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Cyborg Ninja

I am the manhunter.

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Okay first of all you're being the dumbass here.

You're comparing an APOCALYPSE with modern civilasation.

Different rules apply when society has fallen apart.

Also "your fault for living there when a plane hits your house"?

How can you even compare that?

1) It's the apocalypse and everyone's trying to survive. You see food and run towards it like a maniac. You let your cover down and died

2) You're minding your own buisness when suddenly a plane hits your house due to an error the pilot made.

Are you fucking retarded or did you just not understand me?

Duuuhhh no you're the retard and your "argument" is pathetic at best. In what world do people go round shooting other people just for kicks - are you some kind of frikkin moron or just a complete fucking pyscho? I'm sick of this "it's survival" argument because its fallacious when there are fucking beans growing from trees you dick.

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My hunt for BSB members has already started. Any trophy shots will be shown here.

Edited by The manhunter

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Duuuhhh no you're the retard and your "argument" is pathetic at best. In what world do people go round shooting other people just for kicks - are you some kind of frikkin moron or just a complete fucking pyscho? I'm sick of this "it's survival" argument because its fallacious when there are fucking beans growing from trees you dick.

In what world?

How about a virtual world?

Plus if you think that every single bandit owns a .50cal and lies on the hills of Elektro waiting to shoot someone, then you are ignorant as you are dumb.

If there's a damn apocalypse going on, why would you care about anyone els his life except yours and that of your friends?

If doomsday break loose in Europe, you damn wel bet I'm gonna shoot every single motherfucker who tries to enter my house. Even if he's only scavaging for food.

Odds are he had something on him that I need. And if I let him in maybe he will shoot me.

In an apocalypse people do what they must to survive, this game is a great example and people can't face the truth.

Again, not everyone who kills on sight is doing it for the kick, many do it to ensure THEIR safety.

Edited by elasticz
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Ok lets turn this the oposite way. I on the otherhand use my skills to avoid you or help people with guys like you. For me thats a challange not to sit in a forest stalking people for prey cause thats rather simple.

To put your skills into good use yes but your skills seems to be to kill and then more killing. Not that intelligent imo.

As you say, Zeds are not the problem, your the problem, no, your the challange. I would never put a bullet between your eyes, I would shoot you in both your legs and let someone like you finnish you off ;)

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In what world?

How about a virtual world?

Plus if you think that every single bandit owns a .50cal and lies on the hills of Elektro waiting to shoot someone, then you are ignorant as you are dumb.

If there's a damn apocalypse going on, why would you care about anyone els his life except yours and that of your friends?

If doomsday break loose in Europe, you damn wel bet I'm gonna shoot every single motherfucker who tries to enter my house. Even if he's only scavaging for food.

Odds are he had something on him that I need. And if I let him in maybe he will shoot me.

In an apocalypse people do what they must to survive, this game is a great example and people can't face the truth.

Again, not everyone who kills on sight is doing it for the kick, many do it to ensure THEIR safety.

Great so now we know a) u make up arguments I'm not even stating and b ) you're a psycho that has so little love for your fellow human beings you'd happily shoot anyone you see.

Well done! :)

As I've stated before, when our species used to live in a time were it was survival of the fittest and food was scarce that we wouldn't even had made it this far by your reckoning because we would have killed each other. However, since the preponderance of food is staggeringly apparent in DayZ, ur argument is BS at best.

Edited by Jex =TE=
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I currently see it more are a hunting game, where stealth and patience is key to winning.

So what exactly are willing to win?

The humanity system is a start, but currently only playing as bandit gets you a "cool" new outfit.

Ah, there you go.

You know, I always thought that the uniqueness of the mod was the social interaction in overly hostile world. Like seriously, I know, you've spent the countless amount of time learning how to avoid zombies and find some good stuff by any possible and legal means in the fewest amount of time. Then you got bored. Without any clue of what to do next, you started to hunt people. Subsequently, you've came out with your "teaching noobs" idea as an excuse. I understand your concerns, but please understand the reason other people try out this mod. It may give you a unique experience of human encounters in a hostile environment, when everyone seems to be on the verge of their extinction. From my angle, you act like a conventional maniac.

Rare and military items may create an illusion of in-game growth towards hi-rate hardware, but I believe it's not what Rocket wanted. I guess any military-grade items should be removed from the mod.

You know, there is a lot of games where you can try your hand in. They are pretty competitive and really rewarding. You get new deadly guns and awesome outfits killing inconsiderate players. Just try out pretty much any modern day shooter (like BF, MW or something).


Thank you so much, glad we found a common language.

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Come join my server and we will have a great time hunting each other xD


Come join my server!!!! nice one drawx or should i call you TROLLFACE that is your username in game right?? so saw you camping in elektro mountain today and shot you with my as50!! and for that you banned me from your server!!?!?! nice one mate.. so come to my server to lu286 but no one cannot kill the admin!! is that how you wanna play??
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You may very well have killed me. That may have been you last night! Sniped, trying to revive my traveling companion with an epi-pen.

But there have never been tears. Sorry to disappoint. It's just stuff, bruh.

Short of NVG and GPS that I got through sheer luck to begin with, I have never lost anything through death that hasn't been replaced in an hour or less. Very often less. I die a lot, because I do all those things you are trying to "teach" me not to. I run around Cherno, riling up zombies. That gets MY adrenaline going. I shoot at them, announcing my position, because they're zombies and I shoot zombies. I take a minute to announce that I'm friendly when I meet someone, which about half the time ends in my death. Hitting that caps-lock key is an adrenaline rush too, for me.

You are the manhunter. I am a cat :3 You and those like you will never change how I play. The only thing I've "learned" from being shot at by bandits is that there are people who don't have enough sex, and many of them play fiercely competitive PvP.

Death is just an opportunity to improve my headshot to kill ratio on the zed. A new life, a new story.

I applaud your unapologetic hunter identity. We can, at least, share the love of this game as common ground.

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Do you wear tight shorts and a string vest when you go "Manhunting"?

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How old are you about 10 ?

In the future Dayz will need to be much more than just a free-for-all DM, we'll see how you do when that time comes.

Edited by Mutagen_7B4
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So what exactly are willing to win?

Ah, there you go.

You know, I always thought that the uniqueness of the mod was the social interaction in overly hostile world. Like seriously, I know, you've spent the countless amount of time learning how to avoid zombies and find some good stuff by any possible and legal means in the fewest amount of time. Then you got bored. Without any clue of what to do next, you started to hunt people. Subsequently, you've came out with your "teaching noobs" idea as an excuse. I understand your concerns, but please understand the reason other people try out this mod. It may give you a unique experience of human encounters in a hostile environment, when everyone seems to be on the verge of their extinction. From my angle, you act like a conventional maniac.

Rare and military items may create an illusion of in-game growth towards hi-rate hardware, but I believe it's not what Rocket wanted. I guess any military-grade items should be removed from the mod.

You know, there is a lot of games where you can try your hand in. They are pretty competitive and really rewarding. You get new deadly guns and awesome outfits killing inconsiderate players. Just try out pretty much any modern day shooter (like BF, MW or something).


Thank you so much, glad we found a common language.

I love this, so anybody who engages in a KoS policy ( because it's honestly the safest way to play ) is immediately a maniac in real life.

You realize how absolutely insane you sound, right? You're aware it is - indeed - just a game?

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You're aware it is - indeed - just a game?

Why do people always use this excuse to justify acting like a total cunt. The next time I see some children playing football in the park I'm going to take their ball and kick it over a fence so they can't get it back. If they start crying I'll just tell them to suck it up it's just a game.

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GUYS who wanna survive, go to the woods, 30 minutes afk/than eat and drink...=D boring?

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Your nickname sounds like a TF2 weapon

"Congratulations you have unboxed The Manhunter"

That doesn't sound really scary

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Come join my server!!!! nice one drawx or should i call you TROLLFACE that is your username in game right?? so saw you camping in elektro mountain today and shot you with my as50!! and for that you banned me from your server!!?!?! nice one mate.. so come to my server to lu286 but no one cannot kill the admin!! is that how you wanna play??

Ur a funny guy :D

Next time u post dont forget to mention u got banned for using hacks bro, just a tip.

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Besides all hating between KoS and non KoS - I have to say I like the idea that Manhunter has. Why shouldn't he be a psycho who is running through woods like Jason with a big gun. Look at the US - you get there a lot of ppl like this kind.

But of the sandbox and fun aspect, I like the idea of being a bad guy who challenges complete clans or the complete community. Now only a bounty is missing. I think it is grewat and I wish you all, manhunter and his enemies, happy hunting!

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Ur a funny guy :D

Next time u post dont forget to mention u got banned for using hacks bro, just a tip.

Or draWx next time before you ban players from your server think first and ban after that.. because i am pretty sure you cant be so quick to know that someone is a hacker!?!?! you have been posting to this forums and beging players to come at your server to have some more action and what happens when you get it and get killed in firefight?? you ban the players that kill you... NICE ONE MAN! and esp hack come man serious? saw you with my l85 aws and took you down with as50! so dont cry like a little baby!
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