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Devz, get your shit together.

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Just a moment ago the forums were closed by Tonic due to crafty trolls being crafty.

Now' date=' I cant find some of the threads I was following.

What the fuck, seriously? Have you guys got a grip of the game and forums?

The servers are overrun with script kiddy hackers, the forums are under some absurdly immature dictatorship, no new progress in dayz for days...

You guys are really letting this slip. Spend less time giving interviews and more time getting your shit together.

- concerned.


I love how people are so judgmental when they are one who has no fucking clue what it takes to host your own site, run your own forums, and great your own mod or game. Shit happens, get over it!

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Ooo the shit hit the fan in this thread..

It's amazing how much bollocks we can post in ten days..

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I mean' date=' the way support, staffing, information and all is done is just horribly horribly bad. And no, the compromised mirror does not surprise me at all. The team needs new players and new groups doing specific tasks along with better communication, at this current state all of the available people are running by each-other and/or working on the same issues without really knowing what the other(s) are doing.


Usually you don't setup a system to handle 200.000 people when you expect about 500. The bubble got a 'bit' bigger than expected and while a switch was planned after the E3-event, it appears to have been planned too late.

To be fair you were warned about phpbb exploits days/weeks ago many times by concerned players.

I get that this is a "free" mod in alpha, but it is obvious to Bohemia that players have put up money purely for this alpha mod, and it is up to you to keep our trust in your future titles.

That said, I don't think anyone can complain about the pace of development in-game, it's going pretty fucking well imo (aside from my issues with arma in general -- clunkiness etc)

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We don't run phpBB and it wasn't related to any (php) exploits. It's entirely irrelevant who and what caused it for outsiders, but it's not related to anything in the "infrastructure".

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Just a moment ago the forums were closed by Tonic due to crafty trolls being crafty.

Now' date=' I cant find some of the threads I was following.

What the fuck, seriously? Have you guys got a grip of the game and forums?

The servers are overrun with script kiddy hackers, the forums are under some absurdly immature dictatorship, no new progress in dayz for days...

You guys are really letting this slip. Spend less time giving interviews and more time getting your shit together.

- concerned.


Cool story bro. Obvious troll post.

Oh the irony...

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I enjoy dayz and over look their issues because the mod is free :)

I suggest you just go sit down...turn on netflix...and relax.

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I get that this is a "free" mod in alpha' date=' but it is obvious to Bohemia that players have put up money purely for this alpha mod, and it is up to you to keep our trust in your future titles.


In other words, "Gimme, gimme, gimme."

Seriously, what a disgusting, self-centered attitude. The team has gone out of their way to make an Alpha available, to support a community at a time when most development projects would just have some lame "countdown" web site up and a stupid "coming soon" teaser line. They support these forums, support the community, participate like very few other devs and designers ever have in discussions, and make it clear that they are open to listening to our feedback and ideas for game mechanics (also relatively unprecedented from a lead designer, a personality type that usually has a very "I got this, hands off" attitude about his job). They work their fingers to the bone to bring you a free mod and go the extra mile to explain to you, in excruciating detail, what the DEFINITION OF ALPHA (there's a reason that thread title is in capital letters) is so that you are not confused about what you're getting into and so that you are not disappointed when bugs and issues arise. It's called managing expectations and they have done an amazing job of it.

But, for people like you, who can't be bothered to read a single motherfucking stickied thread or to sit for a moment and think about what it actually means to be playing an Alpha build and how incredible it is that this simple mod, built by such a small team has generated the kind of attention and buzz that it has, it's not enough. Then, nothing ever is for you, I wager. Give an inch, you want a mile. Get a mile, you ask "Are we there yet?"

How about some fucking gratitude? A quick "Thanks team!" for the fact that you have an opportunity to be involved in something like this? How about an ounce of fucking patience? Some civility? A little understanding? Perspective? Anything at all to show you're a human being capable of emotions other than "give me my next erection" or "I have to take a huge poop?"

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There are issues. But I am confident they will be fixed.

But I think I speak for everyone when I say that the state things are in now is only hurting the mod. Publicising it and advertising it should come secondary to getting things working.

mainly because... well its like selling a shiny new ferrari thats covered in rust and has no engine under all the paint.

yes. alpha. people do not usually openly advertise in alpha for this very reason.

the main issues right now for most people are the hackers. yes there are lots of server glitches. but thats alpha. and no one really minds that much.

hackers are a result of alpha. proper script security is not yet in place but the devs by now have enough information to stop the majority of current hacks. they are not doing so.

the question is why have they not released patches to fix some of the obvious vulnerabilities?

Rocket might be away but that doesnt mean we cannot have patches or fixes.

I think everyone will agree. hackers need to be dealt with and fast. the vulnerability of this game is bringing more and more of them. the fact the forums just got hit as well as developer email shows your like a wounded man treading shark infested waters.

its only a matter of time till the next one comes and takes an investagative bite.

I fully expect to be abused for this post. with things like. oh they are working on it you dummy. and quit complaining its alpha.

my answer to that is. yes. it is alpha. which is why the security vulnerability needs imediate attention. how can you even be sure stuff on your database and glitches with servers and all that. is not a result of hacking? fix the hacking, then fix the glitches. otherwise any information your using to find bugs. is being poisoned by the presence of hackers.

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The Devs are doing the best they can with all the shit that has happened recently. Stop being an asshole and remember that they are giving you this for free. You want to work on a game for free? Then have assholes like you tell them they are doing a shitty job. -_- Sounds like another troll to me.

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Just a moment ago the forums were closed by Tonic due to crafty trolls being crafty.

Now' date=' I cant find some of the threads I was following.

What the fuck, seriously? Have you guys got a grip of the game and forums?

The servers are overrun with script kiddy hackers, the forums are under some absurdly immature dictatorship, no new progress in dayz for days...

You guys are really letting this slip. Spend less time giving interviews and more time getting your shit together.

- concerned.


Go rage about a free mod somewhere else.

Constructive criticism is one thing, nerd rage QQ is another.

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