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Colten (DayZ)

Coordinates... for various camps...

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Van thief's location

062, 028

Our base

073, 011

Vehicles (near base)

069, 010

New base (near Zelenogorsk)

102, 011

008/009 line, 081


018, 091


005, 077m


009, 071


004, 068


111, 012


140, 009


138, 010

NE CAMP (White truck)

138, 009


134, 014

010, 065

114, 007

131, 029

014, 086

007, 055

000, 040

000, 027

THERE IS A MAIN BASE LOCATED DIRECTLY IN PUSTOSHKA. Literally, IN PUSTOSHKA. They have vehicles, tents, etc... the town of Pustoshka is barricaded off..... plenty of goodies inside...

Skalisty Island also has a great number of tents with items available. There is also a chopper on that island, as well..

This is all located in Seattle 123. Go there. Have fun. You should all make a new home on that server, and bombard their bases constantly. It will be easy to follow their trends. It is becoming quite limited in terms of finding new spots to place their tents, so it shouldn't be hard to plot their new locations judging from their past camps. . . . . . . . . . .

~{SoH}~ is the clan. They told me to join a bandit crew, so I did. I don't think they expected me to actually post these coords. Enjoy it while you have them

They also have tents up around Guba, and black lake.

Alot of these tents are abandoned.. a LOT. Some may have some items in them, some may not... however, you will find high tier weaponry in some of them... (AS50s, M14s, M4s w/ silencer, etc etc etc). Anything you can think of. LITERALLY. RGO grenades, even...

Go to PUSTOSHKA first, then go from there. They will be waiting, I am almost certain... they are probably moving everything out as we speak. Move quick!

*** TIP ***

SCOUR THE OUTSKIRTS OF CHERNO/ELEKTRO/BEREZINO... they have tents set up in many areas... tents are EVERYWHERE...

Edited by Colten
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Hmm... somebody seems to have been infiltrated.

One disgruntled employee can ruin your whole day. :(

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Colten, this is Roller, and I really did not expect that from you. You might have bad blood between other clan members, but I at least expected you to respect some of us. I'd expect maturity from somebody your caliber. I still can't believe you did this.

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Dude seriously? Colten you really just dropped to the bottom of the maturity scale. All because you didn't get admin power? Not only did you fail to bother us with this you in fact have made our day because we now get to test our teamwork and defense against groups of bandits like we want to! So thank you Colten for giving us something to do until we get our server wipe. Oh and QQing on here because you got all butthurt just makes us all laugh at you lol :D

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It's all in Seattle because they had admin panel enabled, all scripted in vehicles and weapons.

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hmm this seems like the work of a five year old crying because he didn't get to be class president for a week,

edit: if anyone who has admin power on server lock it down, there is going to be a fuckton of people trafficking through like an Olympic runner with a crazy Jason voorhes chasing em,

also a sniper has made his nest with sandbags and wire at these coordinates cheers, 87, 125

he's taking potshots at runners dunno if anyone should panic or not

Edited by burritoman259
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Colten... gosh darn man. why?? The worst part of all this would be that video you posted-

Now everyone knows its been about 20 years since goober got wood

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This is beyond sad.

Grow up mate. You've ruined what seems like hours and hours and hours of hard work here, and for what? Because you want to get back at someone? How mature of you.

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Haha, I find this pretty funny. What I find most hilarious is that you all seem to be so shocked that an ex-clan member would do such a thing. That's just the nature of Day Z,(or Human Nature Simulator 2012.) It happens every day, not always on such a grand scale, but it happens. I don't think it shows immaturity as you are all claiming, it just means he could no longer give less of a fuck about you guys, and he could go quietly (boring), or he could open up pandora's box on Seattle 123, and sit back and watch it all unfold (entertaining). Seeing as how what happens to you guys no longer matters to him, I don't see it as immaturity...just a showcase on what unchecked spite can do.

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You call it "immature", however... I call it "smart". As another player blatantly stated, I couldn't give less of a fuck as to what happens, hence why I posted all of this information. What more would you expect from somebody who left the clan? Really? It's not about "immaturity", it's about simply not caring....

It'll be fun to see how this all turns out.

EDIT:: FYI, I have been planning on leaving for a while now. I have been playing on other servers with other bandits for quite some time. Funny thing is, none of you ever suspected it. LOL.

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Dude seriously? Colten you really just dropped to the bottom of the maturity scale. All because you didn't get admin power? Not only did you fail to bother us with this you in fact have made our day because we now get to test our teamwork and defense against groups of bandits like we want to! So thank you Colten for giving us something to do until we get our server wipe. Oh and QQing on here because you got all butthurt just makes us all laugh at you lol :D

Well, that's your choice... I, personally, don't care. Obviously it bothered some of you, considering you took time to post how "immature" it was of me, etc.

And, it won't matter about team work when the entire rest of the server will be out to get you.... Lol.... they will be swarming that area like flies on shit.

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EDIT:: FYI, I have been planning on leaving for a while now. I have been playing on other servers with other bandits for quite some time. Funny thing is, none of you ever suspected it. LOL.

It's pathetic that you actually think we thought about you at all, haha. We were too busy enjoying Colton free TeamSpeak.

"immaturity" would be logging into team speak and global banning everyone on it, Mr. "I don't give a shit". Sounds like you're butt hurt that everyone in the clan thought you were a tard, and no one trusted or respected you. Thank's for proving our point.

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It's pathetic that you actually think we thought about you at all, haha. We were too busy enjoying Colton free TeamSpeak.

"immaturity" would be logging into team speak and global banning everyone on it, Mr. "I don't give a shit". Sounds like you're butt hurt that everyone in the clan thought you were a tard, and no one trusted or respected you. Thank's for proving our point.

Someone doesn't know the definition of bandit.
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It's pathetic that you actually think we thought about you at all, haha. We were too busy enjoying Colton free TeamSpeak.

"immaturity" would be logging into team speak and global banning everyone on it, Mr. "I don't give a shit". Sounds like you're butt hurt that everyone in the clan thought you were a tard, and no one trusted or respected you. Thank's for proving our point.

Well, actually... I don't think that's immaturity, I think that is called a smart move - interrupting communications between everybody.

Secondly, I think you are mad. Quite mad, in fact... you are still taking the time to respond to what I am saying.

Thirdly, I have been giving shit from our clan to bandits all along. When vehicles went missing, do you honestly think that it was always some random hacker, or "random" bandit? I am responsible for some of the vehicles going missing. I am responsible for most of what went on (in terms of vehicles being jacked), actually... but you never had the slightest clue. None of you did. I was probably the least suspected in the clan to do something.

I hope you have fun while your camps will be constantly raided by onslaughts of bandits. I have posted the coords in other forums, as well. I think you guys bit off a little more than you could chew when you let me go.


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Well, actually... I don't think that's immaturity, I think that is called a smart move - interrupting communications between everybody.

Secondly, I think you are mad. Quite mad, in fact... you are still taking the time to respond to what I am saying.

Thirdly, I have been giving shit from our clan to bandits all along. When vehicles went missing, do you honestly think that it was always some random hacker, or "random" bandit? I am responsible for some of the vehicles going missing. I am responsible for most of what went on (in terms of vehicles being jacked), actually... but you never had the slightest clue. None of you did. I was probably the least suspected in the clan to do something.

I hope you have fun while your camps will be constantly raided by onslaughts of bandits. I have posted the coords in other forums, as well. I think you guys bit off a little more than you could chew when you let me go.


Hell hath no fury like a bandit scorned

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What are you rambling on about? You were probably the most suspected person to do something like this. You always acted like a little girl when you didn't get your way, and thought everyone owed you something. Not to mention, literally every time you came in contact with anything good it was inevitably ruined within an hour. No one would show you their personal tents, or vehicle spots, because you were a douche bag. Stop acting like you are this tricky person who fooled us, you're just a disgruntled loser who got mad at his clan because no one in it liked him. That is all you are! It's a game, I welcome the challenge of taking on all these "flies".

I really feel sorry for your new clan, how many of them have muted you on teamspeak so far?

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What are you rambling on about? You were probably the most suspected person to do something like this. You always acted like a little girl when you didn't get your way, and thought everyone owed you something. Not to mention, literally every time you came in contact with anything good it was inevitably ruined within an hour. No one would show you their personal tents, or vehicle spots, because you were a douche bag. Stop acting like you are this tricky person who fooled us, you're just a disgruntled loser who got mad at his clan because no one in it liked him. That is all you are! It's a game, I welcome the challenge of taking on all these "flies".

I really feel sorry for your new clan, how many of them have muted you on teamspeak so far?

Ladies and gentlemen... we have a rager.

Also, for somebody who wasn't very "tricky", I certainly am making a great deal of you mad. CrissCrow posted a message on there with something along the lines of, "Hunt him, kill him, spawn kill him"... <--- indicates rage.

You people are like a bunch of ants scrambling. You're all extremely paranoid... you banned another person on the forums because you thought it was me, lmfao. How paranoid is that? Clearly what I am doing is working.

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It's a shame you attempt to ruin the game for other people because you didn't get your own way.

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