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No one goes up north anymore..

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How do you play more than one character? I'm guessing just change your profile before you start? I can't seem to stay alive long enough to keep any of the good gear i find. I usually end up with a broken leg at some point and then kill myself because I have no idea where to find morphine. Well i'm sure its in a hospital or something lol.

It's only my second day so i'm still trying to figure out the best places to go. If i do run into someone, I'm usually dead before I notice they're around me or they don't answer when I talk to them and they just keep hoofin it where ever they are heading lol... Anyways... I'm usually in the northern part of the map only because I've found some deer stands that I can safely get a gun from lol.

Buy the game twice. I first bought it on steam and DayZ ran fine but OA wouldn't run on it's own. Rather than try to fix the issue I just bought a copy from https://store.bistudio.com . Sacriel has a video on Youtube that shows you how to change between the two keys.

Profiles are tied to your GUID so you can change your profile all you want and it will still be the same gear and stuff just different name and possibly face.

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I've made a similar thread about being tired of all the running to the north. I've been hack killed or tp'd 4 times in one week. It got really worse on german servers. Getting killed is not the end but spending 90% of your game time running is sick. Tents are nice but so easy to find, so you have to hide the far in the north too. But it's not worth any more, next time i'll stay on the coast for some PvP action.

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Last time I ventured North two bunnies sprinted past me, turned into players and shot me just South of Novy, huge waste of 30 minutes. There is so little incentive to go north just now, if I spawn near Berezino then maybe. There's plenty of duped/scripted gear hanging around down south too. I'll probably not get around to going North again until the standalone drops.

Edited by puppetworx

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