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The Trusted Mentors of the Wasteland

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It sounds really great... I'd love to be a part of it, but my gaming time is so varied and unpredictable. Still, though... this kind of philosophy fits in with my gaming style in this game. I'll never kill another player. Never. No matter if they will kill me first, no matter if they have something cool (really, what else is "cool" besides guns and I don't carry one of those, so...) I'll help however I can if someone asks me, unless they're asking me to kill. That I won't do.

Really glad you are doing this. :)

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I took the training yesterday and really learned a lot.

I will survive much longer with the tricks which I have learned.

Everyone was very friendly. I wont do the same mistakes as before and thats why I will survive longer than before.

Also learning about humanity was on the program. So just try it yourself.

Thanks to everyone!

Edited by Horni

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how can i join you, or how can i get on the list for the mentor/medic..when i am not hunting Infected, or snipers, helping my team to raid .. i help new or glitched players to get on their feet. Bringing food to starving players, helping when they are hurt..or just body guarding/over watching freshly spawned players until they get the gear...No i wont give away my gear that is in our camp, rather that that i am showing players how to raid towns without 1 bullet shoot, showing where usually snipers sit and wait..etc

But as the Croatian DayZ Community isn’t that big i am slowly running out of business, that’s why i wont to join you..

And i think i will be great asset to you, just check my sig...i am pretty sure that i know my ways around ...


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how can i join you, or how can i get on the list for the mentor/medic..when i am not hunting Infected, or snipers, helping my team to raid .. i help new or glitched players to get on their feet. Bringing food to starving players, helping when they are hurt..or just body guarding/over watching freshly spawned players until they get the gear...No i wont give away my gear that is in our camp, rather that that i am showing players how to raid towns without 1 bullet shoot, showing where usually snipers sit and wait..etc

But as the Croatian DayZ Community isn’t that big i am slowly running out of business, that’s why i wont to join you..

And i think i will be great asset to you, just check my sig...i am pretty sure that i know my ways around ...


Hi Snowcrash, thanks for your question. You can go here: http://trusted-medics-ofthe-wasteland.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?3 ... and see the process we've established for the various roles within the Trusted Medics of the Wasteland. If one or more of those strikes your fancy, just follow the procedure and we'll take it from there.


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I did a session of training with them last night, and the group of people that were training me are an amazing group of people and i had a heck of alot of fun. Some of the most fun i had on dayz since i started playing, I learned so much and they still have a little bit more that they are going to teach me. If you need help, most likely they will be able to teach you, and they will not half ass it, they will teach you the best technique's and you will have fun while they do it.

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I'm pretty positive that I'll be purchasing ARMA2/Dayz this weekend. I'm 100% positive that when I do, I'll be signing up for lessons with you guys. You guys are doing a great thing. Looking forward to learning from you!

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I'm pretty positive that I'll be purchasing ARMA2/Dayz this weekend. I'm 100% positive that when I do, I'll be signing up for lessons with you guys. You guys are doing a great thing. Looking forward to learning from you!

And we'll be happy to help out however we can, just click on that link in the OP and make a request. We'll get back to you and set it up. Good luck.


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Damn, I registered on your site and clicked submit before I saw the "NO HOTMAIL" message...

I tried to get back and change it but too late. My name is registered.

If you see this, please just change my verification email address to the same thing, just gmail.com instead of hotmail.

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Damn, I registered on your site and clicked submit before I saw the "NO HOTMAIL" message...

I tried to get back and change it but too late. My name is registered.

If you see this, please just change my verification email address to the same thing, just gmail.com instead of hotmail.

I've changed the email you registered to a @gmail.com address and I've manually activated your account. Good luck.

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What a fantastic idea! I'm not new but I can just about shoot a gun. I am a lousy shot, can't seem to keep far enough away from a zombie to shoot it before it knocks me out. I'd definitely be interested in some friendly help! :thumbsup:

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What a fantastic idea! I'm not new but I can just about shoot a gun. I am a lousy shot, can't seem to keep far enough away from a zombie to shoot it before it knocks me out. I'd definitely be interested in some friendly help! :thumbsup:

Hi Sula, if you're interested please post on the link in the OP ... or the link in my sig line and we'll be happy to get with you.


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Thanks I'd love to but the post above says you don't allow hotmail addresses. How unfair. *sulks*

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Thanks I'd love to but the post above says you don't allow hotmail addresses. How unfair. *sulks*

Thanks I'd love to but the post above says you don't allow hotmail addresses. How unfair. *sulks*

We can fix that, just add me om Steam ... I'm [TMW] Joe Shaw. We can determine your needs and situation there.


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Sorry to say I don't like any of these ideas you make with the trusted whatevers.honestly it's more fun and realistic playing with mates, if you can't get help then just die and start again it's a game you gotta learn to play I understand that but the best way to learn is through experience.

Aus Mercs out

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Sorry to say I don't like any of these ideas you make with the trusted whatevers.honestly it's more fun and realistic playing with mates, if you can't get help then just die and start again it's a game you gotta learn to play I understand that but the best way to learn is through experience.

Aus Mercs out

You're right team, but there's nothing that says you can't make the experience happen more quickly and with less frustration. And sadly not everyone has mates they can play Day Z with. But hey, it's a big sandbox out there and everyone can do it the way they like. We just like helping people, whether it's with medical assistance or through sharing our experience ... YMMV.


Edited by Joe Shaw
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I was totally new to the game and did not play any Arma II prior to this.

I have looked into some tuturials, some videos and looked into some general information before getting into the game. I ran into the TMW and they offered me a training course.

For me it was an all round guide on the interface, the game machanics, navigation and in general the most important thing, how to survive.

It has been an awesome experiance, which Im sure that learned me stuff that maybe would have cost me weeks or even months to figure out by myself.

I got the training program after allready just tree solo tries in the game and am doing a lot better after.

great initiative!!!

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That's good of you, thanks. However I hate steam with a passion. I hate that it has decided that everyone I add has a right to know what games I buy, what I'm playing and if I'm online. I hate it so much that I think I'm going to explode! :o

So I will try to work out what my gmail account is. I hate that too! It stole control of my youtube account and told the world my full name despite promising that I could keep it private and use a nickname. There is no justice in this world! <_<

Still, thanks for being so nice. If I work work out my gmail address I will join in. :thumbsup:

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That's good of you, thanks. However I hate steam with a passion. I hate that it has decided that everyone I add has a right to know what games I buy, what I'm playing and if I'm online. I hate it so much that I think I'm going to explode! :o

So I will try to work out what my gmail account is. I hate that too! It stole control of my youtube account and told the world my full name despite promising that I could keep it private and use a nickname. There is no justice in this world! <_<

Still, thanks for being so nice. If I work work out my gmail address I will join in. :thumbsup:

We are nothing if not accommodating ... go to our Teamspeak channel ... ts.dayzmedics.com ... and look for me or Absolut_Zero or Seven ... either of us will be happy to get you started.


Edited by Joe Shaw
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When I first started DayZ, I spawn at night time, my screen all black, and I could barely where I was going. I had no experience in Arma2, or in DayZ. This training realy gave me a head start, and now I can have fun playing. TMW shows you some tricks that no guide or video online can teach you. Thank you TMW!

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When I first started DayZ, I spawn at night time, my screen all black, and I could barely where I was going. I had no experience in Arma2, or in DayZ. This training realy gave me a head start, and now I can have fun playing. TMW shows you some tricks that no guide or video online can teach you. Thank you TMW!

Thanks Notri, it was a pleasure.


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Nice training program these guys have, took me from scratch and within a few hours i was on my own looting killing and surviving. They have more than enough patience and are really kind towards you even if you mess up. Recommend them for sure, i may even uninstall and re-install and pretend to be a noob just to do it again ^-^

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Nice training program these guys have, took me from scratch and within a few hours i was on my own looting killing and surviving. They have more than enough patience and are really kind towards you even if you mess up. Recommend them for sure, i may even uninstall and re-install and pretend to be a noob just to do it again ^-^

Glad it worked for you Kyle, we enjoyed it as well. Now just stay away from the NWAF zombies and you'll be fine :)


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