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Best Suggestion EVA!!!!!

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Here it is and its SO simple.....

I know you guys are busy and all... but how about... we get the Developers... to actually read the fucking forums??? (just a thought)

I mean why have a suggestion thread at all if you cant be bothered to read it? (Or is it just a cleverly disguised filter so you dont have to see this shit?!?)....

I wasn't bitching when 4 days went past... because.. its Alpha... and they need time to actually program..... and they have sparse resources

But its been a week..... and I havent gotten a response to something (afai am concerned) is a pretty critical ruling....

Im not bitching that I found a server and want it cracked down on but asked for a precedent and standard to be created..... (ping limits on servers)

All it would take is a dev to read and forward to Rocket... and them to come out and declare a 'lowest ping allowed' ruling...

TBH I dont give a shit if im wrong... as long as they actually came out and made a decision...

Amazing work ignoring your community guys...

Rocket? You too busy to say a few words?

Edited by Trigonometry

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How do you know they don't read them?

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You're worked up over admins being able to join their own servers? After all that is what a "lowest ping allowed" restriction would block.

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