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New types of looting sites

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As it was already confirmed, the crashed heli site won't be the only loot spawn in the wilderness. So before the stand alone game is finished, we could come with some ideas of new, randomly spawned, looting sites for the mod, which would use already existing units and stuff from the original game.

So if you have some tips, you can contribute here.

For example:

Crashed ambulance

- Used units: either the HMMWV or S1203 ambulance model

- History: it could have been transporting wounded or infected people to hospital, but it never reached its final destination

- Loot: obviously medical supplies, one or two boxes

- Spawn place: on any highway or 1st class road, outside the cities

- Sites per server: about three or four, one for each hospital could be enough

VIP transport

- Used units: SUV, pmc contractors (dead bodies)

- History: they were trying to rescue some VIP - bussinessman, rockstar (the model actually exist) or politician

- Loot: can vary from medium to best weapons and ammo (depending on who they were rescuing), canteens, food and water, map, gps...

- Spawn place: on any highway or 1st class road, outside the cities

- Sites per server: two should be enough

Military convoy

- Used units: destroyed URALs and UAZs

- History: reinforcements and supplies to the army, which have met a very sad end

- Loot: can vary from medium to good weapons and ammo, canteens, food and water, map, radio, backpacks, jerry cans...

- Spawn place: on any highway or 1st class road, outside the cities

- Sites per server: two or three

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I kinda like it... would be sick to find some new types of looting sites

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i like those ideas. Instead of zombie soldiers around a crashed heli, you have zombie medics around an abondoned ambulance.

I do believe there needs to be more medical supplies available further north( just one or two)

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All of these ideas are good and I would like to see them implemented. They could provide more loot up north and also they could provide players with an incentive to go further inland to get supplies and such if they aren't find any in the major cities.

I wouldn't like their to be too good weapons in these loot spawns though.

I'd like to see basic medical supplies like you said for ambulances.

I'd like to see average to not bad weapons in the VIP, nothing too fancy.

Finally I'd like to see mostly supplies at these spawns, but occasionally a good rifle.

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Would love to see the dead military all over the map actually have loot spawn on them.Was crawling thru thick grass in a small town and stumbled upon one and thought how hidden this body was that it would make a great find.

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Good Ideas. Here's another one.

Policie Car/URNA Van.

- Used units: Policie cars and/or URNA Van (SWAT)

- History: the police and SWAT units that stayed behind and were over run

- Loot: Pistols and Rem870 for Policie cars and medium grade military weapons in the URNA Vans (MP5, Rem870, MP5SD, M4A1, M16A3)

- Spawn place: on any highway or 1st class road, outside the cities

- Sites per server: 2 Vans / 3-4 Cop Cars

Edited by Riordin

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