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Remove the AS-50 and M107. Introduce the KSVK.

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Most of the complaints I see about sniper rifles is that they're too easy to use. You zero in for a distance and then just lead the target a little bit. The other complaint I've seen is that they have no use outside of PVP. So why not convert existing anti materiel rifles over to the KSVK?

It's certainly got the kick to kill someone in one shot and operate at the absurd ranges that anti materiel rifles are loved for, but it trades the ability to zero the weapon for the SVD scope's built in rangefinder. If you've ever used it in Arma 2, you know it's a rather difficult weapon to master, but can theoretically out perform the M107 in experienced hands. What's that mean for DayZ?

  1. Oneshot kill weapons will be rarer, since they'll be harder to use. Only the snipers that have a good grasp of their craft will be able to effectively use one.
  2. We'll get more variety to the game. Lower level snipers that do include zeroing will be more attractive. The M24 and CZ 550 might even end up being tools of choice for the discerning bandit.
  3. Chernarus will feel more like an actual Warsaw pact country. Seriously, why do we have so many western weapons? Bring on the Kalashkinovs and Bizons. Bring on the SVDs.
  4. People who get oneshotted from a kilometer away will have less room to complain. If you can master the harder to use russian weapon, you deserve that kill.

I'm sure some people will complain about this being a carebear post, but I'm not suggesting that the rifles get removed, or the game made any easier. I'm just suggesting that if you want to use a one shot kill rifle, you should need the skills to pay the bills. Knowing that you got your kill the old fashioned way? That should make it even sweeter.

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I like the KSVK, I would say weapons will be more authentic in the stand alone.

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KSVK scope is easier to estimate distance with than the M107/AS mildot system.

and as I know there is no zoom in but its set already to be the same as zoomed in M107.

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