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There is a built-in wallhack

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I just tried the -winxp start parameter because I wanted to get rid of the graphical bugs.

The -winxp parameter forces the game to use directx9.

Funny thing is ... the winxp mode provides a built-in wallhack.

Every zombie and player has a small grey circle attached and you can see these circles through all walls.




I let it on full size this time ... so you can see them.

Also some others models like barrels have those circles ... but the cool thing is they even show you the

distance of the object/zombie/player. The bigger the circles the closer ou are.

I can't really believe that .... lol.

I bet many bandits are playing with that all the time, while they are pretending they are just better at the game -_-".

Originally posted here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/75880-the-graphical-glitches-arent-that-bad/#entry720454

Edited by grasmann

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Shit. Looked at the pic. Thats just a server setting. Some servers allow those circles.

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That is a server setting.. Probably a recruit one.

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Why would you post this you fucking moron.

So it can be fixed as soon as possible? Or do want to use it a bit longer?


Ok ... but why does it only work with directx9? lol?

Edited by grasmann

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Shit. Looked at the pic. Thats just a server setting. Some servers allow those circles.

100x this. Those circles have nothing to do with the directx> Don't believe me, try playing on a server with VETERAN /EXPERT settings. You will see -winxp doesn't cause those white dots.

Also...the startup parameter -winxp can give you a serious fps boost, so you might want to try it out for that reason.

Edited by tickle_me_jesus

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So it can be fixed as soon as possible? Or do want to use it a bit longer?


Ok ... but why does it only work with directx9? lol?

Have you not read admin's posts before? They say specifically to NOT post hacks/cheats and to send them to them in a message.

Again. It's a server setting. Depends on what server you choose.

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Shit. Looked at the pic. Thats just a server setting. Some servers allow those circles.

i noticed the too. and i am playing veterean only. never had those before the 1.62arma beta95401 and they are irritating as fuck for me. have to try to find an expert server to see if its really patch sided problem or just server options.

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It works with all directx versions. He probably just changed it and joined a recruit server, thinking it was because he changed it.

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So it can be fixed as soon as possible? Or do want to use it a bit longer?


Ok ... but why does it only work with directx9? lol?


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Well, I can tell you following: I played on maybe 2-3 different "[No PVP]" servers recently, there really aren't much of them.

I can't tell for sure ... but I think I played on this one before ( I mean this evening ). But I haven't noticed these dots before,

they started to appear as soon as I played with -winxp.

But I will check it out on another server now.

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It's a server setting...

It certainly is not a suggestion.


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It's a server setting and I haven't seen any circles attached to players ever, it was really useful when I was new to DayZ. Just play Vet if you think it's a problem...

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