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Game state revert system to counteract hacking?

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I thought maybe you could have players vote to save the current state every so often so that in the event of a hacker messing everything up, someone could initiate a vote to start a reversion to the last saved state.

Or better yet (>) Save the current state automatically and then, in the event of a hacker f'ing it up, people could initiate a vote to revert back in time a certain about, like 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes back, etc...

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eh won't really matter once the standalone comes out. however, i'd figure if hackers can hack pretty much anything in the current game, why couldn't they just automatically start a vote to save and instantly make it succeeded to have the server save after the mayhem. and what the people said before me about people abusing it and also duping items lol.

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Sounds like a lot of work for something that wont be a problem in standalone anyway

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This would get exploited by large clans (20+ people, not very common but there are a few) who want to get their NVG and stuff back after being sniped from 1km away.

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I think that is a bad idea. People would just overuse it when they die from zombies or something elese. thats hard to prove a hacker attack sometimes.

No, this is for when they kill everyone on the server, not when they mess with a couple people. and btw, thats what the voting is for, if only one or two people get killed, then no vote.

How do you spell iyiyi?

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Couldnt this be used to dupelicate items easily?

Hmm.............so maybe lets not code it that way? Just an idea... Call me crazy.... Edited by Thane

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This would get exploited by large clans (20+ people, not very common but there are a few) who want to get their NVG and stuff back after being sniped from 1km away.

So change servers then, fuck. Seriously, this is your concern? OF ALL THINGS, THIS?

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So change servers then, fuck. Seriously, this is your concern? OF ALL THINGS, THIS?

The concern is you idiot is that they can switch severs and if they die and reset the server they get it back and the guy that killed them dosent get any reward for his effort. You do know that your inventory follows you through servers right?

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