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Nice deathmatch you got there

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Depends on which way you look at it...

KOS, So you kos and gain an AS50 & M4A1 some beans kit etc. Then you KOS again, not needing any weapons you get some ammo maybe more beans. So all you need is one good kill and you're sorted (until you die) then you die and repeat the proccess.

You forgot that if I kill them first they can't kill me. Plus I might need other things like ammo or medical supplies. Plus I have fun killing people. The downside of KoS is loosing few bullets, making sound and loosing a (very small) chance of meeting someone friendly.

Friendly, You gain a friend and another set of eyes and ears. You gain double the firepower and someone to watch your back while you loot. Two/Three players has way more advantages than one player going solo,i know i'd rather be in a group.

Yes there is the argument that more people more chance of being seen, but again if you play with decent players and work as a squad you will reep the rewards from doing so.

I'm already playing with 3 other people. Don't need to put my ass on the line to try finding more. So loosing few bullets and making sound is the only downside for me for killing people. Which is like nothing compared to getting rid of potential threat, getting loot and just having fun.

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How about a hi-vis reflective jacket skin for people who have killed 5+ unarmed survivors or survivors not totaling more than 5 minutes of game time. You could maybe get rid of it only by helping as many unarmed players as you have slain.

And it glows in the dark?


Personally though, the situation doesn't bother me. I like the sound of flies and ricochets. Spawning in Electro on a 50 man server is ace, just leave some loot for me.


A hatchet definitely counts as being armed as I have found out countless times already

Edited by Hobnobskid

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Honestly... Am I willing to shoot unarmed people? If me and my team have anywhere near halfway decent gear and they find us? Yes.

Why? Because they're a threat even if they say friendly and beg for their lives.

Why? Because last time we encountered this, at night raiding somewhere, and let the individual go because he had nothing to threaten us with five mins later we were pinned inside by a helo and some guy chucking flares, smoke grenades, and frag grenades in on us.

So my policy is "I don't care if you're unarmed. If I've got decent gear, and you spot me I am not taking the risk unless you give me a really damn good reason."

Now when I don't have anything decent I've run around with complete strangers I've met and had a grand ol time dodging sniper rounds and trying to get anything better than a mackarov.

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Would it be 'wrong' to mention War Z, I haven't come across any people I play dayz with that know about it, the website is new and not obvious on google... I dunno maybe the players will be more mature on a game that pretty much slipped under the radar in the 'mainstream' (I hate that expression) gaming community?

Yes it would be wrong, and I hate that people keep bringing it up here. Honestly, they haven't shown ANYTHING except a few photoshopped pictures. They're NOT screenshots. I've never seen a "game" with so little proof of there actually being any existance of said game start to accept pre-orders. No release date, nothing to show for actual game progress, they're simply and blatently ripping off Day Z and using these forums as a way to hype their "product".

Stop advertising for a fucking game that doesn't even fucking exist, and may not ever exist.

And honestly, the people who stick with Day Z instead of running to the next flavor of the month, THOSE are going to be the mature, chill people. So enjoy...

Also I wouldn't be so harsh about this except that I have half a mind to just call War Z a fucking scam and hoax. Never heard of the company that's making it, never seen a screenshot of actual game footage, never seen a video, never seen anything at all about it other than their shoddy little website that simply shows photoshopped pictures of what appears to be something identical to Day Z, so have some fucking respect and don't advertise here.

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I tried to play as a nice guy in the game. I really did. I didn't shoot first, I stayed low, kept hidden, even helped a number of people with morphine and blood bags.

More often than not, it blew up in my face. That guy who's leg I just fixed with my magic morphine injector? Shot me in the back. That new spawned player I let run by me safely when he/she said "Don't shoot! Friendly!"? Shot me when they first found a gun.

I'll still avoid people when/if I can, but with how the majority of people are, if there's a good chance they'll see me, or get a clear shot? I'll bring them down as soon as I can.

As for the OP's mention of WarZ - I wouldn't say it slipped through ANYTHING. It saw the popularity of DayZ, and immediately hopped on board, copied the premise and made some pretty screenshots. Hell, even 50% of the title is a rip-off from DayZ.

I do agree with you on the sense that it IS a survival game, but if you need to bring a few people down to ensure you survive, then all is well. Should a zombie apocalypse ever happen, I'm not going to trust my next door neighbour, let alone some stranger with a rifle.

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Also this is an effing apocalypse survival game, you wouldn't ever run up to some random dude with an assault rifle irl and be like 'sup bro can I lyk follow u' so why would you do it online, where people are way more likely to be douches?

Sure sure, in a perfect world, yadda yadda... Just encourage real life friends to play, that's what I did, have a group of five or six people now. Of course finding a server that's stable and reliable, that's another story, but heyyyy... Yeah I just found my first vehicle the other day, was so stoked about it sent a message to my buddy on facebook detailing everything. So I log in today, BAM server is dead. Yeah, that's something you should be bitching about, not people Pvping... lol... The continuity of this game makes me want to scratch my eyes out at times. Such a fucking amazing concept for a game, but continuity.... Major issue. ( Of course we all have something to bitch about with DayZ, just think complaining about Pvp is kinda silly. )

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As for the OP's mention of WarZ - I wouldn't say it slipped through ANYTHING. It saw the popularity of DayZ, and immediately hopped on board, copied the premise and made some pretty screenshots. Hell, even 50% of the title is a rip-off from DayZ.

That's what really gets me about War Z, Original idea's are hard to come by these days, but C'mon, a fucking name, for a zombie apocalypse game, is NOT hard to make unique or original. Instead they copy DayZ in pretty much every way shape and form they can.

And your bit at the end is perfect. Clearly the OP hasn't had much experience with desparate people irl. It's surprising what people are capable of doing RIGHT NOW in this day and age for a few bucks. Throw in an apocolypse, and people eating one another, FUCK that Jazz. Sorry but If Zombies do ever walk the earth, don't get anywhere fucking near me unless you're close friends or family. :)

Edited by Hysterics

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The game would be exponentially more interesting if people weren't so homicidal. It would create an "endgame". Imagine you meet somebody, bullets fly, one guy dies and heads back to the beach while somebody else gets some stuff. This versus meeting somebody who is looking for vehicle parts to go out searching for camps and you team up and make an ally. People want fast food more than they want to learn to cook.

Rocket has characterized the game as an experiment, and there is a social experiment in play here.

I'll be honest. I'm a total 90s carebear, but now days chances are if you come too near me you're dead, because I assume you are coming to kill me. If I can really get the drop on somebody I'll say "freeze. Now get the fuck out of here.". I'm not going to ask them their names. I'm on my longest survival streak. I'm not going to die at this point by trusting somebody.

It's game theory, the same shit that American and British society is based on. I assume you will fuck me, and so I must be ready to fuck you, and thus society is stable. World of Fuckcraft.

In this genre of game the "endgame" is only as creative as the players. Most people lack creativity or the drive to explore it. This is why American Idol is the biggest band in America.

It is nice to meet somebody cool early on when you don't have much to lose by being trusting, but cool people in DayZ seem to be even more rare than irl.

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Yesterday, I ran all the way to Gorka to rescue a friend. There were only 4 people on the server, including me and my friend. We were crouched in this random shack whilst I was administering a blood pack and then all of a sudden, I see a guy crouch around the corner, back up and then unload a silenced M4 clip into both of us. No warning. No mercy. Just cold-blooded murder. I lost a scoped M14, which I'd just got that same day, along with NVGs, an AKM with quite a few clips, loads of medical supplies, an ALICE pack and nearly a full set of equipment.

Once I'd geared up again, I was in Prigorodky with a friend. We saw a guy running and heard him say over the mic "Don't shoot.. friendly". So we unloaded our assault rifles into him.

Unfortunately, until this game no longer has hackers and shoot-on-sight douchebags, I won't be taking any risks. I'm not going to go out of my way looking for people, but at the same time, if I think you're a threat, I won't hesitate to drop you.

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I know how this feels OP. I was going to do a friendly run this time. I'm at Stary on a low populated server. Cooking some meat because i was low on blood. Some person just shoots me from behind instead of asking if i were friendly. I was cooking meat for Christs sake it's not that i suddenly do a 180 and shoot him.

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That's what really gets me about War Z, Original idea's are hard to come by these days, but C'mon, a fucking name, for a zombie apocalypse game, is NOT hard to make unique or original. Instead they copy DayZ in pretty much every way shape and form they can.

And your bit at the end is perfect. Clearly the OP hasn't had much experience with desparate people irl. It's surprising what people are capable of doing RIGHT NOW in this day and age for a few bucks. Throw in an apocolypse, and people eating one another, FUCK that Jazz. Sorry but If Zombies do ever walk the earth, don't get anywhere fucking near me unless you're close friends or family. :)

So you'd kill a group of 8 year old kids that would come close to you? Why do you care you don't even know them.

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