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Nice deathmatch you got there

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I'm already playing with 3 other people. If you don't have anyone to play with then yeah those what ifs might be tempting to you, but not to me. Even then, looking for a group on the forum is a better way of finding friends than trying to make friends in game where everyone is paranoid and can shoot you. And don't give me that "human being behind the monitor", since I have started playing multiplayer games I must have killed million other players, why would I suddenly start caring about what they think about being shot by me?

I understand your views, and I appreciate your civil discourse--hats off to you, sir. I'll share some of my beans ^.^

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I understand your views, and I appreciate your civil discourse--hats off to you, sir. I'll share some of my beans ^.^

Well that felt all warm and fuzzy. Thanks. I'm going to bed now. 4 am is a good time to go to bed.

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I shoot on sight about 90% of the time because its fun and chances are the other person is going to shoot you anyway. Even if they don't shoot what do you do? I am honestly curious. We could go our separate ways and potentially shoot each other later. We could work together but I likely couldn't trust the each other. I tried working together with someone once. I was trying to help him find a weapon and the dumbass left his mic on. I could hear him tell his friend that he was gonna shoot me when he finds one. I made short work of him and pretty much ended my work together days there.

If you dont like pvp then stay away from Balota, Cherno, Prig, Electro and otmel. The rest of the map is pretty much yours because traveling across the map is usually a giant waste of time without a vehicle. Last time I made my way to the airfield and chopper spawn areas a hacker teleported to me and as50ed me. Spent about 2 hours collecting gear just to be killed by a hacker. So if im gonna die ill do it pvping at the bottom of the map.

Loot is easy as fuck to come by with the massive amounts of duping/hacking so that part of the game is pretty much gone. Run around cherno/electro and you will probably come across at least one as50 and a half dozen m4s/m16s of various types. As I have said many times in these whiny bitch threads, the survival part of the game is a joke right now. Hold down W and point your camera north, congrats you survived the zombie apocalypse.

No I dont play fucking CoD so stop assuming everyone that likes to pvp in games is a "cod kid." The last CoD I played with any type of seriousness was CoD2. I have about 45mins played of cod:mw1 and that was enough to convince me to give up the series

Edited by Mr Radar

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Thats soo ... no words to describe how teenage losers are ruining this mod...

Check their public forums. It looks like BattlEye just mass banned everyone using that very hack today. It's full of tears of people who spent money on the hack only to be banned. It looks like they even made an announcement pulling the hack off their "store" until they "update it so it won't be detected".

It looks like BattlEye is using the "honey pot" approach, which is hilarious to watch. Let everyone use those hacks and feel safe until a large populous of them are hacking, then swing the ban hammer to get the most bang for your buck.

If BattlEye keeps that up for a bit, the inconvenience of re-buying new CD keys will wear on them. Oddly, though, the hackers on the forum claim to have some Russian site that sells them for $9 a pop. Either way, excellent to see a wave of bans went out today!

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I've tried to be decent to people in this game and 9/10 I get shot in the face, so unless they don't see me right away or they are unarmed, I will be shooting first.

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I agree, the last time i spawned in Cherno i was walking round trying to meet up with a few buddies who were newbies at the game. I found this body with a m4a1 cco sd Coyote Backpack NVG and a Rangefinder with lots of more gear just sitting there. I ran over and looted it asap. Its also annoying now people shoot each other with out weapons. The only time i was lucky was when i ran into a group of trapped survivors which of us repaired a car to get out and became good friends til getting mauled at NW. My first experience also was a good one. When i first started i had a hunting rifle and mak. I found this guy with a Winchester that didnt talk at all. We silently worked together before finding another 4 guys who helped us. Then the server crashed XD

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I survived for three 5hour sessions over 3days and managed not to get shot once, the shit hit the fan once when we got ambushed while filling canteens at a pond

Jesus christ your a hypocrite, you claim to be speaking for the "proper" dayz players, yet you complain about getting legitimately killed through your own stupid mistake while playing. And don't try to pull the "Dayz is about survival" card because obviously, you and your friends failed to do even that.

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Seriously, stop shooting on sight, ask 'friendly?' over the mic unless the player has a bandit skin, don't shoot every fucking person you see. This game is about survival, yes, in some cases murder is the only option, but you people that hang around in Cherno etc treating the game like a run 'n' gun deathmatch, are ruining the mod and I feel because of the behaviour of these people, dayz will simply crumble and be taken over by YOU, negotiate, team up, use allies, but most of all, survive together!

Seriously it's dumb, it's not what the mod was designed for and it ruins the experience for the rest of us.

I'm sure I speak for the rest of the PROPER dayz community when I say GO FUCK YOURSELVES

Have a nice day...

I don't kill on sight, but I'm pretty sure the reason that most people do is because the zombies don't pose a big enough threat and therefor there is no need to team up.

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Ultimately, it comes down to the fact that no one here is doing anything wrong, but it doesn't mean we're doing it correctly either. I've had so many different experiences with this game, and for me, that's the beauty of it--no two play sessions are ever the same.

OP: as to the one War Z comment made earlier about "mainstream": DayZ didn't start out being "mainstream" either---it just kinda exploded from word-of-mouth and has somehow ended up where it is today.

I feel (lol feelings) that it's a person's choice as to KOS. Some days I make the decision to KOS, most days I make the decision to watch, stalk, approach, parley, withdraw. Some days I go looking for a fight, other days I avoid fights like my life depended on it. I've a bandit skin from a long string of defense killings, but that shouldn't make me a KOS target, though most would think otherwise. I feel that every other player has a story--THEIR story. They're free to act out their story any way they deem fit, and likewise, I'm allowed that freedom as well. Because I treat others like they have a story, I'm far less likely to KOS. (You see, there's a story behind my bandit skin, and if you take a minute and not blast my head off, I may just tell it to you over a can of beans and some Mt. Dew.) So long as "Deathmatching" doesn't happen every encounter, not in every city, we'll just have to make do with knowing certain cities are notorious for certain activities, and work to change that dynamic one positive encounter at a time--one good deed or random act of kindness at a time.

I also dont' feel that it's up to the game to force us to care, or force us to co-operate, or give us any more incentive than there already is (other than possibly base building and more ways to fortify, because I would co-operate more for that stuff). Instead, we should be looking to the community. We should be changing the way people look at the game, or at least try being persuasive enough to get them to think about *why* they're mindlessly killing and not trying other means of playing. Make your own reasons for not killing someone--they do exist.

OP: you may not have done anything to those people who shot you, but you had a bus. Greater men have killed for less.

This really made me think here...I tend to play on lower pop servers, (20 or less) and I honestly have not died from another player or had to kill anyone yet, as I usually try to avoid them. I don't have the KOS mindset and my SOP is to avoid you, but with the bandit skin back, I was making it a point to hunt them down. About your bandit skin having a "story" has made me think a little different. Perhaps I'll think a little bit more before I make a choice when I encounter a "bandit". Hopefully someday I will meet you in game, but until then, you can have my beans sir.

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Seriously, stop shooting on sight, ask 'friendly?' over the mic unless the player has a bandit skin, don't shoot every fucking person you see. This game is about survival, yes, in some cases murder is the only option, but you people that hang around in Cherno etc treating the game like a run 'n' gun deathmatch, are ruining the mod and I feel because of the behaviour of these people, dayz will simply crumble and be taken over by YOU, negotiate, team up, use allies, but most of all, survive together!

Seriously it's dumb, it's not what the mod was designed for and it ruins the experience for the rest of us.

I'm sure I speak for the rest of the PROPER dayz community when I say GO FUCK YOURSELVES

Have a nice day...

You mad bro?

Seriously though............ you are absolutely correct.... this mod is about surviving..... IE.... ME surviving.... and in order to do that.... I Kill On Sight.....

Guess what asking and waiting does? gets the better player killed for thier gear....

You have lessons to learn there noob

IF you actually give a fuck and want a 'survival' experience..... go to a private hive server... look them up.. understand them.. dont be a troll about kill on sight

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i'd like to consider myself a proper player. my characters seem to be lasting about two weeks. i can survive just fine, loot what i need, etc...but it's fucking boring. (edit: not BORING per se. but being the sandbox game...sometimes you can't be arsed to make a castle and play with it all by yourself)

once you have all of the equipment you need and a solid weapon, there really isnt much to do but try and find trouble, one way or another.

you also kinda stop giving fucks. i just got killed walking across a field north of the nw airfield because i couldn't be bothered to use the trees as cover...maybe because i'm looking forward to crawling around barns looking for a winchester again.

or maybe i'll stop playing. we'll see.

Edited by tigerpr0n

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Jesus christ your a hypocrite, you claim to be speaking for the "proper" dayz players, yet you complain about getting legitimately killed through your own stupid mistake while playing. And don't try to pull the "Dayz is about survival" card because obviously, you and your friends failed to do even that.

I'll have you know, we survived the attack and managed to kill the other players, one was hacking...

I'm not saying I'm the best player in the world, but I sure as hell don't wander the coast racking up the kills of unarmed players for no reason, the situation where me and my squad were ambushed was due to us having obviously good gear, however the attackers screwed up, one of us killed the flanking guy who had an m4 before he even fired a shot, while I flanked behind the sniper and hacker in my Ghillie, i killed the player and for some reason the hacker aborted, though he could have killed us all with ease. Don't tell me I'm a hypocrite when I talk about a legitimate dayz situation where I actually had my heart pumping hard and had a lot of fun.

That kind of scenario is NOT what this thread is about.

Edited by KillCam96

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The mechanic shouldn't be there to force people to cooperate. It should be there to even out "friendly" and "kos" playstyles, because now "kos" has advantage over "friendly".

Depends on which way you look at it...

KOS, So you kos and gain an AS50 & M4A1 some beans kit etc. Then you KOS again, not needing any weapons you get some ammo maybe more beans. So all you need is one good kill and you're sorted (until you die) then you die and repeat the proccess.

Friendly, You gain a friend and another set of eyes and ears. You gain double the firepower and someone to watch your back while you loot. Two/Three players has way more advantages than one player going solo,i know i'd rather be in a group.

Yes there is the argument that more people more chance of being seen, but again if you play with decent players and work as a squad you will reep the rewards from doing so.

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If I see an unarmed player, I don't let them know I'm there. If an unarmed player sees and approaches me, I give them a 10 second countdown over direct chat to turn around and go back the way they came. Admittedly the second scenario has only happened twice because I don't hang around areas where there are unarmed players.

If an unarmed player ignores my warning and continues to approach me, I shoot them.

Unarmed does not mean helpless. Unarmed players are dangerous.

Unarmed players may have an axe on their toolbelt.*

Unarmed players may have a gun in their backpack.

Unarmed players have tried to get behind me to loot my backpack for a weapon or supplies.*

Unarmed players may be carrying a grenade.

Unarmed players may be distracting you while a mate slips around behind you.*

Unarmed players may find a weapon near your location and use it on you.*

Unarmed players that are given a weapon, just to be nice, may use it against you.

* has happened to me.

Every unarmed player can be as nice and as helpless as Bambi, but most will turn on you in a second if the opportunity arises. At least the bandit skin reintroduction makes things a little easier. If I see an unarmed player with a bandit skin, there is no warning, I'll kill on sight, unarmed or not. If you have friends and play as a group, there is always someone that needs bandaging or bloodbags to give you back your humanity.

Edited by osirish

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A few dickheads: The reason why we cant have good things. People are so afraid of player contacts and trust that they dont want to take chances. I have no problem with people shooting each other on sight but pretending friendly and shooting your head off a few minutes later just for the ''fun'' of it. Altho it would be nice if people didnt always shoot on sight. Tense confrontations and negotations are much more fun and interesting than just pulling the trigger.

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"that sure is a purrty back back you got there stranger.."

"but, you've got the same backpack on you"

*bang bang bang*

"I know, but it's not your purrrty backpack"

Ya gets me op?..

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I still havent killed a person but im glad theres bandits in the mod. Some people are just nasty. Ive been shot ruthlessly for a can of beans and a bandage but ive met friendly people too. I like the fact the cities are a scary dangerous place. As long as no one hacks, any strategy is fine. In a real world apocalypse i think ud find many irrational and selfish people that u may have to put a bullet in urself.

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People are so afraid of player contacts and trust that they dont want to take chances.

So... pretty much like you'd expect a real zombie apocalypse to go down then, where the penalty for trusting the wrong person is your life? Okay, then. Sounds like we're perfect here.

Want to make friends and be buddy buddy with new people? Run around with a group. This may initially require you to start playing DayZ with a known out-of-game friend (again, sort of like finding family/friends first and foremost during a real post-apocalyptic situation). When there are more of you than there are of them, they are forced to listen. If they kill one of you, your friend will be able to kill them right back (and guard your stuff). There's still a risk, but it cuts down on it. Amazingly, this is also the same type of strategy you'd use in a real post-apocalyptic situation. Imagine that?!

As long as the penalty for death is severe (permadeath, in this case) people will continue to act this way. Either because (1) they don't want to risk their own death and will therefore distrust virtually everyone, or (2) they understand it will make people rage the hell out on the forums and spew forth an ocean of tears.

Your only way out of this is to reduce/remove the severe penalty for dying in DayZ. If you do that, you neuter the core mechanic of this game and turn it into "DayZ - Fischer Price Edition". Those of you complaining about distrust/player killing (even the PK done out of pure enjoyment) are clearly playing the wrong game. Please, go elsewhere. The rest of us are having a spectacular time.

As Rocket has stated several times, this is an anti-game. If you apply cuddle bunny fluffy rules to it like other heavily balanced/carebear centric games, you've already misunderstood this game and should probably bail out and find a new game to play.

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So... pretty much like you'd expect a real zombie apocalypse to go down then, where the penalty for trusting the wrong person is your life? Okay, then. Sounds like we're perfect here.

Want to make friends and be buddy buddy with new people? Run around with a group. This may initially require you to start playing DayZ with a known out-of-game friend (again, sort of like finding family/friends first and foremost during a real post-apocalyptic situation). When there are more of you than there are of them, they are forced to listen. If they kill one of you, your friend will be able to kill them right back (and guard your stuff). There's still a risk, but it cuts down on it. Amazingly, this is also the same type of strategy you'd use in a real post-apocalyptic situation. Imagine that?!

As long as the penalty for death is severe (permadeath, in this case) people will continue to act this way. Either because (1) they don't want to risk their own death and will therefore distrust virtually everyone, or (2) they understand it will make people rage the hell out on the forums and spew forth an ocean of tears.

Your only way out of this is to reduce/remove the severe penalty for dying in DayZ. If you do that, you neuter the core mechanic of this game and turn it into "DayZ - Fischer Price Edition". Those of you complaining about distrust/player killing (even the PK done out of pure enjoyment) are clearly playing the wrong game. Please, go elsewhere. The rest of us are having a spectacular time.

As Rocket has stated several times, this is an anti-game. If you apply cuddle bunny fluffy rules to it like other heavily balanced/carebear centric games, you've already misunderstood this game and should probably bail out and find a new game to play.

Just to clarify, I wasnt complaining about anything and I stated Im ok with dying in DayZ, since the fear of death and all that shit is part of the game. And what comes to 'realism' in a 'real zombie apocalypse', I think people would band together pretty quickly since people are social creatures. And I dont think there would be many people who would blow your brains out just because its so fun. This has happened to me in-game while in group. But then again, its a game/mod and nothing can be done to these dickheads but to add a headscarf for them.

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I like how OP thinks everyone reads the forums and will listen to him.

Servers I play on nobody even uses the mic, guess why.

Oh right, not everyone speaks english.

This is the main reason why people shoot on sight in European servers.

For fucks sake, if you're going to include "survival" then look at it this way.

What if my food is low and I need food? What if I can't find decent gear to protect myself.

And then somebody strolls past me with a huge ass backpack? Am I going to take the chance of asking him for food?

What if he says no and thinks I will kill him for his food and kills me instead?

Welcome to real life bitch, not everyone is a saint.

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rewards in the form of weapons and gear would be nice for killing wanted bandits

*randomly smashes fingers on keyboard to act like he's doing work*

Done! You can access these new rewards simply by mousing over the bandits you kill, scrolling your mousewheel, and selecting "Gear" or "Open Backpack".

Enjoy. This feature has already been rolled out live.

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rewards in the form of weapons and gear would be nice for killing wanted bandits

erm... try looting their corpse? BINGO!!!

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