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About MisterJayX

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    Canada, Ontario
  • Interests
    Video Games, DR.Pepper

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    I'm da bes
  1. MisterJayX

    So they say disable respawn button?

    I say to remove the Kamenka spawn, everyone does that :P or maybe closer to the city?
  2. MisterJayX

    Sniping At Balota Airport

    This was my first DayZ video so i knew it would be bad. My other videos of Eve Online arent so bad and alot of people liked it. :D
  3. MisterJayX

    Ran Into a Dog Today

    This is awesome
  4. MisterJayX

    Sniping At Balota Airport

    You have my beans :) Thx
  5. MisterJayX

    Sniping At Balota Airport

    hmm ok
  6. MisterJayX

    Sniping At Balota Airport

    So much hate in this DayZ Community im displeased... I was looking through other threads and people making some videos minding there own business and they get so much hate from random people. :/
  7. MisterJayX

    Sniping At Balota Airport

    I was picking random servers that had low ping and high player count i don't look for the regular and nameplate things its just there.
  8. MisterJayX

    Sniping At Balota Airport

    If it was a bullshit story i wouldn't of even considered posting this video on the DayZ forums. And my so called "Only Supporter" is probably a fellow bandit :) and he understands how mad people get when they get shot in DayZ and how funny it is to see them leave the game.
  9. MisterJayX

    I almost feel bad for him.

    Why are you so rude?
  10. MisterJayX

    Respawn/ or /Stuck command

    Spawning beneath the floor in novy sobor happens to everyone atleast once. Well it happened to me and my brothers more then once. The respawn button was removed unless your legs are broken in the resent patches but I would like to see a 'unstuck' command if a bug where your stuck is happening.
  11. MisterJayX

    Sniping At Balota Airport

    Okay, I don't think you understood me correctly when I said "You are all mad because you get shot by people like me, Go rage quit some more you noobs." I wasn't referring them rage quitting on the forums I was referring to them rage quitting on Arma 2 (DayZ). Second, I was not breaking the rules because I was filming this video at different times of the day meaning that i wasn't server hopping I was leaving the game and coming back taking breaks between filming making it look like I was server hopping.
  12. MisterJayX

    Sniping At Balota Airport

    The reason why I server hop is because I make about 50% of the people on the server quit, Every single person I killed in DayZ have quit after I killed them
  13. MisterJayX

    Sniping At Balota Airport

    You are all mad because you get shot by people like me, Go rage quit some more you noobs.
  14. MisterJayX

    Sniping At Balota Airport

    Hey, I am MisterJayX and this is my bandit video - Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nay6S5bYhNI&feature=plcp
  15. MisterJayX

    Live Stream?

    Bump :)