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You have good gear, are you a bandit???

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in my experience as a end game gear player,

i find that the better gear someone has the more protective they are of it.

have you made friends with someone who has end game gear? or do you have end game gear and made friends with a noob?

im interested to see how many of you are actually going to be truthful.

The guy who has good gear has everything to lose.... The guy with nothing has nothing to lose....

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Yeah I agree, I actually have less fun the fancier the stuff I have.

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I used to KOS if I had good gear.

Now I have the best stuff I've ever had and I'm more keen on making buddies.

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i dont have the best gear in the game but i have some items that are considerably better then most other people, i dont like the fact that you can just take stuff out of people's backpacks either, its just so hard to not be over protective

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Depending on how you act really. I've found myself more likely to gun down a guy with an axe running around like a maniac, than a player with an AK crawling into a shopping center. For context on 'nice gear' I have an extremely rare SVD Camo. You can get a read on a lot of people, how they move, where they come from; whether they're just trying to avoid getting sniped or setting up their own ambush, and that's what dictates whether I shoot.

For example, came upon a heli crash and somebody was already looting it. I spotted the distinctive shape of a DMR on his back and opened fire; I'm not one to take chances. One solid hit through the chest and he immediately takes cover and bandages himself. If he'd drawn the DMR and tried to put eyes on me I'd have finished him off, but he put the heli between himself and I and made a run for it.

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I had all the gear I could ask for such as, L85A2 AWS + AS50, Ghillie, G17 then a PDW afterwards, and every tool ect...

It made me very cautious, but I still took huge risks and ran around a lot. I'd say it gave me more a fear of things which wasn't a bad thing with the adrenaline n' all, but it was a huge piss off dying! :lol:

It can make things better and worse.

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i admire the amount of people who are being honest. personally my clan is too kitted out i go to electro with end-game gear pretty much waiting for someone to kill me, dont get me wrong im quick on the trigger when i see a hostile or hear heart beats

Edited by Dylon

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I KOS because having to gear up again is boring, but so is playing alone. Not a bad person just idk really? lol kill or be killed I guess...

caring less and less if I live or die honestly.. (day 30)

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well the only reason i brought this up is because of humanity coming back and well..... i think you understand

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The hero skin looks really cool though! Just feel like you gotta run away too much.

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I have what I guess is good gear, M9SD, M4A3SD, Cammo clothing, Ghillie, GPS, NVG, etc. and yeah, I do play a little more cautiously when dealing with others. In the end I think it works out though, with my Suppressed stuff its WAY easier for me to help my friends get geared and in the end we end up as a much stronger "unit" for it.

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I'm kinda getting bored because I have every tools and good weapons. I really miss the days when I sneaked into electro/Cherno to search for loots, however, i dont wnat to lose all my stuff...

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First few days on the game, met quite a few people that helped out...since acquiring some higher end gear, its been pretty much a lone venture, which is quite boring TBH. But yes, once I hit a certain amount of rare gear, others become KOS if they are headed my way. Fortunately, others's usually make the decision for me as they open up first.

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If someone has nothing I will ignore them or give them a hatchet (won't trust them with a gun) when solo if thery have a gun I KoS.

In a group we always give players a chance in towns and stuff as we have a sniper going overwatch

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The best BEST part of having really good gear is giving it away. Gave away a L85 to a stranger the other day. Gave a M9 SD away today to a guy I traveled half way across the map to morphine, he had no gun in Gorka, miracle he made it that far!

Try it, meet a noob and give him your as50. It feels good!

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I have a lot of end game gear, everything in triple almost and I take 5x more "risk" now then as noob with nothing.

But now I have 5x more knowledge of the game and I'm 5x better player..so it comes out as the same almost.

And with end game gear I can do so much more then before and that's a lot of fun also.

I'm not a bandit and never were one. 5000 humanity. Just resourceful and some luck.

"When I was a child I spoke as a child I understood as a child I thought as a child; but when I became a man I put away childish things."

Edited by meshin

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Trusting people isnt good, i trusted russians, got my lesson, lost my 24 slot backpack and range finder, 8 blood bags, 4 morphines,pain killers and epi-pens... : /

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2 Days ago i was hunting Snipers near Elektro hills, I got down in the ground to have a look around and then Suddenly, *Crack*

"Dude, DaFuq? I'm Dead!" My friend ends up running out of the trees with this Rifle cracking at him aswell, Get's into Elektro, Discovers two guys there, he shoots one and the other aborts.

He keeps running to other firestation, STILL Taking fire from sniper (Had alot of ammo i spose) Then he came across another guy in there that killed him.

All in all before that i had the Following:

Ghille suit

SVD Camo




Czech pack

AK74 Alternative



And more stuff i can't remember, But i remember when i died i didn't really care much. It had got boring going around with best stuff, i was happy to spawn in on the Coast near Elektro.

Listening to my friend get the **** Shot out of him. Happily made my way to a barn East of Elektro, Found a Winchester and went hunting for snipers again around Elektro.

I was about 10x less mad then when i got killed when i had Czech Backpack, Normal clothing, M1911 and a Cz550.

Now i'm happy to go around the coast helping survivors that are fresh in, and Indirectly helping them by killing people that Snipe Freshies.

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i had a as50 with like 7 mags a 2x ghillie suit, 3x m9sd with 17 mags, rangefinder and nvg but then i was bored and jumped off a roof and died, now i play with a group and we have a lot of vehicles and other rare stuff :)

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I value my humanity higher than my gear. Gear is easy to come by.

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I don't KOS because the bandit skin is so ugly.

Also, I want the hero skin, however, it is made so that you'll have to be in a team for it to work, and it's a lot of work to get it done. A hero should be allowed to be a lone wolf too.


  • It's too easy to become a bandit.
  • It's too hard to mend banditry with good deeds, thus once a bandit, always a bandit.
  • Bandit skin promotes a KOS playstyle. Once you're there, why try so hard to go the other way?
  • Ugly bandit skin makes you think twice about KOS in the beginning, but only then.

In fact, having anything called a bandit, a survivor or a hero are de facto classes in DayZ - the very thing so many have dreaded... Isn't there another way to prevent needless griefing?

I realize I've been answering a bit off topic. When I have good gear, I do get more suspicious, however, with tents I'm allowed to stash my most precious gear so that I'll get geared back up fast if I get shot, thus getting killed isn's such a big deal anymore, except for the walking... So, if I have a tent up, I'll dare to experiment more.

However, the worst thing for me about getting killed, isn't really all that fancy gear - it's not having used that fancy gear. Most of the gear, I get to use, like maps, knives, matches, and so on. However, that over powered rifle with only one magazine for... If I die before having gotten to use it, I'm sad, very sad. Thus having a fancy rifle promotes banditry again. Having a fancy rifle does not instill fear in that people back off. It instills fear in that they KOS when they see someone armed to the teeth. As a bearer of fancy rifles, these are social mechanics that you have to factor in, and thus you get liable to KOS more often.

However, unless you're a cheater, if you have a fancy rifle, you most likely know how to handle yourself in the game. Thus you can easily avoid the situations where KOS often happens. In fact, if you know how to handle yourself, KOS isn't really the issue, but premeditated murder is.

Edited by kebman

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