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My secret for a quick gear up

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I only spawn at cherno, prigorodky, balota, or cap golova. I head to cherno in a relatively low pop server. Check residential buildings until I get an enfield. Head to main sniper building with the blue tops on it. I go on the back ledge of the very top and prone where I cant be seen by either side. Disconnect and join high pop server. I then go around to the front of the building I spawn at and kill whatever sniper douche happens to be up there. If for some reason one is not there, I check the taller building across the road. They usually don't expect you to be up there since you never came up the ladder. It is very common to kill a fully geared out player doing this. Probably works for me 75% of the time. Even the times I have joined and not found anyone to kill there is usually a dead body already laying there for the picking. Once I have the gear, I leave and join a low pop server to get down. VICTORY

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Lol, server hopping is for faggots, but at least you are doing it for a semi-good cause. Shouldent do this though.

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I understand that people would consider this exploiting, I have an issue with people sniping in cherno, so I don't even leave cherno anymore. I just get a sniper rifle and try to kill other snipers. The only new spawns I kill are people heading up to the sniper towers to retrieve their gear.

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Although you can't be sure a sniper will be up there, isn't this considered ghosting, technically speaking? Either way, it's hardly a secret and it's hardly something you should encourage other players to take part in either.

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Although you can't be sure a sniper will be up there, isn't this considered ghosting, technically speaking? Either way, it's hardly a secret and it's hardly something you should encourage other players to take part in either.

No, it would be different if he was fighting a guy, server hopped, came up behind him and killed him. but this guys just using game mechanics to his advantage
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No, it would be different if he was fighting a guy, server hopped, came up behind him and killed him. but this guys just using game mechanics to his advantage

He's using what the game is offering him for now. People get upset when someone server hops and what not but ITS ONLY ALPHA BETA. Who cares. Shit will change.

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No, it would be different if he was fighting a guy, server hopped, came up behind him and killed him. but this guys just using game mechanics to his advantage

He openly admits to doing it in order to come up behind snipers. How is it any different?

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People bitch about snipers, then bitch when justice is served.

If they're dumb enough to camp in the most obvious sniping location in Cherno, they deserve this.

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sounds like a lot of butthurt snipers in here, my gameplay might change when the game itself changes

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sounds like a lot of butthurt snipers in here, my gameplay might change when the game itself changes

You use a zero risk server to flank someone on another server, and then act like you did something special. You're a cheater. You might as well just get some scripts and spawn the gear yourself, because there's really no difference since you're already cheating.

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No, it would be different if he was fighting a guy, server hopped, came up behind him and killed him. but this guys just using game mechanics to his advantage

and the real difference is ?? sfa. The only difference is in one of your situations he is engaged in a battle..in the other he is not..but the exploiting remains the same.

When people think what they are doing is cool they call it using the game mechanics to try and make out as if what they doing is fair, or ..i am only doing it because the snipers are lame. Take them out fair and square or be lame and hop to your piss easy advantage..it really is an easy choice.

Its lame. Lame ass hoppers for whatever reason.There is no technically speaking

If he joined a high pop server , took down the sniper legit and then got his gear..all fair. Server hopping whichever you try and turn the story is the same as hopping in a fight...but each to their own.

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sounds like a lot of butthurt snipers in here, my gameplay might change when the game itself changes

Minus beanz. Does not like snipers.Server hops to kill snipers. Calls people in thread snipers because they dont like his server hopping.Gameplay might change when exploit is gone.

Doesn't get it.

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Eh. Might be a bit unethical, but so is sniping fresh spawns for no reason other than being an ass.

Personally, I end up accidentally doing something like this all the time. When I play, it isn't on one particular server (unless I've repaired a helicopter on said server). Every time I log in, I go through the list of servers and find a nice new server that meets all my needs (not the darkest part of night, decent ping, not empty but not completely full, etc...). Occasionally, this ends with the safe bush I logged out of on server A being within sight of someone's sniping post/storage site on server B. It's going to happen occasionally, all OP is doing is intentionally trying for it.

Edited by SirDoom

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i got killed in one of the barracks in NWAF at night before. im pretty sure you are one of the server hopping fags who killed me from behind when i was looting it. ( i checked the environment before i went in)

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Sometimes tents accidentally duplicate your items...all the dupers are doing is intentionally trying for it.

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My gameplay is a product of what I am offered in game. I "like most people" started playing the game walking miles looking for chopper sites or deer stands trying to squeek out some great gear. Played for multiple days to get the best stuff and then get killed by a hacker before I even got to use the shit. I decided I will no longer try hard and spend hours grinding for gear when I can just stay in cherno and kill snipers preying on new characters. It is what I enjoy doing and will continue to do. Cry all you want, I hope some of those snipers shoot you in the head while you are running around with no gun and a sack full of beans.

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I support OP 100%. This mod is in a state of perma-incompletion as it's intended state can never be reached - hence the locked down standalone on the way. So at this point all bets are off, maybe people should stop seeing these unfixable exploits as a bad thing and should start treating them as features. Embrace ghosting, pretend it's a built-in game mechanic allowing you to teleport via other dimensions, pretend it's Portal, whatever. This mod is afterall a sandbox. I thought they idea of a sandbox was that there were no rules and you play with the mechanics which are available? Well let them use the mechanics to have fun, they will anyway no matter how much you QQ.

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My gameplay is a product of what I am offered in game. I "like most people" started playing the game walking miles looking for chopper sites or deer stands trying to squeek out some great gear. Played for multiple days to get the best stuff and then get killed by a hacker before I even got to use the shit. I decided I will no longer try hard and spend hours grinding for gear when I can just stay in cherno and kill snipers preying on new characters. It is what I enjoy doing and will continue to do. Cry all you want, I hope some of those snipers shoot you in the head while you are running around with no gun and a sack full of beans.

No crying, its a game dude. just watching someone trying to explain to people why they use exploits as their tactical gameplay. If i die to a sniper then it is only me that has put myself into that position, not the snipers, not the hackers, not the vets or the noobs. Keep on shoveling man, your digging a nice hole :)

You remind a bit of my mate, he rages when he gets sniped..i laugh and tell him to get over it and what the fuck are you doing running around for ten minutes in the coastal areas anyway ? I dont snipe but i aint got anything against them. Last time i sniped we where shooting some zeds of some poor guy running around Elektro getting his zed train on, we were running up to Skalisty from Balota, stopped on the outskirts of Elektro, grabbed some beans then started popping zeds offa this guy. We were then sniped at by someone above us, we legged it and left the dude to his fate. My mate half loses his shit because we are gtting sniped at. I tell him to get over it. His solution always..fuck it lets snipe the snipers the fucking dogs! ..yawn. I run and he ends up following so we get the fuck away from the coast.

Snipers gonna snipe..sploiters gonna sploit.

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