dirkdeadeye 8 Posted August 17, 2012 I know there are a ton of fans/apologists of this mod; to which I say, it's a fucking sandbox, and I'm glad you're having fun, seriously I am..however I've noticed something odd, about this mod. And I'm sure some of the apologists will just rabidly replay with ALPHA MOTHERFUCKER!!!!But, I like stirring up shit, no, rather..stirring up some interesting conversation.I think DayZ is;A hairbrained idea, fueled by big youtubers, and livestreams, add valve being absolute fucking studs, and adjusting prices due to the surge of purchases..A giant anomaly that just proves clout within the realm of "commentators" can sell a buggy, shitty game (ArmA 2), to play a mod out of pure human curiosity.I know what the hell alpha means. I know bugs are a fact of life. But this mod is exceptionally shitty, when it comes to that. That's not really a slam. Because a lot of people just don't care.The statistics show about a rolling 10% of the people who have this mod play on a daily basis. I say rolling, because I'm sure that same set of people aren't logging in every day.Does that speak to the quality of the game/mod/experiment?There are a lot of posts, and opinions out there, exclaiming how this isn't very fun. Most likely because they don't have anyone to play with..Or maybe it's because there's some kind of kill or be killed mentality out there.And to the contrary, there are people out there streaming this game. Totally addicted. People here, in these forums..quick to the draw to defend the mod, because their personal experience was favorable.Ultimately..In my most humble opinion. For fucks sake.Either SeaNanners, is the quintessential pied piper..And should honestly look into selling his likeness to a marketing firm...Or people just fuckin' love sniper rifles. And/or being a complete douche. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gwbrewer 49 Posted August 17, 2012 I had a "Billy Madison" moment there. I'm not sure what happened, but feel dumber already. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 65 Posted August 17, 2012 Rocket is using the engine of the game for something it wasn't designed for at all.. He put in all these different features as a mod to test his idea for a game. This mod is all a test for the standalone game. You know like beta testing? Even beta testing has a shit load of glitches. This game hasn't even reached beta yet.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WildLeon 18 Posted August 17, 2012 Your arguement, like my dog, is chasing its tail. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dirkdeadeye 8 Posted August 17, 2012 Rocket is using the engine of the game for something it wasn't designed for at all.. He put in all these different features as a mod to test his idea for a game. This mod is all a test for the standalone game. You know like beta testing? Even beta testing has a shit load of glitches. This game hasn't even reached beta yet..From OP:I know there are a ton of fans/apologists of this mod; to which I say, it's a fucking sandbox, and I'm glad you're having fun, seriously I am..however I've noticed something odd, about this mod. And I'm sure some of the apologists will just rabidly replay with ALPHA MOTHERFUCKER!!!!LOL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BennyLikesIndians 4 Posted August 17, 2012 I know the Arma 2 engine is flawed, I know Dayz has it's problems and I know it's popularity has been spread by commentators who are used to casual games. But the current quality of the mod is temporary, and just because you think calling it an alpha doesn't justify it, doesn't mean it will not improve. I have seen many games go from bad to terribad from alpha to release, so I see where you're coming from making assumptions of how this will turn out; but the concept is unique and original, and if this mod's devs are willing to put effort fourth, which they have shown they can do, then I'm sure will turn out be a brilliant standalone game (hopefully on the Arma 3 engine). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
funnyjunk255 8 Posted August 17, 2012 Dirk deadeye, Rule number 34 of zombie-land: Enjoy the little things. (if you have watched zombie-land ((sure everyone has)) you will get that quote)The moral of the quote is to see past the negatives of the game and enjoy what you've got. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dirkdeadeye 8 Posted August 17, 2012 I know the Arma 2 engine is flawed, I know Dayz has it's problems and I know it's popularity has been spread by commentators who are used to casual games. But the current quality of the mod is temporary, and just because you think calling it an alpha doesn't justify it, doesn't mean it will not improve. I have seen many games go from bad to terribad from alpha to release, so I see where you're coming from making assumptions of how this will turn out; but the concept is unique and original, and if this mod's devs are willing to put effort fourth, which they have shown they can do, then I'm sure will turn out be a brilliant standalone game (hopefully on the Arma 3 engine).Where did I say it's not going to improve? I'm honestly speaking to how, or why people got into this.Why people like it.Why people don't like it.And how social media can move a fuckton of games. ...units?And, yeah, between the lines..I'm sort of demonstrating how most people in internet forums jump to conclusions. That being; I hate this game, or I don't think it'll improve, without even asking for clarification. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Acix 132 Posted August 17, 2012 um your opinion is your own, while im sure some share it and others dont care, the mod is what it is, its going standalone because people support it, with or without you it will continue to grow and thrive, enjoyed reading your opinion but personally I love the mod, I love Arma and have for a very long while, and again Alpha or not its pretty fucking impressive given the shit engine Rocket was working with. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KennyNZ 121 Posted August 18, 2012 What are you on about? :huh: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inception. 9443 Posted August 18, 2012 Ask yourself this: "Will I achieve anything if I posted that?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dallas 5195 Posted August 18, 2012 More theory, less crazy please. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rainf 76 Posted August 18, 2012 Where did I say it's not going to improve? I'm honestly speaking to how, or why people got into this.Why people like it.Why people don't like it.And how social media can move a fuckton of games. ...units?And, yeah, between the lines..I'm sort of demonstrating how most people in internet forums jump to conclusions. That being; I hate this game, or I don't think it'll improve, without even asking for clarification.Well, since you want to know how people came about for this mod, ill tell my tale, and thoughts on its development.I was on Steam, playing DoW2 or was it M&B, none the less, it was something and I got a PM from one of my Arma2 buddies. He asked if I had tried DayZ. This was very early in its development and I told him I had not, and was not really interested due to my experience playing zombie mods in the engine already had been somewhat lackluster after the first few minutes.He proceeded to tell me about it, and the idea of a persistent world where you had to get loot etc intrigued me. I proceeded to download it and had a fairly good experience. Banditry was still kind of fresh, and being new to the mod, the zombies were still an unknown who's potential to eat me were not yet realized. The idea of hackers was not even a thought.The patches came fast and furious and the mod gained popularity in its momentum, servers stayed filled and it felt really good, skipping forward we are at present day and we know the state of the game; most of my issues are really with the player base, a double edged sword in my opinion.Without the masses, the idea of standalone would likely remain a pipe dream, but with those numbers we have obviously all felt the game shift further into a lot of SoS(which isn't the bad part, at least imo, I welcome pvp with open(raised) arms) and the one of the biggest detriments, the hackers. They took the fun out of the mod for me, but I hold no ill feelings for BiS or Rocket etc, its a 'flaw' in the engine who always had a tight community and as such a mostly trusting one.The next thing the masses brought which bothers me a little is the bitching and moaning on the forums, this thread, I wouldn't really count as one of them. Its the self entitlement and bitter sentiment seen on forum after forum of any popular game that when the stars and planets do not aline that the sky is falling, the game is 'failing' and the dev team are a pack of horrible losers who have 'no idea'. It is my own choice to open these threads and look, I know this, but even still their genuine, or trolling opinions DO manage to effect me at times, not to rage but to shake my head at the ignorance some people seem to possess.So as for where its at and where it could have gone had their been a smaller, more trusting playerbase are probably very different places, but I still welcome the direction as it gives me something to look forward to in Standalone and i'll reserve judgment of a 'failure' until 6 months after a more complete picture of standalone is out, and though I personally have stopped 'playing' for the time being due to a string of deaths to hackers and glitches, I will still continue to check out the forums and subsequent patches to check out the new content/changes, I remain of a mind that so far, this mod is looking successful and its a credit to Rocket to see what he has done piggybacking on a game that was never designed for this type of game play.TL;DR:Found game after long time Armaverse fan, was mostly impressed, think its pretty good despite a lot of setbacks/glitches/workarounds, thinking of it as a 'sketch' of a bigger picture that will be available in the near future. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grizzle 21 Posted August 18, 2012 Where did I say it's not going to improve? I'm honestly speaking to how, or why people got into this.Why people like it.Why people don't like it.And how social media can move a fuckton of games. ...units?And, yeah, between the lines..I'm sort of demonstrating how most people in internet forums jump to conclusions. That being; I hate this game, or I don't think it'll improve, without even asking for clarification.You could start by trying to state your point of view clearly and coherently. I just read two of your posts and I haven't a clue what the hell you're trying to say. Though methinks you got ass-reamed by a few snipers and came here to rant... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites