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Your First Murder

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My first murder was when I axed a dude twice in the head while he was looting a body.

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I have never murdered anyone.

I've killed one person in self defence and I felt really bad about it, until the hype went and I thought "that fooker shot at me first!"

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I've murdered numerous people, but I've also helped some. I'd be interested in doing an interview but I'd have someone watching you the whole time. If your interested in hearing my group's story, PM me.

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What if i told you.....my first murder has nothing to do with Dayz?

I would probably call the police

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I think the idea of a Cherno Journalist is great. I would support this guy. So, if you are interested, we could meet up. Just pm me and we can look for a date.

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My first murder was actually a double homicide. Didn't even know I got the first kill until I noticed the bloke wasn't crawling anymore...

And that's how a MK 48 will forever be by my side.

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So the first interview video is now uploaded to YouTube.

Thanks go out to NFK who I met on this forum for being the first, outside of real life friends, to trust me and agree to an interview.

See the results for yourself at YouTube.

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Video number two interview with the ThinkTanker is up

If anyone else is keen for an interview then PM me.

Edited by Cherno Journo

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So I had an interview lined up for 30 minutes but he's cancelled.

Which means I currently have a window available for any player with a good first murder/first betrayal story that can be interviewed in 30 minutes time from this post.

I was set up in the NorthWest for this interview but I have a bike so I can ride pretty much anywhere. If you keen and available PM me or catch me on Twitter @Cherno_Journo

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The next interview in the series is up.

This one was very different as the meet wasn't planned and I just rolled into Elektro hoping for the best. This is what happened.

Edited by Cherno Journo

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The next first murder interview is up.

As always I'm looking for more interview subjects so if your interested then make contact.

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So its a World War Z type deal? I'm interested, although I can't remember my first murder I have plenty of tales for you.

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I've only ever killed one other player and it was an accident. Do you cover vehicular manslaughter? Maybe you could claim it was a slow news week or something XD

Edited by Kajin

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My DayZ novel will be kind of like World War Z (which I love) but have fiction parts mixed in with interview transcripts. There's a link to the sample in my sig that has the first 19 chapters (120 pages)

The YouTube channel are those interviews reenacted in the editor - I'm always looking for my subjects to interview. So if you're keen just make contact.

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My DayZ novel will be kind of like World War Z (which I love) but have fiction parts mixed in with interview transcripts. There's a link to the sample in my sig that has the first 19 chapters (120 pages)

The YouTube channel are those interviews reenacted in the editor - I'm always looking for my subjects to interview. So if you're keen just make contact.

Alright, when I get my Day Z working again, I'll try and schedule an interview.

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My latest first murder interview. As always I'm on the hunt for more interviewees so if you have a great story to tell then PM me.

Edited by Cherno Journo

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ive never killed another player in DayZ...

i actualy prefer to play the "rabbit" and employ the power of hide n seek to make my gameplay more exciting.

this way both parties get to live, most times the other player doesnt even know i was there, and "could" have killed them but didnt.

sometimes i get shot at, and then the chase is on. sometimes i manage to hide and watch them hunt around trying to figure out were i went..

if theres a side chat sometimes i will mock them when im a good distance away... hahah..

but lets be honest most times it involves me being shot to death.. but who cares. then i get to start the adventure all over again.

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i was looting the southern airfield when i see a guy run into a hangar, i went over to see if he was friendly, but noticed he was already on the ground taking aim at where he thought i was with his m4 cco. well i wasnt there, i was 20 feet right of where he was aiming so i aim my remington at his head and kill him. i had killed only 1 other person but it was self defense so i dont count that as a murder. this kill, i feel, could have been avoided. but in the heat of the moment, rather than tell him to drop the gun, i felt it was appropriate to just neutralize the threat. plus i got a sweet m4 and hand grenade out of it that i later swapped for a m249

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My first murder was pretty mundane really. A guy ran into the barracks with a zombie train behind him. By the time he screamed dont shoot i'm friendly i had popped him in the head.

Are there ever any friendlies at the barracks??

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I have a nice murder count of ZERO.

I saved a few people though. There's always some poor soul proning around with broken legs and out of morphine.

I even get gifts sometimes. Yesterday I gave a blood transfusion to someone with like 2400 left and he gave me a few 1911 mags because I was empty on those at that time.

Being not a total asshole is rewarding too. Some people just don't understand there are good people left on this planet, so they shoot your head off and try to talk with your corpse after that.

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I had my first murder in like my 3rd or so lifetime. I was in cherno because way back then i thought it's big city there's bound to be good weapons there! Anyway, as i was looting a bldg with a lee. I heard shots from the outside, turns out there's a guy with an AK shooting zombies whose taking cover in the center bldg. So, as i watched him as he finishes the horde i had this idea that would really really impact my gameplay ever since. I thought i could get his gear by taking a shot because i've viewed him as someone who is geared up. With aldrenaline all pumping up in my veins i lined my sight into his head, pressed the button and watched him fall. I don't know what happened but i felt really uncomfortable, sad and that guilt that i just shot a guy in cold blood because of his gear. He was just trying to loot and he wasn't in my way, i was just want to get the weapon cause it would benefit me. I see myself as an Selfish jerk which i hate because i am not like that. I am a kind and selfless guy in real life. I would rather give than recieve but this game.. this game is just tits..

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