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you know what's fun? playing for a whole weekend only to get all your shit disappeared due the fucked up bugs with the vehicles and tents.

I understand the standalone is coming out in 7 years, and that fixing the artifacting and broken vehicles are oh-so-tiresome, but SOME OF US ARE TRYING TO PLAY THIS GAME.

I like dayz. i don't like the way it is managed. even notch wasn't this lame. we all still play minecraft, but i've gone through 3 groups of friends who have quit this game due to its unprofessional management. (inb4 alpha hurrrrrrrrrr) an alpha is supposed to be broken, but also IN THE PROCESS OF BEING FIXED. when we go months without fixes for things, the fanbase feels betrayed and resentful.


1. fix tents and vehicles asap so i don't waste my fucking time

2. fix the artifacting that makes stary, berezino, balota, nwaf, etc UNAPPROACHABLE due to mindfuck.

get with it. it's 2012 and fucking game devs cant get their shit together on a potentially awesome game?

at this point, if the current record is any touchstone for the future of dayz, i'm not expecting much from the standalone.

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Stop complaining about what everyone already knows there are many many threads on this topic you definatly dont need to start a new one . and if its annoying you that much quit the fucking mod the rest f us who enjoy it will keep playing and keep supporting this great Alpha mod until the standalone comes out .

until then dont let the door hit you on the way out ..


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Has no one any patience? I'm happy the alpha is moving at the rate it is, it's slowly filtering out all the unneeded people.

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As the very first thing, I want to say; Fuck you.

you know what's fun? playing for a whole weekend only to get all your shit disappeared due the fucked up bugs with the vehicles and tents.

Yeah? Happens to all of us. It's an Alpha.

I understand the standalone is coming out in 7 years, (Actually it's coming out this october/december from what I recall. But it's not even a year from now, supposedly.) and that fixing the artifacting and broken vehicles are oh-so-tiresome, (So far DayZ has been only a project and a test platform to sketch out ideas. Artifacts are not a priority for a fix, since there are so many more bugs that are a lot more major. And they DID try to fix it once already.) but SOME OF US ARE TRYING TO PLAY THIS GAME.

No, you are NOT. It's an Alpha-stage. Do you know what that means? A SHITLOAD OF BUGS. You are not playing a game. You are testing a very early version of a MOD on an EXTREMELY BUGGY engine. Stop bitching.



I like dayz. i don't like the way it is managed. even notch wasn't this lame. we all still play minecraft, (Actually not.) but i've gone through 3 groups of friends who have quit this game due to its unprofessional management. (inb4 alpha hurrrrrrrrrr) an alpha is supposed to be broken, but also IN THE PROCESS OF BEING FIXED. (Months? MONTHS? Longest I've waited for a patch since 1.7.0 has been like a month at MOST. I might be wrong, but definitely not months, like you claim.) when we go months without fixes for things, the fanbase feels betrayed and resentful.


1. fix tents and vehicles asap so i don't waste my fucking time

Really? You are spending time on a completely free mod, which is in ALPHA STAGE. (Refer to the links earlier.) Nobody is forcing you to play it, besides yourself. Or if your friends are telling you to play it, you need some new fucking friends.

2. fix the artifacting that makes stary, berezino, balota, nwaf, etc UNAPPROACHABLE due to mindfuck.

Then don't go to those locations.

get with it. it's 2012 and fucking game devs cant get their shit together on a potentially awesome game?

Yet the UNFINISHED MOD is being built on an UNOPTIMIZED-AS-FUCK engine that was released in 2009. They are not yet working on a game. Only changing the things in an already-existing game.

at this point, if the current record is any touchstone for the future of dayz, i'm not expecting much from the standalone.

Like I said, fuck you. You can't blame the devs for the problems that the ORIGINAL GAME has caused.

Like I said, grow a god-damn spine you self-entitled of a brat that expects to be able to tell the developers what to do with a mod/to-be game that you never even paid for.

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Chill, lol... Why are you even alpha testing if you're gonna complain about bugs? Learn to deal with them like everyone else or don't play. Simples.

Tents are broken? Here's an idea... Don't use them until they're fixed.

Artifacting? There are a few fixes. How about Googling your problems instead of raging like a child.

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As the very first thing, I want to say; Fuck you.

Like I said, grow a god-damn spine you self-entitled of a brat that expects to be able to tell the developers what to do with a mod/to-be game that you never even paid for.

lol not even trolling. way to be butthurt over a completely logical commentary.


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Chill, lol... Why are you even alpha testing if you're gonna complain about bugs? Learn to deal with them like everyone else or don't play. Simples.

Tents are broken? Here's an idea... Don't use them until they're fixed.

Artifacting? There are a few fixes. How about Googling your problems instead of raging like a child.

lol ur ideas suck shits never gonna get fixd.

i google hard n nuthing works.

too bad im not a fuckin casual like u who runs around with a dinner bell getting wacked by ppl who camp up

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lol not even trolling. way to be butthurt over a completely logical commentary.

It's not really all that logical.

And yes, I was going a little mad, and with a valid reason.

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lol not even trolling. way to be butthurt over a completely logical commentary.

Bahahahahaahahahahah, not a single word you said was logical!

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4chan community- critical thinkers who demand quality

reddit community- critical thinkers who demand quality

dayz community- sycophantic cocksuckers willing to accept mediocrity

go to the dayz subreddit or the dayz thread in the vg board and you'll see the difference.

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You cant demand quality for a game you didn't even pay for. if your not happy when the ACTUAL game is released then make a QQ thread like this. Maybe you'll learn proper grammar by the time you do too or else no one will take you seriously. Now get off your entitlement high horse and shhhhh.

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You cant demand quality for a game you didn't even pay for. if your not happy when the ACTUAL game is released then make a QQ thread like this. Maybe you'll learn proper grammar by the time you do too or else no one will take you seriously. Now get off your entitlement high horse and shhhhh.

> if your not happy when the ACTUAL game is released then make a QQ thread like this. Maybe you'll learn proper grammar by the time you do too or else no one will take you seriously.

>if your not happy when the ACTUAL game is released then make a QQ thread like this.

>if your not happy


mfw ur ranting in this thread cuz ppl point out flaws in ur sewper rilistik zombie gaem.

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This is the suggestion forum, not the ranting forum.


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