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Ran Into a Dog Today

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I ran into this dog today, I am pretty sure it was a hacker I know the sever had hackers on it. But It was kinda cool to see anyways.

No I did not kill the guy in the start of the video, he was dead before I got there.

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Pretty neat, I don't endorse hackers but it's always good that there aren't ones that just kill every single person.

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Pretty neat, I don't endorse hackers but it's always good that there aren't ones that just kill every single person.

Yeah if hackers only did stuff like this I would not mind at all.

Edited by BigWurm

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Either a hacker or a player a hacker has turned into a dog

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I enjoy the random dead surv right next to you...

I was waiting for the dog to kill me too, I could not bring my self to attack first.

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I was waiting for the dog to kill me too, I could not bring my self to attack first.

Would be strange if the dog killed you and you'd found out later it looted your ass from a couple of steaks :D

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Recorded with a potato!

Great video other than the quality and background noise, cool dog though!

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