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How do I Aim?

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This is going to sound really noob-ish, but the title pretty much sums it up. How do I aim in DayZ/ARMA 2? Let me be more specific: It seems like something is really wrong with aiming in DayZ. Whenever I move my mouse, it seems like there is a slight delay (we're talking a fraction of a second here) before my cursor responds in-game. Then, when I stop moving it, it doesn't seem to stop immediately. It decelerates to a stop. These issues, plus the absurd amount of visual blurring when you turn your head, make it really difficult for me to aim. I don't understand it. I play other FPS's like TF2 and CoD, and have no problem there. It's just this game specifically. This usually results in me being destroyed by one lone zombie because I can't line up a headshot with my pistol.

However, on Youtube and livestreams, I see people mowing down groups of moving zombies with headshots (which is insane considering how fast the zombies move and how messed up their pathing is). How is it that these people have no problem with aiming? Is it because I just suck, or is there some kind of magical gameplay setting or combination of settings that will make the aiming seem more...for lack of a better word...responsive?

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Turn post processing off in the options. Also try turning off vsync to reduce mouse movement lag.

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Mine was alright on default.

Is your FPS alright? (The game is quite heavy)

Isnt it lag? (Be on the right servers)

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Right click once while holding a gun to scope in, the rest is practice. Head-shotting zombies for a few lives is a great way to get your confidence up and ready to PvP.

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Are you having FPS problems? Or is the game running slow in other ways than just aiming?

You should try turning down as many graphics options as you can, see if that helps.

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It's mouse smoothing. Turn that shit off.

you can do it ingame or go to documents -> arma2 -> your profile name, search for mouseSmoothing and set it to 1

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That is what the folks at home call mouse smoothing. go in to settings and turn it all the way off.

Edited by Sticker704

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Did this fuck just spam DayZ-Forums with real medical advertisement? :huh:

Edited by Max Planck
Could we not quote the spambots please?

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Turn off mouse smoothing and make sure you're getting decent FPS (preferably 60+). Also, my advice is to play with a low sensitivity for greater accuracy (for me, my mousemat (12") = a 180 turn) but I guess that's a personal preferance thing.

Edited by mZLY

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Might also want to check Options/Game Options/Aming Deadzone.

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It's mouse smoothing. Turn that shit off.

you can do it ingame or go to documents -> arma2 -> your profile name, search for mouseSmoothing and set it to 1


This pissed me off so hard lol. I also had a dead zone by default, make sure thats off too. That said low fps can feel like smoothing, and so can vsync. But if your getting above 30 it should be ok and see how the tearing is with vsync off. Off is always better.

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It's mouse smoothing. Turn that shit off.

you can do it ingame or go to documents -> arma2 -> your profile name, search for mouseSmoothing and set it to 1

If you're having FPS issues, Google/Youtube.

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