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Jesters (DayZ)

Zombies are most likely the biggest threat..

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Obviously I'm not the only person who thinks Zombies on this game are similar to Mike Tyson suffering from a session with the old Bath Salts and Steroids, what would make the game significantly better is if the Zombie amount is increased and their speed is reduced to that of a walking fashion, then the aggro range wouldn't matter at all, at the moment trying to sneak through any town is near suicide, getting spotted from behind buildings gives away your position, and enables zombies to punch you in the chest and break your legs. Having them walk would be much more exciting, like in the movies when you don't realize you're in trouble until you have 50 or so Zombies cornering you forcing you to fight your way out. Instead of being chased down and flying mega punched by Zombie Usain Bolts..

TL;DR - Zombies are shit.

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Zombies are too weak. The ONLY thing that makes them worth avoiding is that they may end up breaking your legs if you aggro them. As it stands you can simply run through a pine tree and lose any zombies aggrod to you.

IMO they're needs to be more diversity in the zombies;

Fast but weak.

medium speed/medium health.

Slow but strong.

Fast ones should run fast enough to attack you whilst still running.

medium should be the most common zombie and should only be able to break your leg if they surround you in a group

Slow ones have a higher chance of braking legs and take longer to kill.

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Zombies are too weak. The ONLY thing that makes them worth avoiding is that they may end up breaking your legs if you aggro them. As it stands you can simply run through a pine tree and lose any zombies aggrod to you.

IMO they're needs to be more diversity in the zombies;

Fast but weak.

medium speed/medium health.

Slow but strong.

Fast ones should run fast enough to attack you whilst still running.

medium should be the most common zombie and should only be able to break your leg if they surround you in a group

Slow ones have a higher chance of braking legs and take longer to kill.

So you basically want left for dead? xD

Fast but weak. - Jockey

medium speed/medium health. - All others

Slow but strong - Tank

Edited by deltaforce11

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Zombies are too weak. The ONLY thing that makes them worth avoiding is that they may end up breaking your legs if you aggro them. As it stands you can simply run through a pine tree and lose any zombies aggrod to you.

IMO they're needs to be more diversity in the zombies;

Fast but weak.

medium speed/medium health.

Slow but strong.

Fast ones should run fast enough to attack you whilst still running.

medium should be the most common zombie and should only be able to break your leg if they surround you in a group

Slow ones have a higher chance of braking legs and take longer to kill.

Zombies are weak, yes. But the threat they hold is that they spot you from ridiculous distances and give away your position, which will ultimately get your killed by some greaser in a tower, slower Zombie which are stronger, would be so much better. Even making them get bored after so long of chasing you, or diverting towards a helpless Cow for food would make this game less annoying.

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Zombies are NOT your biggest enemy in this game. We all know that players are your worst enemy. Zombies can be easily avoided if you put the right effort into it. If you plan your movements through towns carefully, you can move past them and not have to worry about them chasing you and making a sniper get a look at you. Try running through buildings with more than one entrance, and than proning once your outside from the other exist. Another method is zig zagging up a steep hill and then proning at the top. You can also zig zag through evergreen trees. They operate through line of site. Once its broken, they'll slowly look for you, but if you manage to stay out of sight they will no longer chase you.

Zombies will never incap you if your blood is above 10,000. (Its rumored to above 9000, but I was incapped by a zombie at like 9800 blood) If you keep it above that level they should never make a meal out of you. Its all about experience. The mere topic of this thread is ridiculous. A sentient being with a firearm is WAY more a threat than a glitchy computer zombie.

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LOL, zombies should make more damage, and there should be twice as much as now.

Also they shouldn't get aggroed by sound, that way id they hear you, they will be attracted to your direction but you can menoover your way out.

All of that ofcourse after they are fixed, no zigzagging no wall hacking and so on.

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Not only are zombies not really a threat to anyone with at least a hatchet, they are easily fooled and lost. Breaking line of sight is one of the easiest methods, or running into a building and forcing them to bottleneck through the doorway also makes them easy to dispatch if you at least have a hatchet. What I would prefer to see rather than nerf, or strengthen them is just for them to be balanced. Sometimes when you lay in a field 500m from one with no visibility it will aggro and chase you from 500m out, other times you can sprint past one at 10m and it won't see you. How about some consistency rather than buff or nerfage? That's just my opinion though

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Zombies are NOT your biggest enemy in this game. We all know that players are your worst enemy. Zombies can be easily avoided if you put the right effort into it. If you plan your movements through towns carefully, you can move past them and not have to worry about them chasing you and making a sniper get a look at you. Try running through buildings with more than one entrance, and than proning once your outside from the other exist. Another method is zig zagging up a steep hill and then proning at the top. You can also zig zag through evergreen trees. They operate through line of site. Once its broken, they'll slowly look for you, but if you manage to stay out of sight they will no longer chase you.

Zombies will never incap you if your blood is above 10,000. (Its rumored to above 9000, but I was incapped by a zombie at like 9800 blood) If you keep it above that level they should never make a meal out of you. Its all about experience. The mere topic of this thread is ridiculous. A sentient being with a firearm is WAY more a threat than a glitchy computer zombie.

Half the time players find where you are because of Zombies, If you're further away than 150m from an area and there's Zombies, there's a player about because Zombies don't spawn until you're in the 150m radius, avoiding Zombies isn't easy in a town. There's around 3 behind every corner, I've tried everything. The only thing that works is proning and that only works in a grassy area, and if you're spotted. Your character takes around 5 seconds to stand up, acting all 'I'll be cool'

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Zombies are way too easy. They need to be made harder by their strength or increased in number.

Not sure about the problem here. I can stealth through the towns without any hassle. Use third person or study them closer.

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zombies aren't the biggest threat. neither are players.


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Not only are zombies not really a threat to anyone with at least a hatchet, they are easily fooled and lost. Breaking line of sight is one of the easiest methods, or running into a building and forcing them to bottleneck through the doorway also makes them easy to dispatch if you at least have a hatchet. What I would prefer to see rather than nerf, or strengthen them is just for them to be balanced. Sometimes when you lay in a field 500m from one with no visibility it will aggro and chase you from 500m out, other times you can sprint past one at 10m and it won't see you. How about some consistency rather than buff or nerfage? That's just my opinion though

You make a fair point, and I do agree. But they give you away too damn much, if they walked at a steady pace, players would get the general idea of where you are. But with them sprinting full speed at your ass, makes it almost too easy for that bush wookie in the knoll. But in the end it's only my opinion to make them slower :)

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zombies aren't the biggest threat. neither are players.


I tend not to talk about douche bags :D

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Zombies are way too easy. They need to be made harder by their strength or increased in number.

Not sure about the problem here. I can stealth through the towns without any hassle. Use third person or study them closer.

My problem is that they give away your position too much, they leave you wide open to anyone with a decent eye site. Might just be my PC making them have X-Ray vision.. But their aggro distance is too far for a rotting corpse.

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The only thing that works is proning and that only works in a grassy area, and if you're spotted. Your character takes around 5 seconds to stand up, acting all 'I'll be cool'

I just don't think you're very good at avoiding zeds. Take a look at how Sacriel or LivByTheGun does it on YouTube. Google it. ;)

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Add having to head shot zombies to Kill them and it would make them a lot more interesting. I always aim for head shots, but when it gets thick its kinda hard to do so.

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I just don't think you're very good at avoiding zeds. Take a look at how Sacriel or LivByTheGun does it on YouTube. Google it. ;)

Trust me, I had no problem avoiding Zeds before the previous 'Patches' if you can show me a video of sneaking through Elektro/Cherno without aggroing a single zombie, without proning the whole time. I'll give you.. Beans ;) But yeah, I do agree there is a way to sneak past them. Just proning through a city isn't exactly, efficient.

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i think there should be more zombies, but they shouldnt have the great spotting skills that they currently have.

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Add having to head shot zombies to Kill them and it would make them a lot more interesting. I always aim for head shots, but when it gets thick its kinda hard to do so.

That would be realistic, but just too damn hard.

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i think there should be more zombies, but they shouldnt have the great spotting skills that they currently have.

Touche, possibly slow them down just slightly..

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Zombies are no threat unless you get badly cornered and you are low on ammo. There needs to be more of them and they need to track you mercilessly - hiding behind a tree is BS.

Entering a town for supplies should be a major accomplishment, not just a dash and grab effort.

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Zombies are no threat unless you get badly cornered and you are low on ammo. There needs to be more of them and they need to track you mercilessly - hiding behind a tree is BS.

Entering a town for supplies should be a major accomplishment, not just a dash and grab effort.

I also agree, but that wouldn't be fun. It would be hard, not fun. I just like the idea of a cliche Zombie apocalypse where they all move slow, and before you know where you are. You're surrounded.

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I disagree.

Using a bit of planning, I can crouch run/walk through cherno easily, going prone only when absolutely necessary.

Even if you aggro a zombie they aren't hard to lose these days, much easier than previous patches.

Also, zombies never see me through buildings and I can stand up and walk right behind a zombie that's looking the other way.

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Yehumm.. If you're really having trouble with avoiding/losing zeds, no offense, but you're doing something wrong. Like someone said earlier, go for the GoogleZ and YouTubeZ, and search for some guides. If I remember correctly DayZ GuideZ (on YT) has a very clearcut video on this very subject.



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Your thread title probably should have been " Zombies need to be the biggest threat. " Now, I understand Rocket said players are, but lets be honest here. If this were to actually happen you wouldn't waste precious ammo on another human unless it was absolutely necessary and those who do wouldn't survive long enough to do it again as they would eventually dwindle their supply and be defenseless.

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I'd like to see Zombies be abit stronger, have there be many more zombies, at least twice of what there is now, and have all their bugs fixed like losing them in trees or buildings, and how they only walk in buildings. In turn, they need to lose that stupid GTA cop mode factor of how they can pretty much be faster than you, but never actually catch you, just have them be abit slower, so you can run away, but with everything else, unless you really lose them, your not gonna be able to go hunting in towns or cities.

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