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Stop hosting DayZ's forum on a beige computer

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Stop hosting the forum on this -


Seriously, slowest web forum I've used in years.

Also, you could reduce the server load by about half by removing most of the pointless, flashy features this forum uses.

Why does it update while you're replying to a thread to tell you someone's replied?

That's like 2 more http request's, minimum, probably more.

When you click inside the reply box it must tell the server 'someone's typing', then it must send it back to you to say someone's replied.

Like half of the time I refresh the page the site is offline or it takes 30 seconds to load.

100mb connection, wtf?

There's no way a web forum should be grinding your host into dust.

Edited by TheMachine
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It's hosted on Rocket's PC and he torrents blu-ray pr0nz a lot.

Jokes aside this is being discussed, alternate hosting is being looked at, originally the forum wasn't expected to receive this amount of users.

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Good thread-title, good point. Beans.

It's hosted on Rocket's PC and he torrents blu-ray pr0nz a lot.

Jokes aside this is being discussed, alternate hosting is being looked at, originally the forum wasn't expected to receive this amount of users.

Good that it's acknowledged. I will now whine a little about it and say; this should be done 3 weeks ago.

It is currently a pain in the neck. Thank you for your time.



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it's alpha... you didn't pay for it... it's a mod, not a game... 3rd person is an exploit...

oh, wait...

wrong thread :)

(have my beans... this place is painfully slow! and sadly, that beige box probably could do a better job) :D

Edited by tenzomonk
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Rocket, why u no install more tubes?

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I blame the endless MLP Thread + every Brony Thread + every Brony Signature + every Brony YouTube Video + every Brony Profile Image for the bad performance

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i totally agree to him! this forum needs to be upgraded!

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Why would they, they don't get paid. The forums are currently hosted on a Secured Servers dedicated machine, and I'm guessing they have a fancy package, which easily costs a couple of hundered bucks. There is just an excessive amount of load on the server, and the servers can't handle it. Now that that's said, when I did game and website hosting for a company I used Secured Servers too, and they had a lot of maintenance and downtime from time to time. I haven't been with them for a while so I really can't say what's going on there.

They offer everything from 10mbits (Lol) to 10gbits, and I'm sincerely hoping the forum server has atleast a 1gbit connection.

Edited by Brightbull

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Do you not think that this has something to do with CloudFlare? Since every request has to pass through that, maybe there's a caching problem.

Anyway.... SecuredServers already HAS A GREAT ANTI DDOS mechanism in place, so CloudFlare really isnt needed. I'd suggest removing CloudFlare, changing to either LightHTPD or Nginx and optimize MySQL configuration to match. Watch server loads, and watch incoming traffic.

@BrightBull there's no need for a 1Gbit for this website... Google serves between 1-10GBit depending on location, sites like MinecraftForum are on 1Gbits (Curse Network).

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