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Are boxes of matches spawning normally?

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Hi all,

Just wondering if boxes of matches are spawning correctly in the latest version of DayZ?

I used to be able to find them all over the place but seemingly since came out, I haven't seen a single matchbox.

I spent hours looting buildings in Cherno and Elektro today but didn't find a single box. Yet I found other 'rare' items, a few compasses, maps, so many binoculars I couldn't count.

It's the only thing I'm looking for now so I don't have to keep heading into populated areas in search of food.

Can anyone confirm that they are indeed spawning.

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I would have to think there are . At any given moment i can shit them out. They are everywhere .

Try the supermarkets I always seem to find them there.

Edited by shazbot04

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They do seem to be spawning at a reduced rate, but they are spawning.

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They are still spawning fine, the grocery stores are the places to find em!

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I keep finding them constantly, you're just unlucky.

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Thanks for confirming guys, I'll just keep looking. Been checking the supermarkets but will check again.

Anybody noticed an increased spawn rate of Makarov mags too? They're in nearly every loot pile I come across in standard buildings. Its pretty crazy.

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They've always been like that. It's one reason you find people walking around with a Makarov even when they have military grade loot. Finding ammo for it is easier than finding tin cans.

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I once found 3 tents before finding some fucking matches. It's just luck of the draw. They spawn in supermarkets. I can't believe I found 3 fucking camping tents and not matches.

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