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Consoles eh?

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Why are you do angry just because the game could go to consoles? I see no bad reasons. What is the problem?

Because ArmA 2 it's one of the few awesome games that are exclusive for Pc like S.T.A.L.K.E.R and most of the console players are just little faggots complaining about being killed or saying that a game sucks just for it graphics

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It wouldn't really be a bad thing for the game to go to consoles some day. My main issue is this version needs fixing now. Plus rocket owes the PC community a hell of a lot before he goes catering to the console kiddies. This community has funded his entire little "experiment" with thousands of servers and time spent. Now it seems like he is parading around trade shows and stuff a lot more than keeping us in the loop on what is exactly going on with this project. Even the news feed has turned into total nonsense.

Console idea is fine and well, but at this point there should be major work going on to make things worth going forward. While he is off waxing philosophy about what he wants to do in 3 years, we are testing a project that feels like it has come off the rails majorly. I'm not even sure who gives a shit about the console idea right now, when we don't even have any concrete info on a standalone other than the same 2 sentences repeated in every interview. Yes we know hopefully by end of year, yes we know Minecraft funding structure, etc etc. Example being, how servers are going to run exactly. Are the players still going to be paying for everything, are admins going to have real power now, are we able to make our servers private, goals, what things we suggested are getting addedt... etc etc etc. So far it just feels like the only peep we have heard is "the standalone will fix everything".

We need some real feedback and plans. We are going on six months of testing already...and we still haven't gotten real solutions to many glaring problems. I love the game, I really do. I have all the respect for the people involved, but it may be time for that reminder to pull head from butt, you said we may need to give. Little less interviews and parades, little more straight up Q and A (with us on this site, the testers, not 100 different random podcasts we never heard of), listening to our concerns, solid plans going forward, etc.

A lot more communication directly with the player base would be nice is all I am saying.

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How could a console even render a whole chenaurus?

It can't. There was talk of bringing ArmA 2 to consoles on the BIS forums. It never materialized for obvious reasons. Consoles can't handle it.

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I am sure me or anyone else would not have a problem if the game would not be choked by this decision. If it goes through, it will. It always does.

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would love to it to go to consoles, as i would try it on that, but mainly as someone else has pointed out, would help push the cod kiddies back to the console version :D

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I smell a lot of fear and uncertainty in here along with the distinctive whisp of panic when there really needs to be none what so ever. I'm going to do my best to calm everyone's nerves...

Don't fear the consoles. Those that believe the market hasn't shifted since games like Crysis 2 were planned are either too young to see the bigger picture or just have short memories. Over the last two years the PC has proven itself countless times as a great environment for game development. From Minecraft to Kickstarter and paid alphas and F2P models the PC is no longer seen as the untamed beast like it was during the last big console resurgence. That coupled with the timing, the limbo between console cycles where the old is no longer good enough but the new is still hidden behind corporate curtains the PC is THE upcoming market.

There is no need to fear the influence of the consoles, the same way there is no need to fear the xbox or andriod versions of Minecraft having detrimental affects to the PC original. No matter what mistakes you may think Jeb has made since fostering Notch's abandoned baby, none of them have been because of consoles, xbox continues to wish it was PC Minecraft.

Rocket has proven himself several times now to maybe not be the best scripter but definitely one full of heart and a will to carve out his own niche. DayZ is the two finger salute to the big risk averse companies that disillusioned him to the industry in the early years and I have no doubt that Dean Hall is not the type of person to drop the ball now for a few extra dollars when his dream of creating exactly what he wanted from the start is within his reach, a hardcore survival non-game that pursues other emotions besides cheap thrills.

I'm 35 and i've been a gamer for 28 of those and I've seen platforms rise and die to rise again, I've played games on any device that will load them from whatever device that can carry them and believe me, the hardware will always change but the games will always be the best bit.


Edited by ironman Tetsuo
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Why not be on consoles, next gen consoles will deff be able to handle it.

If u make a game/mod u want everyone to play it not just a small section of people.


Wulfear has aidz.

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Wow what a bunch of noobs to PC gaming in this thread.

Great PC game is made > PC game goes to consoles > sequel is dumbed down and developed on console then ported to PC.

*crysis and battlefield most recently*

rocket turning into dice hahahaha.this ^^^^^

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How dare Rocket want to make money off of his idea. What an absurd concept. Only big developers should profit from their games. - That is what I'm hearing right now.

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Most of the scripters and hacker in day z are rabid raging fapping console players.

Also by the time the console verson of day z comes out if someone doesnt have a computer to run it they are fuckin pathetic. It will be late in 2013 ffs get with the times.

Edited by A Bush killed me

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Because ArmA 2 it's one of the few awesome games that are exclusive for Pc like S.T.A.L.K.E.R and most of the console players are just little faggots complaining about being killed or saying that a game sucks just for it graphics

And most PC players are depicted as being elitist jackhats who think console players just play Call of Duty. Sterotyping works both ways dude. You're judging base on a pretty small audience. You need to chill.

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It should be a PC exclusive. I don't have any problem per se with a DayZ console version except for the fact that we are going to see compromises to the standalone to get it to run on the Xbox. I really wish any talk of a console port was held off until after the release of the standalone.

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Well Skyrim runs pretty well on 360 considering and I don't know if it's bigger than Chernarus but it's pretty big. Besides, the PC doesn't render the whole map at once because that would be impossible to run.

Are you kidding? Skyrim looks like garbage on the Xbox. Compare it to even a mid range computer and the difference is stunning, never mind the mods. Oddly enough, I do play Skyrim with a 360 controller on my TV, the analog controls are quite good.

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I think a console version would be great for the people who aren't able to play this on PC (I know of some people very interested in this, but aren't able to play). It's not like a console version would take anything away from the PC gamers, it would just allow more people to enjoy DayZ. And the money would be great to help them improve this even more.

Edited by Tabris07
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You people blow my mind. Take a good hard look at what the Battlefield series has become. I remember large maps in BF 1942, much larger than we've seen in Bad Company or the most recent, Battlefield 3. It's already been said multiple times. The consoles just can't handle large maps.

As for the person who thinks next gen consoles will be able to handle it, I'd like to see this proof that you seem to have, otherwise it's merely wild speculation and there is NO proof that it would work.

My main argument for this whole thing is simply, look what happens to games when they get ported. Someone almost always loses. If it's done for the PC and ported for consoles, it doesn't bode well for console folks. Same thing happens to Console to PC ports. I mean, good lord, look what Ubisoft did with Ghost Recon Future Soldier. What a complete joke that was on the PC.

I get why Rocket would want to do this. I get why any developer wants to do it. Because there is more money when you reach out to a wide variety of players on different systems. Sadly, I've just seen so many good games get the shaft as they get dumbed down to please the console folks.

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Two complete gaming programs,one for PC and one for consoles?

The "Duke" would say "That'll be the day".


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What's so bad about consoles? I like to play some games on a PC, but then other games I would rather be playing on a console. If you still have it on PC I don't see the reason to complain. Plus, they would reach a bigger market by going to console. The more money they make, the more platforms it is playable, means the more likely they will be able to make the game better. Possibly even make more games that people can enjoy aside from DayZ.

Edited by PygmyJess

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First thing first i am a huge console fan,then dayz came out and i went to buy it hands down great mmo game.One thing is people are not looking at the aspects xbox has an ibm xenon processor (3Core),graphics card xenos.and came about about 2005 or 06 .but if they were to make dayz for xbox it will run smooth you know why? cause games they bring out for it are ment to run on it.like they said crysis 2 werent going to come out for the 360 and ps3 cause the system specs were not high enough.which were right but the dim down the game to meet the xbox 360 specs.and far as for chat channels im pretty sure they will pad everything right out on the xbox 360 controller efficient enough so you can play it.excuse me i just started learning english about 3 years ago.excuse me for my gramma errors.i love pc and we all know when it comes for pc there the master at gaming but alot of people do not have the money for high tech gaming computer.like me i have the money but i dont want to pay over 1 or 2 thousand dollors to play a god damn video game.thats why i prefer consoles over pc.easier everything set up dont have to worry if your game could run because you dont know if its powerful enough.dont have to map controls.is this why you guys hate console because everything is there and we dont have to worry about hackers and shit

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Threads similar to this have already been made.

If you all did any research at all, you would know its going to be developed for PC way before they will release it for consoles. Stop freaking out, we get it, you love your PC, but it's getting old.

Edited by TheDesigner

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Why are you do angry just because the game could go to consoles? I see no bad reasons. What is the problem?

The concern is that developing a game with console in mind will mean limited possibilities for an immersive experience.

Developers generally take the easy road when creating a game for consoles, limited hardware capability in RAM and graphics card alone means that the amount of in-game capabilities can be reduced and the textures limited. Once completed the console game is "ported" to PC for extra profit.

A good exception to this rule is Skyrim, with high resolution textures specifically for PC and obviously the PC can run the textures and environment in a higher quality setting than console could. But concern from the PC community is warranted, as previous and current experience in the games available on the market for PC in the past year alone have been very limited console ports. Poorly designed and executed leaving the PC community shunted.

A prime example of this is Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier. Developed by Ubisoft. This was designed and coded primarily for console, released roughly in March. Up until April it wasn't going to be on PC, but then there was an announcement that stated it would be included for PC release, but delayed by a month of console release. Fast forward to the release date of July and it was released, broken. I mean, purely, broken. Singleplayer did not function, it would crash known as 'Yeti' errors. Multiplayer did not function either, you would get a few problems randomly. Either you would be stuck waiting to connect to a game through host migration, join a game of multinational players sitting in the lobby until it crashed, join a game and be disconnected immediately or delayed, join a game and encounter a Yeti error, join an unplayable game because the host migration would take anyone, from anywhere and put them into a game thinking it is acceptable to play a FPS/3PS with pings of 900+, or played a game of continual host migrations then eventually disconnect because the migration was cycling through everyone expecting to resolve the latency issues.

This was all resolvable and could have been forgiven if it was resolved. Unfortunately it wasn't for an entire month and a half. The first patch which everyone was expecting to be a hotfix for the network and yeti issues was actually a patch to ensure that an xbox controller was not sought after instead of using a keyboard - Ubisoft had released such a bad PC port from the Xbox version that they hadn't even bothered to test the port or ensure input was PC objects only. A month and a half later and it was too late, refunds were sought where possible, but for myself Steam do not refund, essentially stealing my money. The 1.4 patch which was supposed to resolve all issues did not, the migration still connects to high latency games. Whether this is because my local players have abandoned GRFS so it is necessary to connect me to high pings or whether it is because Ubisoft's inept developers could not resolve the issue is regardless.

DLC has been announced for GRFS now with no word on the next patch to resolve base retail game. Naturally, this DLC has been rejected and an outrage is occuring on the forums that Ubisoft is practically Ubi$oft and not surprisingly, community managers do not communicate with the PC community since DLC was announced. Alot of foot in mouth syndrome.

This is now the standard of PC gaming we have come to expect from retail out of the box, and what companies consider customer service to PC gamers post release.

PC gaming is 'dead' to developers, the easy and quick cash route is to program for simple, generic hardware consoles. PC poses too much post-release and pre-thought testing and programming for it to reach the profit margins desired. We are simply now a 'port' market, even Activision's Modern Warfare/Call of Duty series has kept the same graphics since MW2 to ensure each title thereafter was console friendly.

That said, I personally believe that it is not Dean Hall's intention to shaft or mistreat the community. He respects that DayZ mod made it's name from the PC community and Arma 2 mod - which is only available on PC. I firmly believe that DayZ will blow WarZ out of the water when it goes retail, and I have no doubt that Hall will continue to respect and ensure that the PC version functions well and as intended.

What happens next title however will yet to be seen. Many developers who made their name on PC and the game name popular have now abandoned the PC community.

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What's so bad about consoles? I like to play some games on a PC, but then other games I would rather be playing on a console. If you still have it on PC I don't see the reason to complain. Plus, they would reach a bigger market by going to console. The more money they make, the more platforms it is playable, means the more likely they will be able to make the game better. Possibly even make more games that people can enjoy aside from DayZ.

That is idealistic thinking. In reality they will eventually try to get as much cash as they can and develop one version for all platforms. Which means it has to be only as demanding as the weakest platform(right now consoles).

Not to mention controllers don't have many buttons. Soon you get dumbed down controls, auto aiming and stuff like that.

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