth script kiddie rolling with them. Should have killed them from the start instead of trying to play nice with some douchebag cheaters. Next time you try to group up with people you will know to open fire (especially with the MK you could have mowed down everyone within seconds) the second you hear one of them ask to duplicate gear.

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I'm aware, bro. But doggy dog is the new dog eat dog. Just look around dayz a bit.

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As many on this forum like to say "it's a 'doggy dog' world"

it's "dog eat dog".

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This also isn't your forum.

Is it DayZ related? Then people can bitch about it here if they damn well please.

As for you OP, don't trust any snakes in this game. There's no accountability on the internet. I play with people I know in RL, I trust them, in addition they know if they fucked me over I'd get even real quick..

yeah, I know damn well that meeting up with people I don't know that theres a huge chance of getting killed. It's just that I let my guard down after they didn't kill me initially. I KNOW not everyone is like that, some people are true to their word. I was just trusting/hoping they would be like that, and honestly there was no reason to kill me other than well... just to kill me. I'm more mad about that my time and effort was wasted as opposed to me just losing all my stuff. that was just the icing on the cake.

also i like you for using the word snakes lol

Edited by unSeen 1

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I'm aware, bro. But doggy dog is the new dog eat dog. Just look around dayz a bit.

it's not the new anything. it's dumbasses fucking up a very easy figure of speech.

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it's not the new anything. it's dumbasses fucking up a very easy figure of speech.

That sounds like an old lies tale to me.

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ill admit these kind of retarded posts give me the most luls

Speak of the devil.

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It happens all the time in this game, people will join a group and play with them for awhile, then when the new guy has a bunch of zombies aggro'd on him, some asshole in that group decides they want the new guy's gear right about then, when he's busy fighting zombies, they shoot him in the back a few times and it's gg.

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That's alot of work to scam you out of an As50 TWS considering they grow out of the grass of Elektro like weeds now. Sounds like you need better friends. I suggest joining one of the bigger survivor groups, find other disgruntled people who think their RoEs are stupid and bail and form your own squad.

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Speak of the devil.

youre getting in the way of my fun

if you suck too much to stand your ground then youll be removed


if you want easy mode i heard you can make a private hive in the corner of the room where you can play with dolls

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My humour betrayed me.

That's ok Caz. I followed ya...

To OP. You should have shot them in the face right when you saw them. All of them, in the face. Their big dumb stupid faceses.

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youre getting in the way of my fun

if you suck too much to stand your ground then youll be removed


if you want easy mode i heard you can make a private hive in the corner of the room where you can play with dolls

No, I think i'll stay put and keep standing in your way because why not? If you have a problem with that you may want to look up those aforementioned private hives.


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That sounds like an old lies tale to me.

My beans and my lulz; you have them.

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No, I think i'll stay put and keep standing in your way because why not? If you have a problem with that you may want to look up those aforementioned private hives.



youre the guy QQing about pvp...

i like it jsut the way it is atm lol

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youre the guy QQing about pvp...

i like it jsut the way it is atm lol

No sir, I was not. I have no issues with PvP and thoroughly enjoy it in this game. My post was directed towards players like the ones OP described. Pretend to be friendly, shoot you in face.. or in this case,the back.

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Caz: That sounds like an old lies tale to me.

My beans and my lulz; you have them.

Well deserved Beanz indeed...and to put it another way, an elevator always smells different to a midget.

Edited by Hetstaine

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I get a good laugh out of the "realz worldz" posters, seriously? this Is a game thats easily exploited by power gamers , being a dick is still being a dick regardless of how you do it and reminds me about why I've pretty much given up on multiplayer games, ever since eve came out online multiplayer has had more dicks then chat roulette.

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That's what you get for trusting strangers in a completely anonymous environment. Are they 'complete dicks'? Not really - it's a game, get over it.

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Let me tell you this OP:

This game shows off the true way humanity functions. It shows human nature with a fine toothed come. Humanity, by nature, is deceptive, warlike and extremely belligerent. You can use the excuse, "Well its kill or be killed in this game!" Sure, that has some relevance, but who DOESNT get a rush from killing the competition? And a lot of people have fun tricking people, bringing them into their group and then betraying them; as you experienced. They just used you as a duping sweatshop boy. Call me horribly pessimistic, but this is how we human beings are by nature.

So no, its not "people in this game." You should rename this thread, "Humans are dicks." Thats how humanity is; if you haven't realized that by now then I feel extremely sorry for you.

Tl;dr: Humanity is belligerent and dishonest. You were a retard for trusting them.

If this is your personal experience then you are hanging around with the wrong people.

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