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Astral (DayZ)

Restore Blood \ Health Over Time

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TL;DR: Having full, or near full amounts of Food and Water, while remaining in a "rested" state (See: not breathing heavy) will slowly increase your blood rating over time.

The current implementation of food is nice, but I would like to see it being more long term based rather than feeling like I'm scrounging for food just to scarf it while attempting to beat Kobayashi in a hot dog and bean eating contest in order to regain paltry amounts of blood. At a rate of 10 every 5 seconds, it would take 10 minutes to restore 1200 blood, and one hour, forty minutes in order to heal to full. Keep in mind, these are just arbitrary numbers I'm throwing out there, and are not accounting for the fact that moving around significantly depletes your food/water in such a way that you wouldn't be likely to experience a large amount of healing time while attempting to be mobile. Once your food and water drop below the "green" level, it would be assumed that you're at a neutral state and the body simply uses the rest of it for basic operation; anything above that level is used for regeneration.

I'm not entirely sure, but I believe if you let your food and water levels drop to flashing red each, you will begin to slowly lose blood due to starvation and dehydration at a rate of 20 every 2 seconds; this would provide a nice parallel for that system, and encourage players to be a bit less frugal with the nourishment they can find. Also, since the rate of healing is fairly small, you would have less incentive (when in need of significant recovery time) to run full bore, wasting what precious food you've found on a sprinting spree instead of sitting tight and recuperating for a bit. Inversely, if you're able to find food but need to waste it, it creates more of a need to save it until in a safer location.

Attempting to sprint would cancel the healing portion of being full, as it is somewhat harder for a body to regenerate while doing stressful activities; really, if you're low on blood you've likely been hit a lot and sprinting should accelerate any bleeding you've left un-bandaged. Since you can currently survive on just a single resource, unless it's a bug to be able to survive with no blood loss with 0 food yet full water, as water can be found fairly easily and water bottles being infinite in their use, if you find a well or similar source of replenishment.

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Meeeh, i don't know. Maybe people would just eat and drink, and then log off.

Many wouldnt feel the need to go to the hospitals for bloodpacks.

Maybe 50 each 10 minutes, but nothing more.

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With a greater amount of healing in a shorter amount of time (similar to the number I gave, 10 blood per 5 seconds), it encourages players to play more, allowing them to regenerate at a comparable rate to how they would if they had a similar amount of supplies available to them in such a time. It wouldn't be superhuman healing, but give enough realism for a video game to give people pause if they become significantly wounded.

Inversely, with a smaller amount of healing over a larger amount of time (say, 10 blood per minute of being full), it sort of gives incentive to have periods of actual break from the game, as well as stockpiling supplies before logging off (assuming the devs re-implement the ability to consume supplies when logged off). This is also assuming the healing effect would take place if logged off. Otherwise, the amount of healing done in game would be negligible and defeat the purpose of attempting to recuperate while playing.

I can see it working either way. I am just not a fan of the "eat a slab of meat to instantly regain 800 blood" system. Keep in mind as well that it would require being fairly full of both resources either way, and constant movement quickly diminishes said resources, so it wouldn't be a constant source of healing unless the player had gathered a significant amount of both. On one hand, it's realism, on the other, it's gameplay, and even when striving for realism you don't want to make the gameplay cumbersome.

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With a greater amount of healing in a shorter amount of time (similar to the number I gave' date=' 10 blood per 5 seconds), it encourages players to play more, allowing them to regenerate at a comparable rate to how they would if they had a similar amount of supplies available to them in such a time. It wouldn't be superhuman healing, but give enough realism for a video game to give people pause if they become significantly wounded.

Inversely, with a smaller amount of healing over a larger amount of time (say, 10 blood per minute of being full), it sort of gives incentive to have periods of actual break from the game, as well as stockpiling supplies before logging off (assuming the devs re-implement the ability to consume supplies when logged off). This is also assuming the healing effect would take place if logged off. Otherwise, the amount of healing done in game would be negligible and defeat the purpose of attempting to recuperate while playing.

I can see it working either way. I am just not a fan of the "eat a slab of meat to instantly regain 800 blood" system. Keep in mind as well that it would require being fairly full of both resources either way, and constant movement quickly diminishes said resources, so it wouldn't be a constant source of healing unless the player had gathered a significant amount of both. On one hand, it's realism, on the other, it's gameplay, and even when striving for realism you don't want to make the gameplay cumbersome.


Regenerating would really encourage more camping... And less people in big cities... really.

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Not when the amount of food you would go through for a comparatively small amount of regeneration makes you require copious amounts of food. It would encourage periods of rest, rather than simply sprinting everywhere, but I don't think outright camping would end up happening in most cases.

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No don't restore the blood, humanity restoring is already crappy, this would make things even crappier. Don't follow todays trends, don't dumb down and simplify the game, it needs to be hard.

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don't restore the blood, this would'nt be a survival mod anymore

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I like the idea that you must do something to gain blood, like go to the hospital, get someone/gain trust of an stranger to give you that blood transfer. I could see really slow gain work,say 50 per 30 minutes or so.

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Yeah, even a much slower rate of blood gain than what I detailed would give a better feel to it. Say you eat/drink and are in full green for both food and water, you end up regenerating about 1000 over the course of an hour, rather than getting an instant 800 from a slab of cooked meat.

It wouldn't be a "main" type of healing unless you had a lot of patience or supplies, but would just supplement blood packs and the like.

Let drinking increase your blood' date=' not eating. It makes very little sense that stuffing your face with beans fills your veins with fluid.


Then you run into the issue that a player could easily heal to full with infinite water supplies. Besides, while blood is suspended in a fluid, cells take proteins in order to manufacture, which is why it would require both resources to regenerate. Losing blood while starving and dehydrated is analogous to the body cannibalizing itself in order to continue functioning, and giving the body "extra" nutrition than what it needs would allow it to repair.

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Let drinking increase your blood' date=' not eating. It makes very little sense that stuffing your face with beans fills your veins with fluid.


food and drinks dont go straight to your bloodstream, dumbass.

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This idea has been gone over before too. Giving your body food and water is how it rebuilds blood in real life, over time. So it should be in game as well. I'm not a fan of a steak or whatever being an instant blood boost as it is now.

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In real life your blood amount would increase as your red blood cells are ALWAYS making more blood

Exactly. How fast depends on having food and water.

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I figure having anything over 50-75% would allow for a decent amount of healing over time without being unbalanced, as you would need a constant intake of food and water in order to heal a significant amount over a long period of time.

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We've got food for this. Especially hunting is a great way to restore blood. I believe no game mechanic ever should motivate a player to idle around waiting for a problem to fix itself.

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Game mechanics shouldn't encourage players to act as if they were in an eating competition in order to fill up any respectable amount of blood either. It would force a player to choose between taking it easy and maximizing the amount he would get healed, or burning off the extra food and water by having to run off for safer ground. That kind of decision making is, in my opinion, what makes the mod: You have to do something, but there are few "optimal" ways to do them. Besides, nobody has to idle.

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But people aren't encouraged to act like they are in an eating contest at all. Why would you go and eat 10.000 cans of food, when you can more easily hit up a larger city and get yourself a blood transfusion?

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But people aren't encouraged to act like they are in an eating contest at all. Why would you go and eat 10.000 cans of food' date=' when you can more easily hit up a larger city and get yourself a blood transfusion?


Why risk the blood you have left even going to a city when you could just be careful and know your body will grow blood back over time, just like in real life?

You ever tried to get a total stranger to give you a transfusion?

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Have blood regen (REALLY LOW not fucking modern FPS style) from food & rest, but tie it into a food & hunger system. You can't eat the 20 tins of beans you looted from nubshore all in one go to keep it regenning, because you will become full after a few tins, although while you're regenning blood (SLOWLY), your hunger should drop at a faster rate than if you're fully fit. Blood transfusions can obviously still be an instant remedy to spilling your claret though, as that doesn't break authenticity.

I'd also like to see injuries like broken limbs and such take time to heal rather than being instant, and painkillers should certainly take a while to kick in. I'm not suggesting that once your leg is broken you can't walk on it for weeks, but it should at least slow you down for a good while, even if it's splinted.

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Eating too much should make the player have somekind of a penalty as then you couldnt just rape food. We really need a nice system worked out for this.

And my opinion on blood restoring over time

Regeneration = Idling

Idling = Full servers constantly

You catch my drift.

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Whatever the current system is works fine. If it had to do with resting or eating, I'd probably just eat something and then afk tabbed out in prone hiding somewhere.

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Idling shouldn't be allowed on servers, full-stop. Also, considering the game is headed towards penalising deaths even more, if anti-idle methods weren't introduced or were combated by macros simulating activity then the people who go AFK are going to have a bad time regardless. I wouldn't trust the life of a character with a bunch of gear, skills and reputation to an anti-kick idle macro for anything, and certainly not just to regen some health.

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The current system encourages movement to look for more food, yours does not.

Striking a balance between realism and enjoyment is imporant.. I'm just afraid this approach is a little too realistic.

Keep the current system, imo.

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My feelings on this is that blood should regenerate, but at a very slow rate. At minimum 10blood per hour, so 240blood per day (log off numbers). This could be accelerated up to about 1200 per day by maintaining green levels of food/drink. Lower levels of food and drink would constantly reduce the rate of regeneration. Food/drink rates should also decline faster when regeneration is in effect. Not only this, but there should be a limit on how often you may eat/drink without becoming sick.

Blood packs should also not be instant IMO. They should regenerate at about 500 per minute and require the subject to move no faster then upright walking pace. Any rapid movements should risk the pack spilling and being wasted.

Numbers can obviously be tweaked, but I feel the regeneration system should neither encourage people to idle for periods longer then a few minutes nor allow them to simply wait out long periods in safety. If you are injured you must actively do something about it, while also not being able to heal at unrealistic rates or through unrealistic methods.

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