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Cant be bothered to play with the state of what used to be a good game.

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Meh, title explains it all.

Everyone camps cherno/electro and rushes to kill people.

Hackers/Snipers camp the hills.

Hackers teleport you into the sky, when you die they take anything good you have.

Hackers chasing after you in a ILLEGAL vehicle after you spend 4hours trying to fix a military truck in the quarry near solnichy.


sorry rocket, but i'm bored of it- i'll return once everything is fixed, or when standalone is out and battleye actually CARE about the hackers.

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that's what games going mainstream does deal with it

sorry i forgot people arent aloud to be mad at a game that used to be fun.

deal with it?

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Hackers teleport you into the sky, when you die they take anything good you have .

I'm pretty sure if they have scripts they are not interested in your gear.

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I'm pretty sure if they have scripts they are not interested in your gear.

true, most people do it to be obnoxious

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Only thing ruining it is the hackers. 9 times out of 10 there's someone nuking the server, teleporting everybody, etc etc. I wish I was exaggerating, but it is nearly every single.

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guess what its alpha

etc etc

it was about time someone said that

l0l dewd u play dis mod to alph test k thx if u dnt like mod dolnt play it cunt lolk

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Alpha or not, Rocket / Battleye let hackers get away with it, they should be doing things for the players/audience best interest to make the game more enjoyable, yes it's alpha- that doesn't mean they dont input a better anti-cheat system?

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Alpha or not, Rocket / Battleye let hackers get away with it, they should be doing things for the players/audience best interest to make the game more enjoyable, yes it's alpha- that doesn't mean they dont input a better anti-cheat system?

l0l dewd u play dis mod to alph test k thx if u dnt like mod dolnt play it cunt lolk

but in all seriousness, i agree. i dont think they can tho, since arma uses battleye? im not sure

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Meh, title explains it all.

Everyone camps cherno/electro and rushes to kill people.

Hackers/Snipers camp the hills.

Hackers teleport you into the sky, when you die they take anything good you have.

Hackers chasing after you in a ILLEGAL vehicle after you spend 4hours trying to fix a military truck in the quarry near solnichy.


sorry rocket, but i'm bored of it- i'll return once everything is fixed, or when standalone is out and battleye actually CARE about the hackers.

So you're going to stop playing the mod that Rocket is earning no money for but will pay for the full version once released that will earn Rocket a significant amount of money...

OP see's where I'm going with this in..




Edited by DeathJester76

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Alpha or not, Rocket / Battleye let hackers get away with it, they should be doing things for the players/audience best interest to make the game more enjoyable, yes it's alpha- that doesn't mean they dont input a better anti-cheat system?

It's not that they don't do anything. It's that they can't. DayZ is a mod that runs on ArmA2, which allows scripts, which consequently is what these script users... well.. use.

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Hackers have ruined the game so i stopped playing dayz and have gone back to the more mature players in arma 2 and how much better it is than a bunch of hackers in dayz...will check out dayz when its a stand alone and wait to see how it deals with the hackers...player since ofp... arma... arma 2...and soon to arma 3...so all you noobs stfu

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Recently I have been playing a closely monitored private hive. It has been an amazing experience!

What's it's name? I need a decent server to play :)

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Hackers teleport you into the sky, when you die they take anything good you have.

Lmfao spastic.


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Recently I have been playing a closely monitored private hive. It has been an amazing experience!

I'm also interested. I and several friends are looking for a better experience without hackers and/or servers full of over powered gear. If recruiting, PM please.

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I'm in the same boat, loved it when it was first out, people just seemed much friendlier back then and surviving against zombies and bandits with random people you ambled across was much more rewarding. Now it's script kiddies who are too stupid/crap to figure out why the games more enjoyable without cheating, idiots who have decided a survival game = a deathmatch arena and ejaculate over murder tallies and dragged everyone down to playing it like they do, and cowards who combat log and server hop as soon as they get in a tight situation.

I'm going to wait until it gets released as a standalone and see what they can fix, and also see how war z turns out. Hopefully they can brick a few thousand hacked copies in the meantime.

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