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Soldier Camo(Suit)

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Your friends admin that ban for it are not allowed to do this and risk to get their own server black listed.

Also, you don't risk any global ban if you use a hacked weapon, only if you spawn it via script.

You seem not really aware what is legit or not in DayZ. Also: Dayzwiki is outdated.

Son... learn to read, I know the difference, and told this guy that Soldier clothing =/= Camo clothing few posts after.

Still, soldier clothing spawn in helicopter crash sites.

DayZwiki is not outdated. helicopters are back in.

and Soldier clothing does not spawn in heli's. only Camo does. idiots

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DayZwiki is not outdated. helicopters are back in.

and Soldier clothing does not spawn in heli's. only Camo does. idiots

You live in a dream. Wake up donnie, wake up.

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You live in a dream. Wake up donnie, wake up.

kk get back to your hacking, kiddie.

Camo and ghillies + bandit/hero skins + female + survivor are the ONLY legit skins in game

just cos you think otherwise, doesn't make it so,.

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kk get back to your hacking, kiddie.

How old are you? Serisouly, this is the poorest answer I've seen in the past 2weeks.

You may need more experience, Mister Terminator 5 "against script kiddies, fighting nightmare".

Spend more time in game and not on dayzwiki & daymap sites to help you find things you're looking for.

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How old are you? Serisouly, this is the poorest answer I've seen in the past 2weeks.

You may need more experience, Mister Terminator 5 "against script kiddies, fighting nightmare".

Spend more time in game and not on dayzwiki & daymap sites to help you find things you're looking for.

there's no soldier skins in game. stop being dumb kk

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Yeah you're right, stay in your dream full of ponies.

you're a shit troll. and you enjoy your hacked gear mate.

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You live in a dream. Wake up donnie, wake up.

not sure if troll

or the dumbest motherfucker I've ever seen in this forum

an personaly I hope in the near future everyone who puts this shit on or just puts it in his Inventory will get global banned

Edited by Legacy

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Yeah you fight a new nightmare bro, the new war against script kiddies.

All people that aren't in your opinion are hacking kiddie.

You don't even know the f**** is a hack.

Edited by hwk

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How old are you? Serisouly, this is the poorest answer I've seen in the past 2weeks.

You may need more experience, Mister Terminator 5 "against script kiddies, fighting nightmare".

Spend more time in game and not on dayzwiki & daymap sites to help you find things you're looking for.

Do you have a way to prove that soldier camo spawns in heli sites?


Do we have a proof that it isnt legit?


Now please, shut up OP, you must be 10 or something with that attittude of yours.

Just the "0" in your number that makes you so l33t and the "YT" at the end that make you an attenttion whore speak for themselves.

Now, you are using SCRIPTED IN ITEMS (scripted, not hacked in, you are a kid and wouldn't know what hacking means even if someone slapped you in the face with it) and bragging about it, making a post to try and make some friends by giving them gear, shows how alone you really are.

Also, before crying "HURR BUT SOLDIER CLOTHING IS LEGI IT SPAWNS WIKI IS BAD" you better have some video evidence to back it up, or some official announcement.

Edited by ixtilion

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Yeah you fight a new nightmare bro, the new war against script kiddies.

All people that aren't in your opinion are hacking kiddie.

You don't even know the f**** is a hack.

Ur so newb to this.

and that last line. OH THE IRONY.

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an personaly I hope in the near future everyone who puts this shit on or just puts it in his Inventory will get global banned plus a headshot in real life

Won't happen, you seems not really aware that Rocket piss on what you're thinking.

Go search for rockets posts about this.

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Won't happen, you seems not really aware that Rocket piss on what you're thinking.

Go search for rockets posts about this.

OH so you are aware that you're using scripted in items. gg

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So much butthurt of unexperimented noobs.

I won't tell you that I find it several times on heli crash sites, on several different servers.

I won't tell you that several persons posted the same fact on this forum.

DayZ wiki is your holly bible, updated one time every six updates.

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So much butthurt of unexperimented noobs.

unexperimented (not even a word btw) eh. wow your comprehension is amazing. not.

Also. more people have seen UFO's than have seen your soldier suit. UFO's must be real, same goes for god.

brb with the tin foil hat for you

Edited by Blindingsun

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Great argument there, Mr. terminator 5

Enough said, I go back in-game, stay on your Dayzwiki website to collect informations on loots, while I continue play and don't even come back here to educate you.


Edited by hwk

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Great argument there, Mr. terminator 5

Enough said, I go back in-game, stay on your Dayzwiki website to collect informations on loots, while I continue play and don't even come back here to educate you.


yeah you've really educated me mr "Unexperimented" LOL.. I'd suggest you get some of that for yourself before you preach to others about stuff that you really have no clue about

you think Opinion = Fact. it does not.

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So u say just because you don't know something is hacked u are allowed to use ist?



Ignorance is no excuse in law

Edited by Magicool
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I won't tell you that I find it several times on heli crash sites, on several different servers.

I won't tell you that several persons posted the same fact on this forum.


Last post.

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Technically, the SUV could be legit if it was like three months old. It was in the game in earlier patches.

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Technically, the SUV could be legit if it was like three months old. It was in the game in earlier patches.

it could be. but what's the probability of that?...

on the other hand. soldier skins are scripted in.

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Hey OP, can you answer my other post? Or do facts hurt you too much?


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