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This server is running an incorrect version of server side appliction.

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Rolling back to 93965 fixed it for my brother (why doesn't it happen to me though, we are both running retail), just delete all the files in the Arma 2/Expansion/Beta folder and then install 93965 again.

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Tried that Vladdie and i still get the server error :(

Rocket says it should work but it isn't

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I have ARMA X and still can play with 93965 beta patch' date=' although with the chance to spawn as someone else's character.


Can you atleast tell us how to re-patch our game then? This is getting ridiculous. I'm tired of reading "just wait for the next update" or "it will be fixed". Can't you just give us more specific information than repeating the same old news constantly?

And please, tell me how I can patch my game to 93965


Here u can download old patch.

Just exract and install.

Look for games that have this version mentioned in Server Name



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The re-patch to version 93965 helped me..

I just deleted the files in the beta folder and installed the 93965 Beta Patch.

Now I can play again without any problems

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I deleted beta folder and reinstalled the old patch and it works.

But its ridiculous that they dont fix that and tell the persons concerned just to stop playing until the patch 1.7.2 is there. Retarded much?

Most people bought Arma 2 for this mod so stop behaving like jerks.

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hello!!!!!!!!?????? could u pls give us sum infos?? im feeling left alone right now! i dont have a problem with not playing (3dayz) i can live with that ! but i rly dont want 2 have 2 read every single post 2 get 2 know when i cant expect 2 play again... u said over 24h ago its will be sloved 2day ....since then not even a info :( ...and i think i did read some earlier post when u/urteam fixed sum id's manually...ahhm wtf?? comon guys pls give us at least sum infos!

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Monday, OB1. You'll be expected to play on monday, most likely. Just scroll back like four pages and you'll see it.

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But its ridiculous that they dont fix that and tell the persons concerned just to stop playing until the patch 1.7.2 is there. Retarded much?

Most people bought Arma 2 for this mod so stop behaving like jerks.

Thank you for blaming us, of who most spend at least 14 hours a day fixing stuff for free, on an external patch breaking something and us having decided that it's better to release everything in 1 go when it's considered ready. Highly appreciate the support man.

Also, PMing me won't make this any faster, like really.

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i can understand all that...all im asking for...is sum sort of date? hope u can make us all happy soon! even if its just a date!

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@vipeax: Hey Mate, most of the people here appreciate highly what you guys are doing here! Keep up the great work! We will be patient.

Best regards from Germany,


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I deleted beta folder and reinstalled the old patch and it works.

But its ridiculous that they dont fix that and tell the persons concerned just to stop playing until the patch 1.7.2 is there. Retarded much?

Most people bought Arma 2 for this mod so stop behaving like jerks.

Are you serious? You paid for the game, true. The game works fine doesn't it??

The mod is first of all in alpha stadium. It says "Alpha (Test)" when you download it.

Second, the mod is free of charge.

The people working on this mod are to be respected. Would you like your work if customers complain about things you are doing in this very moment, but you need a little more time??

Sure it makes people mad if they can't play the game (I'm one of them). Have patience! And most of all: Don't bother the Dev's with annoing sh*t or even flame them. They deserve better.

The Problem is known to the devs and they even responded and told us, that it will be fixed. Well I am happy with this.

Keep up the good Work DayZ Staff!!

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So i am complete new to arma and dayz and i am german, so sry for my english ;)

i dont know what hive means or how i can create a character and where i can find my player id?. i bought arma 2 and OA yesterday and installed all patches and stuff but still have this issue with "server is running..blabla". i dont know what to do know. pls just say if its a problem on your or on my side and when i can play dayz! the other players can play it so i want to too :D:D

sincerely etnies35

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DayZ Staff is working fast and hard, not meny games get a support like this mod, the support in the forum and the patching is extremly fast most big game companys can't compare to that.

I love it!

etnies35, they will fix it with the next patch, on monday. Ore u down grade ure game.

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Just started getting the same error today. Not sure if it was something I did or what.

Character: JLStewart


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i just got this message on our server. i haven't installed any patches or updates today

i was playing just fine all morning, logged off for lunch, came to log back in and now can no longer access our server

any ideas why?

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